Hackettstown wrestling

Anyone know whats going on with the wrestling team? Seems like there are a lot of forfeits. There also seems to be wrestlers missing since beginning of the season. COIVD? Injuries?

danny zucko danny zucko
Jan '22


"The Tigers are in a rebuilding mode after going 9-2 and winning the NJAC’s Colonial division in Rodgers’ final season. Berringer said his team’s forfeits were a product of injuries and losing a number of talented wrestlers to graduation.

“The kids we do have are working hard,” Berringer said."

ianimal ianimal
Jan '22

no feeder program , dont run any tournaments, dont wrestle in the off season, dont go to camps ,dont go to clubs, dont have weight lifting program, very little interest from the administration,Didnt the football team go 0 for.....got shut out by Warren Hills....embarrassing

wrestlref wrestlref
Feb '22

Takes support from the parents as well as support from the community.
Apparently, Hackettstown sports has neither.
On another note:
I understand that the perfect coach for the Tigers Football team has been identified.
Aware of all current offensive & defensive schemes;
Steeped in the most up to date training techniques;
Always knows what the other team is going to run;
Unfortunately, they can’t get him to put his popcorn down, leave the stands and join the team on the sidelines.

Stymie Stymie
Feb '22

No feeder program? Hmm not sure where you got that info from but you’re completely wrong. Wrestling has a strong feeder program. They have close to 60 kids wrestling and didn’t miss a season the past 2 years with covid.

Tiger wrestling club.

Another Clueless HL poster

Jim L Jim L
Feb '22

Eight first period pins?
Isn’t that pretty much the score if the team stays on the bus?
Feeder program?
Such a commitment to Tiger Greatness.
Gonna blame this on the Coach, like the football results?

Stymie Stymie
Feb '22

they lost 79-0 to a Warren Hills team that beat Del Val 57-3 and Pburg 35-15.

Del Val is the #1 seed in Central Group 1 and Pburg is the #1 seed in N2 Group 5 in the upcoming Sectional team tournaments.

this is a once in a generation Warren Hills squad. I wouldn't judge Hackettstown's program on that result.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '22

I'll give parents some advice. If you want your kid to be good at a sport, either work with them or pay someone to work with them. I taught my son to play baseball from the time he was 2. By tee ball he was crushing everything. By age 9 he played in his first all star game in Warren Hills. By age 11 I had him do travel ball in Long Valley even though they were biased and put him on a weaker team. By 7th grade I paid for him to play club ball. I paid for that through high school. It's not cheap. Well now you have a ding ding ding moment. Hackettstown was more worried about making sure sports cost residents 5 bucks than come up with competitive baseball. Now there's Tiger Baseball travel teams, but that didn't exist when my son was younger. But because I invested in my son, he became the single season homerun champ in Hackettstown with 10 homers in 2016 and hit 16 homeruns in 2 years of Varsity. He went on to play at County College of Morris and broke that single season homerun record with 18 in 2019. The guy who had it before him was a former major leaguer that set it in 1985. Major league teams were looking at him. After that season he hurt his non throwing shoulder and had surgery. 2020 and 2021 he had to find himself again, by the summer of 2021, back to his old form crushing everything until they started pitching around him. Now he's 22 and playing a final season with Felician University. He feels great and playing for a team that he likes.

My point is, make an investment in your kids. If people want Hackettstown sports to flourish, you can't be a warm weather athlete. Put the work in. Parents pay for what the athlete needs. I think about some of the Hackettstown baseball players that my son played with. Had some of the starters on the teams did what my son did, they could have been better.

Metsman Metsman
Feb '22

Wouldn’t the tiger wrestling club be considered a feeder program?

Feb '22

It seems to be rec league level... ~45-150 pounders K though 8

I don't THINK (but I could be wrong) that they compete in the advanced 7th-8th grade only leagues with weight classes starting at 70 pounds up to 240 HWT classes. It's a big jump in competition level from the rec stuff.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '22

its both rec and competitive.

They have a novice level K-8 for beginners and then Competitive level Tri-County K-8 for more competitive kids that do tournaments. Had a few kids on the competitive team qualify for states this year.

It's probably one of the better run feeder programs in town.

Jim L. Jim L.
Feb '22

I'm always concerned that the HS wrestling kids are reading this. Shouldn't we respect their efforts and not bash them?

Jim KIng
Feb '22

Yes, Hackettstown wrestling has a feeder program and has for years. You can obtain more information on their website https://www.leaguelineup.com/miscinfo.asp?menuid=30&url=tigerwrestlingclub
You can see from this page that they have novice, JV and Varsity levels.
They wrestle in two leagues K-6 (Northwest) & K-8 (Tri-County). They compete in meets and tournaments throughout the season. Kids have the opportunity to qualify and compete in States www.usawnj.com. This program has produced multiple place winners and a state champ!
The High School team has multiple kids out for inquires (two competed in Regionals last year). Some kids are out for Covid or exposure to Covid).

wrestlingmom wrestlingmom
Feb '22

Tiger Wrestling Club is the feeder program to HHS! They have been around for decades. It is NOT a year round program like the private wrestling clubs are. Thus, the program is a quasi Rec/club program! They have three levels of wrestling (novice/JV/Varsity). The league Tri-County (K-8) and North West Jersey (K-6) that they wrestle in are the MOST competitive leagues in NJ. There are no private club teams in these leagues as it mirrors HS-all town/regional area schools. The fully committed wrestlers also wrestle for the private clubs in the off season where they travel out of state to compete. @ianimal-the league you speak of is the grade school league which is 5th-8th…yes it is competitive; however, it is not as competitive as Tri County…every town puts their best kid their lineups…in the grade school league some teams do not use their best (ie Mt Olive and others)

Like anything, as Metsman stated, the more you work at something the better you become at it. Tiger Wrestling Club encourages kids to train year round. In fact this past season, Tiger Wrestling Club, offered the youth wrestlers a discount to wrestle at Iron Horse or Force Wrestling. Through the club’s outstanding fundraising efforts they were able to help wrestling families with the cost of the private club fees. There are some pretty good young wrestlers in the pipeline! Now more than ever the youth program and HHS wrestling are working together to get our kids better!
And Jim L is correct…Tiger Wrestling was THE ONLY YOUTH SPORT IN TOWN UNINTERRUPTED DURING THE PANDEMIC! They rented out space at Force Wrestling in Mt Olive when the school would not allow us to wrestle in their buildings. So yeah..Tiger Wrestling Club IS FULLY COMMITTED to getting our youth ready for HHS!

Patience Hackettstown…the young beasts are coming!

Dave row Dave row
Jul '22

@metsman… good things are coming for HS baseball too! The travel baseball program (Hackettstown Youth Travel Baseball) works in conjunction with the HS and Colonial Little League… We have teams from 7u thru 17u. In fact, the 7u team just had their second travel tournament this past weekend with two more tourneys to go. Travel baseball in Hackettstown has been going on for a few years now… Our town’s first ever 7u travel team is in 8th grade this coming school year… so in two years you will see these kids who will have all played together for 8 years competing together in HS…they are pretty good now…they will be even better in HS…like wrestling…the future is very bright for HHS baseball too!

Dave Row Dave Row
Jul '22

how does HHS finish 10th out of 10 at the Morris Knolls tournament?

wrestlref wrestlref
Dec '23

Because 9 teams were better!

Cantwinthemall Cantwinthemall
Dec '23

The team is very young with a lot of new faces, many getting their first HS matches this past weekend. We had just 6 kids compete in Varsity brackets. 3 of our more experienced wrestlers were at Beast of the East in DE. We use these opening tournaments to gain experience and mat time so team score isn't the focus. They're all working very hard and learned a lot this weekend. Something to build on. If you're in the area, come out and support the kids tonight as they open up with a tough Kittatinny team at home. 5pm JV, 6pm Varsity.

Dec '23

The 24/25 HS wrestling program has a full roster again this year with approximately 32 student athletes on the roster. The majority of wrestlers are freshman and sophomores and only 2 seniors with just a handful of juniors. So it is a young team with just a few of wrestlers who have a lot experience from wrestling in the youth program, Tiger Wrestling Club and private clubs. One of the seniors and two sophomores (who both broke the HHS freshman win record with 29 each last year) will be the anchors of the team. Expect a few to make it to Regions and hopefully a couple make it to States. Losing a few key seniors to graduation last year doesn’t help with a bid into the team sectional playoffs. Next year if the newbies work hard in the off-season and stick with it the team will be much more competitive as a whole!

The youth program from what is displayed on Facebook is thriving, but most are still young and not anywhere close to starting HS.

HHS Wrestling Fan HHS Wrestling Fan
Dec '24

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