Ent dr.

Looking for recommendations for a ent. Dr have to have surgery.

Sunflower Sunflower
January 13th

Dr Gentile

Definitely Dr. Gentile. He is a very knowledge doctor with a great bedside manner. I was expecting to need surgery, but he advised against it and treated it with prescription meds and I am fine now.

Parental+Unit Parental+Unit
January 14th

Mena Abrahim, DO ENT and Allergy associates out of Bridgewater

Gentile is great but hard to get appointment in a timely fashion so no good if in a bit of a hurry.

I use Hunterdon Otolaryngology & Allergy Associates, but to tell you the truth, my ENT their just retired, so I cannot, yet, recommend a specific doctor. Sand Hill road before Flemington so pretty easy to get to.

Dr. Aroesty is the best. He has offices in Denville & Mount Arlington

Weebiekins Weebiekins
January 17th

I like Aroesty too, but I never get to see him.

USAfirst USAfirst
January 18th

Gentile is hardly gentle personality wise. Not the nicest doctor or the most helpful. Better to look for another doctor.

January 20th

Aroesty and his staff missed an orange size polyp in my husband's nasal cavity. Repeatedly.
Discovered and removed by Dr at Ear Nose and Throat hospital in NYC.

Blackcat Blackcat
January 22nd

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