Senior Tax Freeze changes

Some important legislation was passed this year regarding the Senior Tax Freeze (reimburses eligible senior citizens and disabled persons for property tax or mobile home park site fee increases) as follows (note eligibility increased from $100,000 to $150,000):

Important Program Changes Coming Next Year
P.L. 2023, c.75 which was signed into law June 30, 2023, expands the income limit and simplifies the residency requirements for new Senior Freeze program applicants.

Increases the income limit for the program to $150,000; and
Eliminates the requirement that an applicant must be a New Jersey resident for 10 consecutive years

Link for details:

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Dec '23

For anyone who does not know this!!
I sold my house in 2019 - all the information that I read said I had to be in my new house for 5 years before I could re-apply for the senior tax freeze. Turns out that is not true. If you go on (I really had to look around before I found this) you can apply again. So if you sold your house say in 2020 you are eligible to apply for the tax freeze for your new house in 2021
You have to submit form PTR-1C (Verification of Change of Main Home) and submit it with Form PTR-1 (Property Tax Reimbursement) Application.
Hope this helps someone!

Margaret Margaret
Dec '23

A source informs me that filing online under the new elgibility parameters (see 1st post) will be available sometime in February or March. This link will take you to information and "File Online" page:,year%20through%20the%20application%20year

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Jan '24

All you need to know:

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Feb '24

My question, even after reading the news release: What about the PTR-2 applications? I've been enrolled for several years, and I haven't received my PTR-2 booklet. Were they also delayed by these changes?
And, yes, I will try calling, but I'm not optimistic about reaching a person.
Perhaps someone on here would know the answer.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Feb '24

Lonesome Dove, you can file the PTR-2 online here:

The PTR booklets are mailed beginning February 12th .

2023 Applications

We will begin mailing Senior Freeze applications on February 12, 2024. If you do not receive your booklet by late March, you may contact us.

First-time filers or those who must reestablish a base year may print the PTR-1 application and/or instructions.

Feb '24

"Once you’re able to dig out from the snowstorm, be sure to check your mailbox for your Senior Freeze application.

The state started to mail the applications on Monday, Feb. 12, so most taxpayers should see them arrive soon....."


OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Feb '24

Mine came today. The income limit increased from $150,000 for 2022 - to $163,050 for 2023.

happiest girl
Feb '24

PTR-2 Booklet arrived in the mail today. It would have been helpful if, in all the news articles that were written, there had just been one sentence mentioning that the PTR-2 forms were also being mailed late. Everything I read only mentioned the PTR-1 forms, which is what the first-time applicants use. Just saying.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Feb '24

Just called for a little more info. I was told that first file your taxes, then fill out the PR1 form with info from 2022-2023 taxes. Then take the PR1 form to the local municipal building to get it signed and then it gets sent to NJ for filing. Geez. Jump through hoops much?

Has anyone else done this yet?

Local Gal Local Gal
Mar '24

Yep. Do it every year. Simple and easy.

Mr. Resident Mr. Resident
Mar '24

Mr. Resident

Thanks It sounded somewhat labor intensive, but if you say it’s simple, I’ll take your word for it.

Local Gal Local Gal
Mar '24

After the first year, you should get a PTR-2 form in the mail to complete in order to renew your participation. There is a section that your tax collector has to complete. The rest of the form is easy to fill in information from your tax form info. Just know you will need to visit your tax collector's office to get this form completed every year.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Mar '24

Thanks Lonesome.

Local Gal Local Gal
Mar '24

I haven't done it yet but since you can submit it online I don't think you need to go to the municipality. The forms do say you have to get your tax amounts from the municipality if you don't have them.

OnTheEdge OnTheEdge
Mar '24

The paper form that I've been completing for several years requires the tax collector's confirmation, with her seal, of the taxes I paid that year. Not sure how the online form would include a verified confirmation from the tax collector. Since I do not file online, I can't comment about that.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Mar '24

The guy I spoke with at said even if you do the online form, it still has to be printed out, taken to the municipal office to be signed and notarized

Local Gal Local Gal
Mar '24

Just did it online and the proof you use of taxes paid is the postcard sized tax assessment card you got in the mail in January . You just take a digital pic of it put it into your computer and click the browse files link for proof of taxes paid and click on the image of the card . Net taxes billed for 2023 were - the amount following that
is what you put in for taxes paid as it is the same number from the tax assessor . It already had the freeze amount on it and automatically subtracted the numbers to give the refund amount . Nowhere did it say a notary stamp was needed from the tax assessor . If they contact me and say it is needed I'll take the form over to get it notarized and take a pic of it and email it to them .

Mar '24

Not notarized. When the tax collector (not assessor) completes their section, they have a "seal" they use that authenticates their signature. It's similar to the seal a notary uses, but it's not the same thing as getting something notarized.
I guess if you are more tech savvy than I am AND have a printer and/or a cell phone for taking pictures of things, etc., then doing it online is good.
If you don't understand all this stuff, then you can do it the old-fashioned way, like I do.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Mar '24

In retrospect I should have also included a pic of the property tax bill that you receive in late July - early August since you are given a link to add a second document . If you add up local , school , county , etc. the total comes out to the same amount on the assessment card . The online option processes in 2 days so I'll know soon if I need more proof .

Mar '24

For what it’s worth, I think the filing deadline is some time in October

Local Gal Local Gal
Mar '24

Filing before May 1st you will get the refund in July . After that payment goes into the Fall months - consult the schedule in the link below .

Mar '24

I filed the PR1 early April and checked my status on the website which says “Verified, check back in eight weeks” Is that 8 weeks from the July 15 date when checks were supposed to start mailing?

Local Local
Aug '24

I would check your status again in the box in the link below . If you mailed it in before May first it should be on it's way or being processed . I did mine entirely online and received it July 17th .

Aug '24

BAM. I checked online and by phone today and it just says my application was received. I filed April 5th

Local Local
Aug '24

The next step would be scheduling a phone appointment to talk to an actual person . I'm posting the link - I'm guessing you would want the second one after you click on senior freeze . Good luck .

Aug '24

BAM. Thanks for the link.

Local Local
Aug '24

BAM. FYI: I spoke with a rep and they found that my case was on hold because the property tax didn’t get scanned on their screen so they were going to fix it manually. Go figure.!
And of course she could provide a time frame

Local Local
Aug '24

Forget tax freezing in NJ. It's a sucker's game. Move to Delaware! Out taxes here are $900 a year and zero sales taxes.

We were paying $9k, so do the math how much extra money we will have over the next 10 years alone.

Steve Steve
Sep '24

Yeah, but you’re living in Delaware

Hadenough Hadenough
Sep '24


That's a great point there! With all due respect that I have ancestors that were from the Lewes area dating back to the 1700's (they moved to someplace called "Fort Pitt", lol) and maybe as far back as the 1600's, it has the 3rd lowest highest point in the US. I wasn't born a flatlander, so even though you have those nice sandy beaches, it's just too freakin' flat and boring! Nothing like some mountains nearby. Even if they aren't extremely high.

Phil D. Phil D.
Sep '24

Saw that my "check" has been issued as of 10/24/24.

Last year I received the payment electronically.

Am wondering how long it has taken for others to receive the payment after the system states a check has been issued.

Rudy, where do you go to learn that your check has been issued?

Parental+Unit Parental+Unit
Oct '24

still waiting

Parental unit

Here’s the link to check the status of the Senior Freeze

Local Local
Oct '24

So if your spouse is under age 65, and you are over 65 ,you are not eligible, correct?

cat lover cat lover
Oct '24

Re: Senior Tax Freeze changes

Cat Lover

According to eligibility requirements, You OR your spouse were 65 on December 31, 2022

Local Local
Nov '24

Anyone still waiting for their ANCHOR rebate? Mine says "Processing" for weeks.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Nov '24

I got my Anchor rebate 10 days ago yours should come sometime this month . If not make a telephone appointment in the link below .

Nov '24

Maybe some issue on their end, as today’s news states that there is now an extension for applying. Deadline is December 6.
The article also says the tool to check status is temporarily unavailable.
“Once the online tool is back up, you can check the status of your application.”
The ANCHOR hotline is 1-888-238-1233.

happiest girl
Nov '24

The ANCHOR rebate was auto-deposited into my bank account on 10/15. I think you should have received it by now.

Rob Durana Rob Durana
Nov '24

I received my Senior Freeze check today.
I filed online in April....

I filed online in early September. My status just says "Processing". I did not sign up for the electronic direct deposit, I opted to get a check. I didn't have much luck getting a human being on the phone, but the message said the reps don't have any add'l information anyway. Guess I just have to be patient.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Nov '24

YO LD did you receive that check yet?

Bernie Bernie
Nov '24

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