Car shipping

Need to ship my car from NJ to California any recommendations on who to use.. price and reputation?

This one is easy. Call Todd Carlisle at 954-271-0287. I’ve shipped multiple cars with his company and he will explain all the options (enclosed vs open etc) and take care of your car.

January 12th

I can only offer advice.
Read the reviews first before hiring anybody.
I read them but took a chance based on price and found out the bad reviews were correct. so first off my experience was with a west coast to east coast motorcycle shipment. the company cancelled twice and on the 3rd date my pickup contact on the west coast couldn't be there so the shipping company said that would be a fine added if they can't do the pickup, nevermind their two missed pickups, that's just business. it took over a week past the new dropoff date and when it arrived locally I was told it may take some time to drop off, excuses really. the warehouse is about 35 minutes from my home so I went and got the motorcycle myself. and was told we prefer that way anyway.

so please read the reviews first , they will tell the story

Please make sure that you are dealing solely with an auto shipping company. Many use third parties (brokers) who take your payments and then don’t pay the auto company. This happened to me and took over a month to get the payment from the broker to the correct party. The cost is high - over $1,800 to ship one car from NJ to West coast.

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