Jimmy The Fish

Does anyone remember the old home seafood delivery guy Jimmy the Fish?

SomethingFishy SomethingFishy
Jan '23

I'll bite.... When and where was this person conducting business?

I remember Jimmy and his little green van!
He as a nice guy!
Who remembers Mr. Quick. He went around selling produce from his truck.

Bob Kunkel Bob Kunkel
Jan '23

My parents frequently bought fish from him.
He delivered right to your home and seemed to have a thriving business
In our neighborhood. He was well liked by everyone.

Now that I think of it, we had a weekly grocery order delivered from a food store on Main Street and a Dugan truck also had a weekly delivery, along with a milkman. Our neighbor had chickens and sold eggs to those in the neighborhood. It was a great time to be living in the Hackettstown area.

Spring fever Spring fever
Jan '23

What time frame was this?

Jimmy always had the freshest seafood. He was around in the 1970's

Robert Rowe Robert Rowe
Jan '23

I think it was mid fifties thru 60’s . I was no longer in the area after that.

Spring fever Spring fever
Jan '23

My sister who is 68 remembers Jimmy the Fish! Our mother worked on Main St across from the Food Basket (the old Rockaway Sales). Jimmy the Fish would stop by every Friday about noon and everyone on Main St would run to his truck to get fish! She thinks it was early 1960’s since she was still in St Mary’s school. I’ve only heard glorious tales of Jimmy and his Fish since I am younger. Thank you for reminding us locals of great memories of the good ole days!!

Alamuche Alamuche
Jan '23

"Jimmy The Fish" was James Cornish and he lived in Anderson. Very nice and friendly man.

Jan '23

i remember phil quick he had a old pickup and made the rounds with his name on the side of the truck it was his name P.QUICK. when the kids saw him they used to say.pee guick your pants are on fire.

That sounds like a 50's- 60's kind of thing. Simpler times for sure....

Jimmy the Fish came to our house on Fridays. My dad would cook dinner with what Jimmy was selling and it was always the best. We moved from Hackettstown in the mid 70’s.

Peggy C. Peggy C.
Jan '23

He used to come to our farm in the 60's went to school with his daughter. she used to work at shoprite. he come on fridays my mom always bought fish from him. great guy.

Phil Donaldson Phil Donaldson
Jan '23

Yes, I remember Jimmy and the "P. Quick" guy! What a simpler way of life back then.

Jan '23

I was just a kid in the 80's and remember him coming every Friday. He would show me how to process the fish and always threw me a buck or two for "helping".

SomethingFishy SomethingFishy
Jan '23

I remember him very well,very nice guy …he’d come every week wether you bought or not.

I also remember Jimmy the Fish when my family and I lived in Kenwood Village. Nice fresh fish for dinner the days he stopped by. We also had others that delivered or picked up back then.. during the .60s and 70s...Charles Chips, Mardenly Cleaners, milk delivery, etc.

joyful joyful
Jan '23

Yep. I remember Jimmy the Fish. James Cornish who lived on Anderson Rd in Mansfield. He would make the trip to Bronx Terminal Market in the early hours and bought his daily stock. His van was packed with ice, and if I remember correctly, if you asked, Jimmy would filet your fish on a flip down board on the side of his van. It was the 60's.

Jimmy was a great guy and sorely missed after he passed away.

william j saunders william j saunders
Jan '23

Neat! I had a lady who worked for us for many years at Waterloo. She passed a way in 2019 at the age of 71. I wonder if she was a daughter of Jimmy. Her name was Claudia. She lived there just off Anderson road as well. Was he a black man?

Yes he was black. We would invite in him for a few adult drinks from time to time….he was a great guy and hard worker. He had good quality fish and would filet too if you wanted.

I wish I could have been able to get to know him! A bit before my time unfortunately. He sounds like a great local guy who was well liked in the community he lived and worked in. I really wonder if he was related to Claudia. Her nickname was Bunny...

Jimmy was a lovely man. He always had a smile and something kind to say. His fish was always so fresh, and we looked forward to seeing him every Friday. I was a kid in the 70’ and early 80’s and remember him from that time frame.

Feelin old Feelin old
Jan '23

I remember Jimmy the fish and Phil quick.

Savage Savage
Jan '23

Loved Jimmy. He was still in business in the early 70’s when I moved to Independence Twp.

Mr. Cornish lived across the street from my family in Anderson. His wife and daughters often babysat my Brother and me. His aqua blue truck with a Fish painted on the side that resembled him would leave a stream of water (melted ice) down the street that smelled like,,,fish! He would often meet my Dad (Mickey Martin) down at the Anderson Hotel and have a few drinks before he had to go home and get some sleep before making his morning run to the markets in NY and Newark. He was kind, quick witted man that worked exceptionally hard to support his family. I think of him often.

Miles Martin Miles Martin
Sep '24

Yes, I remember both of these individuals. Both were very nice men. In addition to these two guys, there was the milkman and the Charlie Chip guy.

Magpie Magpie
Sep '24

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