Social/volunteer groups
Anyone belong to a social or volunteer group in the area. I’ve been looking to get out and meet some new people.
The warren County Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore needs volunteers every day.
I’m 52 so I guess something relevant. I’ve just found myself Spending to much time alone and looking to change that.
well - if you love dogs or cats -you can volunteer at a number of places - I volunteer at Father John's Animal House in Lafayette - dog walkers, cat socializers and much more- just a thought
MAYO Theatre in Morristown is currently looking for volunteers, if you don't mind the trip there.
If you like Railroads, you can volunteer at the Delaware River Railroad excursions in Phillipsburg. You can learn how to fix, run and work on the trains. You can interact with people on the train.
If you like history, you could also become a volunteer at the Hackettstown Historical Society Museum. Drop by whenever they're open and fill out a volunteer form and talk to a docent. The hours are currently 2pm-4pm Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. I'll be there this Sunday.
You could also attend one of our Society Meetings, the next one being at the American Legion Hall (upstairs) at 7pm, Tuesday Sept. 5th. The program is free, and is on the history of beer. Both Officers and Board Members are normally there, and you can speak with any of them about your interests.
I hope you find something that matches what you're looking for.
If you are interested in helping to save a life we are always looking for volunteers at Miller-Keystone Blood Center. We have varies drives in high schools and other businesses in Warren County. Our volunteers help hand out snacks, thank the donors and monitor the donors after their donation. Please feel free to reach out if you are interested.
Contact Trinity Methodist Church, they always have so much going on! Even for the thrift store and the thrift store warehouse.
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