Hackettstown Urban Legends and All Weird Things
Anyone who's been a local for decades care to shed some light on Hackettstown urban legends, interesting people, weird incidents, or crazy stories?
I've read about Shades of Death, the Rockport train wreck, the biker club shootout, but would like to hear of anything interesting in a similar vein. Thank you very much!
With all due respect, there is a mixture both in the title and content of your post. There is both mystery and myth surrounding the origin of the name Shades of Death Road. However, the Rockport train wreck was in fact a very tragic event; not myth. The Elks Lodge shootout was a sad day in Hackettstown but could have been much worse in terms of loss of life.
Feb '24
There was the Hooker Man at the bottom of hill in Long Valley. We used to walk the abandoned RR tracks to look for the orbs of light that indicated the lantern of a RR worker looking for his lost hand. Saw something several times, the lights always disappeared before we reached them.
Haunted bridge on Snyder Road about 200 yards off of Rockport Road. Park your car on the uphill side of bridge, downhill lane side of road after midnight. Sit quietly in car, keys out of ignition, lights off and someone may rock your car. We had something happen there one night that was very exhilarating. There was a loud bang on the trunk and then it took 4 or 5 tries at starting the car. No marks on the trunk, but we were glad he didn't flood the car. Some would put baby powder on trunk and bumper to try and capture prints or tracks. We didn't.
It was always fun, even exciting at times, I guess the swamp gas explanation or police put an end to the Hooker Man. As for Snyder Rd, maybe a neighbor would see the headlights and would sneak up and fulfill the legend for the kids. I wouldn't advise going to either spot now, we were free then, they don't take you to your parents for punishment anymore.
One eyed Poacher-I have never heard of the haunted bridge on Snyder Rd. I lived on that road for years and never had anything remotely haunting or that cool happen.
Feb '24
Hi WC,
I meant no intention of offending anyone, I am from the area and realize how tragic both of those events were. My apologies. I'm looking for local stories, lore and generally interesting things from the town's history.
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