
Has anyone in Hackettstown or Independence seen a drone overhead? I heard something the last two nights around midnight. Was inside so couldn’t see anything, but it was flying low, had a buzzing sound, and was flying in the opposite direction of the flight path or helicopters to the hospital. Sounded like a WWI prop plane, sort of.

Don’t know if it was a drone so thought I’d ask.

Grayson Grayson
Dec '24

Some people on the Nextdoor site reported seeing some over M+M Mars/ Towpath Apartment area, Donaldson’s Farm, and by the hospital.

happiest girl
Dec '24

2 days ago MSNBC had a story on an Amazon facility in Arizona working on drone deliveries being tested they were very big sure looks like what the sightings are describing

eapos eapos
Dec '24

2 or3 days ago MSNBC had a story about an Amazon facility in Arizona where they are testing very large drones for delivery purposes sure looked like what these sightings describe

eapos eapos
Dec '24

There are stories all over the place including the NYTimes about the drones- large numbers - all over the place- no logical explanations yet

4catmom 4catmom
Dec '24

There was one spotted by old Dukes Landscaping at 5:30 am

I saw 4 or 5 this evening at Lowes. One was low enough to hear. Sounded like a miniature helicopter. Another one went dark as I was watching it. The Lights went off before my eyes. Very strange.

Dec '24

We're over by Camp Bernie and have them every night. All up and down Pleasant Grove Road also.

kelleo22 kelleo22
Dec '24

Hundreds have been seen all over NJ. Locally in Warren, Sussex and Morris County. Recently, 12 large drones followed a large Coast Guard ship in NJ. Tonite someone saw 6 in Panther Valley.

There are tons of news articles and videos of the House Committee Hearings about all the recent drones

Local Local
Dec '24

There are a lot of drones out tonight.

Dec '24

Woh! Never seen anything like this in the 20 years I've lived in Great Meadows! Those were not planes that I've ever seen before.

Dec '24

What if all those industrial drones were just JCP&L checking high tension power lines?

Dec '24

It appears that many of the reported sightings are actually manned aircraft, operating lawfully.

John Kirby John Kirby
Dec '24

"What if all those industrial drones were just JCP&L checking high tension power lines?"

At night? Don't think so LOL

The only logical explanation is they are OURS, they are some sort of new program so secret that most political leaders don't know about it- including the spokesperson from the Pentagon. They either don't know or they are lying outright. There is NO WAY someone in our govt doesn't know what they are, who's they are, and where they came from. Which means they are ours.

The only other alternative is unthinkable: that they are NOT ours, and our government is just too incompetent to know anything (intel) or DO anything about it. If that's the case, everyone at the Pentagon and Homeland Security needs to be fired YESTERDAY.

The concerning part of it all is... WHAT are they doing? Surveilling US citizens? Only at night? Why? I don't trust the govt at all. Something very fishy is happening.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Dec '24

Something very fishy indeed. I think he's a Pisces and he's working for scale waiting to be fried.

babbit babbit
Dec '24

After Covid, I believe our government is capable of doing anything

Philliesman Philliesman
Dec '24

There were several last night over mansfield village. They didn't have the green lights aircraft usually have and had an odd blinking pattern. I watched it go over head and saw all angles of it. There were a few hovering as well. At one point I counted 12 aircraft in the sky and went on flight radar 24 and only saw 4 planes on the radar. Now they could have been 8 private planes out without their transponder on, but I doubt that.

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

Lots of action in Mansfield last night between 7:30-8:30 appeared to be near Hazen Road / Rockport.

I saw a documentary a few weeks ago on PBS about UAP’s with credible information from navy military, and pilots. They spoke about UAP’s that are emerging from the ocean. The drones in NJ are reported to come from the direction of the ocean so it made me try to find the documentary online. I believe the drones are coming from under the ocean. While I have not found that particular documentary online yet, I found an extraordinary 2 1/2 hour hearing that took place November 13, 2024 by the Committee on Oversight and Accountability. “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth”
When you open the site, it will say ‘starting soon’ and has a running time that starts around 11:25am. When it reaches about 11:37am, it begins. As I said, it runs for 2 1/2 hours but if you want to know what is going on, watch it.

happiest girl
Dec '24

I live just past the tunnel in Mansfield and we saw 5 of them flying over, not low enough to make it out.

Patti Patti
Dec '24

Re: Drones

Dozens of drones over Panther Valley last night...the sound of one coming overhead was a low humming noise...a few seemed to follow Mallard Drive over the newer section...

zentravl zentravl
Dec '24

I have been taking pictures of them with regularity since November 30…. Mostly over donaldsons and down by the airport road area but I have also seen them from the center of town as well. Filed a report with the FBI and they recommend we keep filing and send video if we capture it. The FBI contact REQUIRES that you share a lot of location information and that may inhibit some from reporting.

Carrie Carrie
Dec '24

Jake54 & JeffersonRepub

One of the theories I initially had put forth in another forum was that it could be JCP&L , or a government entity, such as the DEP. etc. doing an IR (infrared) energy survey, and/or recognize hot spots where fires may start.

Infrared video would show hot spots in power lines and transformers, possibly also showing stresses on lines.
It would also be able to monitor other areas of excessive heat that may host spontaneous combustion. This would be invaluable in recognizing areas where fires could start, especially since we haven't quite gotten up to our normal yearly average rainfall.

Of course it could also be a DEA method helping to identify illegal "grow houses", etc., via heat leakage from places.

IR works best at nighttime, or at least allows various sources of heat to stand out like a beacon. It could even be used for a wildlife census.

There are a lot of various reasons they could be being deployed that aren't nefarious at all, even having testing of delivery drones, air taxi service, or evacuation in emergency circumstances, that a helicopter may not be able to reach. It depends on payload size, weight, etc.

Phil+D. Phil+D.
Dec '24

Phil, so many all at the same time frame? In so many places? It's odd and disconcerting.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Dec '24

Phil- news is reporting they are emanating from over the ocean.

happiest girl
Dec '24

They are out tonight. It's easy to spot them if you get a radar app. I recommend flight radar 24. Then orient your self with a compass so you can tell the direction the object is going. If they don't show on the app there are only 3 things it can be. First a gov craft, second a private plane not turning on their transponder, or these drones, we'll i guess a 4th if you believe the alien idea ha. It is concerning and they are everywhere.

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

Phil the big theory is that this is a test for searching for a dirty bomb or other small nuclear device. The theory is these drones have sensors to pick up minute radiation signatures. I guess the more out there theory is that it's aliens ha but who knows at this point. The dods press conferences were interesting as they said they are not a threat but they don't know what they are. They are not foreign entities. The big one was if you listened closely they said it's not military but they didn't say it wasnt nsa or Cia or other divisions we don't know about. I've also tried taking pics but it never comes out well. I hope someone has a good camera or a telescope that can take pics. Or for someone to fly a drone up but people have said they have tried and the battery drains as they get close, don't think that was confirmed though

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

YesimPc — Well, the oversight.house.gov link I posted yesterday takes some time commitment to watch - however, I found a link to one of the 5 minute opening statements online. It is the written text, not a video.
If you don’t believe in UAP’s you are just not informed.

happiest girl
Dec '24

Sorry, that was the link to the hearing. Here is the opening written text:

happiest girl
Dec '24

Oh i definitely do. There has been a lot of military video of them. They have a lot that needs to be released. Also every drone I've seen has looked different. There are some crazy conspiracy theories that maybe not so crazy about the ocean theory. If you want a crazy story here's one https://imgur.com/a/4chan-whistleblower-NXjWQaN you can google 4chan whistleblower for more

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

Geez, now they’re in Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, Florida, California.

happiest girl
Dec '24

They have been spotted everywhere. Off the top of my head, I know texas and some places in Europe. I know there are other states too but I cant remember exactly.

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24


happiest girl
Dec '24

4Chan? So a faked up post last year of a completely unrelated photo from 20 years ago is evidence they claim that there is an under the water ship manufacturing drones spontaneously. And it has been doing it for well over 100 years. Yet no one has noticed all of them in the skies for over 100 years. And by the way they have the ability to destroy anything that comes near it and some how "disappear for days if approached aggressively".

This is why it's next to impossible for things like this to be investigated for real. Besides the everyday descriptions of peoples experiences, there are others with clear fakes. For every bobcat picture with a branch mistaken for a long tail, there is some guy who took photos of a Colorado trail cam and said "look! look at what we saw in our NJ backyard".

With so many phones today, take a video. Send it in. We need more of that and less 4Chan.

A lot of contrails in the sky this morning.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Dec '24

So I just saw something on Facebook...made me think.

Said that a report was released and then taken down that the drones are sweeping the state for nuclear devices.

This does makes sense since the government keeps telling us that they pose no threat to the public.

But I am still not sure, but it is something to think about.

The protocol for a downed drone is to have the bomb squad come retrieve it and for the public to stay away from it since there might be radiation given off.

Then the report also stated that 2 way radio communication might be interrupted...really makes me think that this might be the reason they are around.....far too many questions with no answers.

I mentioned that was a conspiracy theory and it linked up with what was going. I even said it was crazy. It was just an odd coincidence. Also there have been legitimate leaders that have posted on 4chan. It's not just all racists and incels, haha. I also mentioned the dirty bomb sweep test. Not that there was one, but as a test if their was one. That one has more weight to it with Iran's attempt on Trump. I'm not even a supporter of him but I would not put it past a very desperate Iran right now to be thinking of doing something like that. The thing is there is no information and it's obvious that the government knows more then they are saying. How do they know they are not a threat and not doing anything illegal as per the press conference yesterday's but then say they don't know where they are coming from or what their purpose is?

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

I also have reported each one I have seen to the fbi but the pictures I have taken come out horrible and do not match what I see with my own eyes. Each one has been different. Honestly just look outside at night with flight radar open. Yes, some can just be planes without a transponder on but that's illegal under 18k feet. More likely the ones you see that don't match the flight paths are government planes or the drones themselves. Yes they have said that the drones do mess with radio waves and that it drains the the batteries of drones that have tried to make contact. Again as I said before that hasn't been confirmed. Just for you GC here's more conspiracy theories, https://www.reddit.com/r/NJDrones/s/8UfQeXzpuw

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

Why even bother with fake conspiracies that are filled with posts that are ads for Mine Craft and other games? More of the same. Not even off the ground...

Do you not know what reddit is? How do you know that's fake? The government sure as hell is giving us answers. The Washington township mayor was just on the radio calling for shooting them down as are other mayors and sheriff's. How do you know any of what I posted is fake. I doubt you read the concepts and just dismissed it. I don't believe it's aliens and UAP just means unidentified and it's a craft. It doesn't even mean flying only know as they have Government reports of water crafts doing the same. I do believe it's government testing and want answers as to why.

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

Did you read the testimony Luis Elizondo gave at the hearing on November 13, 2024?
In it, he said:
“advanced technologies not made by our government — or any other government — are monitoring sensitive military installations around the globe.”
“U.S. is in possession of UAP technologies.”

happiest girl
Dec '24

On tonight's news


Dec '24

If these UAPs are extraterrestrial and traveled thousands of light years to get here, why would they need lights, on their crafts? With that kind of technology, I’d think they’d have the ability to stay invisible to our eyes. Of course , with infinite possibilities, regarding space, almost anything is possible. I want to see more daytime observations. I think it’s a distraction, to either keep us in line…or something worse, with 2025 rolling in.

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Dec '24

Ill only entertain those ideas, we'll because they are entertaining, I guess the going theory is mimicry to ease themselves into our mind as they change over the course of the next coming weeks/months. What is find much more plausible is the nuke theory or testing a test for a search. I don't know why I just put 2 and 2 together but the activity here may be related to the nuclear reactor not too far away as well as Trumps Bedminster home. He sure as he'll won't step foot in Bedminster since it happened and he's now getting daily briefings. You don't have to like the guy to understand that china, Iran, Russia might want to shake things up even more as he moves in, even if they don't actually deploy any of those things. The main point is that the coast guard, personel from fort dix, piccatinny, sheriffs and other local law enforcement don't are definitely all not lying. They also don't shut down airports, one in nj one in ny, either for thise hobby drones that they now tell us they are now. That law got passed over a year ago and now we are seeing them but not before?

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

There were some over us on 12/17. We noticed them at about 10pm. Fairly high up, not at a typical hobbyist drone altitude. They were all station keeping, except one that moved around a bit.
One was pretty clearly visible in the moonlight. It was large and rectangular and might have been tilted a few degrees. There were at least ten.

Reggie+Voter Reggie+Voter
Dec '24

Special on NWSNA (News Nation) tonite, Dec. 21, 9pm. “Drones Over New Jersey” with Ross Coulthart from Sydney, Australia.

happiest girl
Dec '24

“All that glitters is not gold.”


Enough with the conspiracy theories.

Dec '24

https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/1hkeq7v/mayor_ryan_herd_on_nj_drone_fb/ you can p check out Mayor Ryan Herds Facebook to verify this. Why would the government deny his help? Why won't they give him answers?

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

Could the 12 Coastguardsmen at Barnegat who saw 8-10 Large drones, "not the kind people can afford", all be wrong? Are they unfamiliar with flying objects?

Dec '24

Re: Drones

As well as all the military base incursions. I have seen plenty of drones here already, last night was the first I got of an orb, this what it looked like zoomed in. It also turned to the right so I know it wasnt a satellite or star. It was moving very slow.

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

It’s all shrouded in secrecy. That is why Luis Elizondo resigned as Senior Intelligence Official and Counterintelligence Special Agent - so he could speak the truth about these matters.
I posted a link above of his testimony.
And even if you don’t watch the video to the other link I posted (ending with “exposing-the-truth”) — you can click on the word ‘document’ under the names of each of the 4 witnesses to read them.
Elizondo says these “drones” exhibit the 5 observables of UAP’s.
They can’t be seen on radar or drone detection devices.

happiest girl
Dec '24

If it is alien life, after they explain how they traveled light years and the harshness of space, why when they got here used some air displacement craft that looks just like our tech.

Roywhite Roywhite
Dec '24

The ywere over us again. 8pm Sunday.

Reggie+Voter Reggie+Voter
Dec '24

What if they are from an enemy country, and they have those bombing capabilities like the drones in Gaza, Israel, Ukraine and Russia? I wonder if this is why they are not shooting them down?

Hackresident Hackresident
Dec '24

Roy white, from what I read the idea is they are doing a sort of soft roll out with crafts that we know to let us know they are here. That's why they constantly look are different and mimic our crafts. The theory goes on that within the next few months they will reveal themselves. Oh i also forgot that some of the drones are ours looking for them. The real thing to look for is the orbs though. They are weird, scrill up for my pic of one.Do I subscribe to this theory i stated before, no not at the moment. I think something strange is going on though and the government knows more then they are saying and are discrediting real sightings by flooding the internet with those obvious plane sightings to confuse most of us. That i do believe

YesimPc YesimPc
Dec '24

Are the drones still around or are they gone? Haven’t heard anything about them for about a week

Wondering Wondering
December 30th

Saw a string of lights above my house by the College: 6:45pm, blinking in sequence, they appeared to be connected. Definitely not a plane, or string of satellites, as they were blinking, and moving very slowly. Then turned off and was not visible. Attached are the pictures.

Re: Drones

Picture from above post

Jupiter is to the right of the lights, that is not part of the sequence.

Re: Drones

I saw the same as well Chris, and I’m by the college too…and the pictures parallel the starlink supposedly moving thru our area…. I have picture as well… it was a bit overwhelming to be honest

Correction, Jupiter is on the left.

I have seen that before and saw it tonight. I always thought it was the star link satellite, no?

Re: Drones

Hey Chris that was a Starlink satellite chain

Thanks for the info. This is what I thought. Sounds and looks like it, but can they flash in a repeating sequence? Never saw that before. Probably starlink, but very strange.

Chris S. Chris S.
January 1st

You can go to FindStarlink.com and see the dates & times that the train is visible here. There is a good chance of seeing it for the next 4 evenings.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
January 1st

Thanks, I'll try FindStarlink.com, also looking for a good satellite tracking app. Curious to see if the repeats.

Chris S. Chris S.
January 1st

Are we done? Drones fly away?

Roywhite Roywhite
January 15th

I see tons of them every night. Hackettstown, Mansfield, Long Valley, Chester

Just saw a large one Monday over Mansfield.

no, saw them again 2 nights ago with the full moon....several in the sky...

zentravl zentravl
January 16th

Any drones ever Follow you? like if you walk 1 block, it follows you. You walk back and it follows you and stops when you do. Is this legal? Next time, is this something to call the police about?

Hackresident Hackresident
February 20th

Yes, please ask the police to investigate this drone, close enough to confirm its an unmanned aircraft, that is definitely stalking you. They'll get right on it!

There was a very interesting segment on "60 Minutes" tonight about the drones people were seeing here and in other areas. We were not crazy, or nuts, or seeing things. And, of course, the government wasn't up front with us.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
1 week ago

I see lots of them every morning & evening commuting from Mansfield to Chester and back.

It bugs me that it’s old news, but they are still here. Definitely nefarious and I feel like we are sitting ducks.

I know some people feel they are airplanes or private drone operators. You’re welcome to your opinion. I just disagree.

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