Looking for new primary care physician

Looking for a new primary care physician for my wife and I in the Hackettstown area. Any suggestions would be appreciated

Voice of the valley Voice of the valley
December 17th

Hackettstown Medical (908) 979-0050

I’ve not found anyone to match Dr Rygelski yet and my health has suffered as a result, if anyone’s managed to replace her yet I’d love a rec too

An older discussion of the same subject is here:


I use Excel Urgent Care in Chester. Not a zoo like H-town versions, can get appointments, really good for simple stuff like sore throats, etc.

I have a primary too, but wait time, whether to get an appointment or waiting in the office with an appointment is bad. You wait an hour. I do like him so supplement with Excel when end-of-day or worse is the appointment offer.

I miss Dr. Rygelski!! I started seeing the NP in the practice there, Janine Ruppert, and she is great!

Well..If you don't mind long commutes


Dr. Merkle and his excellent PAs................Hub, male friend and I are most pleased with them.......

Warren County Medical Associates (WCMA)
Suite 1575 Panther Valley Mall Route 517

Great Doctors and staff.

Keith DeTombeur Keith DeTombeur
January 4th

Gosh I miss Dr. David Rygielski :( He was my pcp for my parent's and I since we immigrated here. Always was more holistic and natural, a rare trait in docs these days. Dr. Brett is getting up there in age too and Gail has already retired. Would love a recommendation as well, more for my husband. Thank you!

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