Grand & High
They moved the left turning lane stop line on High to Main Street forward. I don’t think tractor trailers will be able to make a a left from Main Street onto High.
Yes! Noticed that too! Agree that it will be a problem for when big trucks need to make a turn!
I saw the semi turning right onto high Street today and it was really close. I can see it being an ongoing issue They definitely shouldn't have moved the line forward so much.
That is dumb what they did, however, it probably won't be the regular drivers that get in an accident, it will be someone not familiar with the area and try to cut the corner. Time will tell.
If I'm first in line heading south on High Street, I'm stopping a full car length short of the stop bar, lol.
That's all it was moved forward, about a car length. I too have and would also stop a generous space back from the stop line as well. With all that said I would gather when applying the traffic control elements, DOT has an idea of what will and won't be able to be navigated at that intersection.
Greg, I've gone through 6 years of aerial photos on Nearmap. There only ever was one car length between the straight/right stop bar and the left turn stop bar. Are you saying they're both at the same location now?
ianimal- Correct. The new left turn lane stop line was simply moved up about a car length to align with the existing stop line for the straight/right turn lane.
bubba- LOL!
"Department Of Thinking?"
They had to swap it with the lines down by the 57 intersection.
What I saw on facebook, it showed a picture of the lines. The person stated that the right turn lane line was moved back to align with the old left turn line. You could see where they tried to cover up the old lines,making be think that this person had it correct, as to what really changed at that intersection.
I agree with Magpie, at least from what I could see from pictures I saw. My question is why did they even have to move the right hand stop line at all? Again, seems like someone was fixing what wasn't broken.
Hmm. I didn't notice that. I walked across Main Street at that intersection yesterday and glanced over. I'll take another look and report back. LOL
The intersection has a facebook account?
They wanna fix broken? Change the stop sign at 1st and Valentine to let the majority of traffic on 1st to be unimpeded and the minority of traffic on Valentine face a stop sign. At least that one would help the many at the cost of a few and probably save some gas and pollution too.

My guess is that they needed to re-align the crosswalk to connect the two red detectable warning surfaces, which resulted in them needing to move back the right turn stop bar to comply with required separations from crosswalks.
Aerial photo dated June 20, 2024

This photo clears it up. The left turn lane was moved forward a generous car length. The right turn lane was moved back a foot the the center angling back to the curb.
As I took this photo this morning a tractor trailer easily made the left from 46 west onto High Street- with a car at the stop line.
I was at that intersection today, and from almost everyday experiences there, I noted that yes indeed, the right/straight lane had been moved back a small amount, but the left turn had been brought forward a large amount, perhaps a full car length.
Indeed, looking at Greg's pictures, the top one shows the preliminary markings for the new lines, being set back about 3-4' from the old Rt./St. line, and being straight across both lanes. The new left turn lane line split the difference between the prelim. line and the old line, then angled back to the prelim. line on the curbside of the Right turn lane.
That part makes sense for the (hopeful) safety of pedestrians and those who are wheelchair-bound that need to go from the marked safety region which has the ramps, just as Ian mentions. However, when you look at Greg's 2nd pic, you can see how the older Left turn lane's stop line was moved a good car length ahead, ostensibly to get more traffic through by having that lane closer to the main part of the intersection.
If we're all lucky, having the lane more forward will let traffic move through the left turn from High St. more easily, and drivers making the left from 46E will be able to judge the turn better by seeing that there's actually a car in that lane, and it's not just a single lane coming through. Before, the turn lane was hidden by being back so far. Not an issue, if you're from the area and know that intersection, but for visitors and newbies, it may be a surprise to see that lane appear only when you're well into the turn.
Making a right onto High from 46W looks as though it's a tighter go now too.
Jim L
Hopefully they'll retime the Mountain Ave. light too. Only 4 cars, following each other fairly closely got through the light around 6pm. 6 very loosely spaced cars came through from Willow Grove. Couldn't count the ones on Main, but that's the main artery, so obviously they should have more time with a green light.
From Rt. 57 by the Diner on your right side, now that is a 2-left turn lane going towards WaWa? It never was before, or the line wore out?
On RT 57 it was always one left turn lane and one right turn lane. Than is going to be issues. That will cause accidents.
Going south on Rt 182 (in front of the bagel place) DOT moved back the left lane stop line at least a car length. There were always cars cutting it close that were turning left but maybe it was done to facilitate the two lanes turning left now from 57.
The State need to change the timing on the willow grove light from 13 seconds to a little more so more than 5 or 6 cars or 1 big truck goes through
Anyone know when the state is coming back to move the line back? I was at the intersection today & watched a car who had pulled right up to the line to make a left & had to move as a large truck had trouble turning because of where the line is now!
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