Confetti Club?

My daughter has been invited by a few friends to go to this teen club in Randolph. I never heard if it and I listed the website below. Has anyones teen been there. Its credentials look good but would like to hear from another parent. I might go and tour before the even also as it staes you can.

Christine Christine
Jan '11

Re: Confetti Club?

Christine I would say do not let her go! GO on there fb page the girls end up in there bras the guys with no shirts my little cousins friend went home high on E and got taken to the hospital from there and my cousin who is 13 said she does not go because there are too many drugs and scumbags please consider viewing there fb page before allowing your daughter to go i would hate for something to happen.

( heres a pic from there site)

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

What a racket! 20 bucks a head to listen to a DJ spin some tunes.

Firefly Firefly
Jan '11

Re: Confetti Club?

This "teen club" compares to some of the clubs i go to as 21 and over in NY although they do not serve liquor would be the only difference

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

Re: Confetti Club?

not to mention they photograph minors wet and half naked and post them online hmmm i wonder what these girls dads would say if they say these

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

Shoebie if your niece was there how did she get in as the age limit is 14 to 18 yrs old? It also states that they have security (off duty police officers). They have to show a school ID and go thru a metal detector, and are checked for anything illegal. Large purses are not available and no gang colors etc.

ALso may I state that she will be with a group of girls she is best friends with.

Christine Christine
Jan '11

Shoebie, I clicked on your link and checked out their page. I don't see any thing bad. Am I missing something??

Christine, As stated my niece declined to go with her friends she could be 14 but i thought she was 13 so her age could have been part of the reason too. School id's do not state your age just your grade last one i had at least did not in high school ill check with my niece. I can not speak for the security as i have not been there since i was a teen and it was called obsessions but a pill can be hidden in a bra a sock etc it does not need to be in a large purse and can not be detected by a metal detector. Its usually the groups of girls that end up on stage together. Your daughter your call but the pics and info they display on there personal website does not properly. You seem like you have your mind set already that you feel this is a safe place for your daughter to go ....... You might want to ask them on your tour if you may go inside and get your daughter during teen night because you will not be allowed in the doors. you can give your child's name at the door and they will embarrass her by calling her name over the speakers telling her her mother is there and have her meet you outside as parents are not allowed inside during teen night because they really do not want you to know whats going on. If you read there "rules" it also says guys must wear shirts at all times while you can clearly see in the pics they do not follow their own rules.... again your daughter your call you asked for insight and i have had insight first hand as a teen there and again hearing stories from my niece and her friends...... good luck

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

Again I question has anyone had their chold there. Would rather talk to firsthand rather then by a third party.

Their rules are pretty strict. I have read thier website and have emailed them withmy concersn. ALso thier FB page does not seem to be by them. Its private. So not sure about that.

$20 to me for a night of dancing is pretty reasonable. Its here money as she works hard for it and has never been to a teen club to dance yet.

I wish I had the money to open one here in town!

Christine Christine
Jan '11

Clubs in general are not a good place for teens, young adults or even adult. Do not expose your daughter to somthing she might like and you may regret in the future. Think of it this way, what good can she get by going to a club.

SueR I posted 3 of the pics.... you have to click on there photo albums and they only post 1 pic from each event usually if that maybe you dont consider it bad but when my dd is 14 i would prefer her not to be jammed packed in a club with half naked teens all over each other and last i checked minors could not be photographed without parental consent let alone post them online.......

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

Christine why would you think there fb is not by them

"follow us at check out our web site and join our vip email list"

and there website suggests you follow them on that fb page........ it shows as the main link when you click it from there page then you click the name and it brings you to the same page but as i said before good luck

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

My little cousin wanted to go there and I told my Aunt NO WAY NO HOW!!!!!!!!

I think 14 and 18 is a HUGE age difference at that point in life. I don't want my little cousin going what 3 or 4 towns over to be able to meet all kids of boys who have their drivers license. 18 and 14 is also huge difference when it comes to experience in all aspects. It's a personal choice to let her go or not. However, my Aunt told me it was up to me if she could go or not. The weird thing is she wasn't mad at me which to me she either didn't want to go but didn't want to say it, or she knew it wasn't a good place and had no argument.

nosila nosila
Jan '11

Nosila you wouldent be allowed to walk in lol they dont let parents in to check on there kids ;/ shaddyyy.......

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

or aunts **

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

SueR- I just looked at the picture Shobie posted and do you see the girls up on the speakers/tables. Personally if I walked in and saw my little cousin doing that oh boy I wouldnt be able to handle that.I had fun when I was younger but 14,15,16 seem a little too young in my opinion

Looked at the picture again in the right hand corner there is a male with his shirt really?? They don't even allow that in 21+ bars. Guy and girl in lower right corner with their tongues down each other’s throats. Then I can’t tell if it’s two girls kissing next to that or another guy

nosila nosila
Jan '11

Christine - I grew up in Randolph, this was obsessions before they changed over to Confetti. I will completely honest with you, I would not allow my child to go there. The kids that went when I was living there were a rough crowd and from what I have been told by a few friends that have kids that go there, it is still the same way.

Also there some sort of problem going on recently about the time of events they host. One that comes to mind was about Pimps.

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Jan '11

Oh party time christine if you know the values you have in stilled in your daughter are good and that same with her freinds she will be ok . nut i dont know why they let 18 yr olds in it puts the 18yr old at risk ,

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jan '11

Shoebie- It's a public place if 5 year olds were allowed anyone could take pictures and post there is nothing anyone can do.

Caged Animal- "if you know the values you have in stilled in your daughter are good and that same with her freinds she will be ok" To a point I agree with that but there is hundreds of others no just her daughter that will be there.

Here is a link to an album with more than one picture

and another

Again, from what I can see in the pictures some of that stuff isn't even allowed an adult bars

nosila nosila
Jan '11

Nosila, yes, now I see those pictures. I didn't click to enlarge it before. (and for some reason only one of them were showing before, not all her posts) But Shoebie kept saying check their FB page as if you'd see something shocking and I still don't see those pics on there. Maybe I need to "friend" them to see it? No thanks! LOL
BTW, I'd say no to letting my kids go there. Just my opinion.

Shoebie, no offense but how old are you? When was the last time you were there?My 2 older boys were there when it was Obessions and said it was kind of lame. The thing is my daughter really doesn't want to go. Its not her thing. They love music and love to dance! One of the girls found this site and decided to get a few girls together and see if they can go. They brought th eidea to us thier parents! I trust my child completely! She knows MY RULES and what is expected of her. Its her decision if she wants to go but at this point its not her thing. I would love for her to get out and do some dancing BUT there isnt anything really around here to do that. I iwll convey what I found out about Confetti to the other parents and will then follow up with my daughter.

thanks everyione for the input.

PS BTW WHen I was a kid many parents said that our Community Center dances were a rough crowd and the same thing happened. I went and never had a problem with anything there. Times dont change all that much do they?

Christine Christine
Jan '11

would be better if we had a club in H'town wish i had the money to buy the ford dealer ship building and make it a dance club

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jan '11

I'm actually to OLD to go to this club. That is weird to say. Strictly for 13-18 year olds.

Jan '11

20 bucks, doesnt the school have teen night for free???

ive been to big band concerts for less than that!

deadhead deadhead
Jan '11

Christine, from your last post, your making this seem like a pointless thread from your original purpose.

I went to Obsessions a few times (without parent permission) in high school. After those experiences, I can also tell you that I do not aprove of any of my high school age cousins going nor would I allow my child to go when he comes of age.

Jan '11

Christine drugs are everywhere.. especially school where she goes everyday... and if there is drugs t, alcohol I'm pretty sure your daughter has the brain not to do it... I've been to many clubs as a teen and this doesn't look bad at all...

pumpkinheart pumpkinheart
Jan '11

Christine - You are asking for advice and input about the club, but when someone gives you "negative" feed back, you get defensive. Whats up with that?? Just let your kid go then.

The photo's on the FB page are not available anymore. HMMMM Maybe someone at Confetti club is trying to do some damage control. Don't forget this forum is one of the first that come up when someone does a search for something on google. ( it's on the first page right now) I remember it as Obsessions now too. Not my kids style back when but some kids do like that kind of thing.

Firefly Firefly
Jan '11

My daughter could be a nun, she wouldn't be allowed to go to these places. Why do we need to help them ingest the Jersey Shore idea of life?

And regarding "strict" rules...
-I've been to concerts with strict rules regarding smoking and drugs, and people still do them
-There are strict rules regarding transporting drugs across state and country lines and it is still done

Just because you have strict rules doesn't mean they won't be broken. And remember... lying about something and omitting information are two different things. Or at least that's the game I played when I was younger.

btownguy btownguy
Jan '11

Id been to Obsessions in the past as well, would rather see this new club be 16-18 year olds bc i do agree 14-18 is a big difference.

Anyways, if youre going to let her go my advice would be to

1. call before she goes in.
2. stay with her group of friends, if one girl has to pee, they all pee.
3. call when she gets out.

Now my personal experience in this 18 and under club in the past included seeing fights, like FIST fights, getting groped, grabbed, poked. Ive also seen these "kids" having sex against the wall. This was 11, 12 years ago.

icicle icicle
Jan '11

I can view the pics. Those pictures are bad! Shirtless guys and very young girls looking like hoochies! Should be 18 and over.

Youngnfresh Youngnfresh
Jan '11

This is the club that made TV network news because of their "Pimps and Hos" party...they called it a "costume" party. (Personally, I would not let my kids dress up as either) The Daily Record reported on it as well because of the uproar. The party theme was changed to something MUCH more age appropriate.

LVMomBoys LVMomBoys
Jan '11

I went when it was Obsessions and I too thought it was okay. Not great but not terrible. It is all about who you go with. My friends weren't big "partiers" and we just had a good time. There are people who act badly there, but that happens anywhere. Like another poster said, stick with your group - safety in numbers. The old roller rink behind the Rockaway Mall had the same reputation and I went there as well. Of course there were people selling drugs, but we never did anything like that. It's all who you hang with and what your personal morals and beliefs are. If your children are empowered with enough self-esteem and they make the right decisions, your shouldn't have an issue letting them go to a club like this. It depends on the kid. I know parents who would allow one teen to go but not another because of how they felt about their decision making ability. It's too soon to say if I would allow my daughter to go. She's only 6. She has much more growing up to do before I would ever definitively say what I will and won't allow her to do.

Alison Alison
Jan '11

Christine -

Call me or email me - my offspring has been there 2x.

I fully agree with Caged Animal - if you instill good values in your daughter and if shes in with a good crowd of friends - she'll be OK.

My true concern is crowd control - godforbid there's afire? how will they safely escape? (supposedly, there are fire exits throughout... but I still worry).

And the girls dancing on top of the bars in their underwear - from what I understand - it happens every Friday night. The girls were actually standing in line - Friday night in their underwear....

On the way home the girls all commented that they preferred to go to a H.S. School dance - its a shame that they are far and few in Htown.

htown newbie htown newbie
Jan '11

Gee, what could possibly go wrong at a club where 5 girls are dancing on a stage in skimpy shorts and their breasts hanging? I went to a few dance clubs at Rutgers and don't recall any of the girls there dressed that skimpy.

But hey, I'm sure that it was all within the rules.

emaxxman emaxxman
Jan '11

is there a club like this for adults?

BrownEyesGuy BrownEyesGuy
Jan '11

BEG - Lace, VIP's, Flashdancers, Scores.

I amend my original reply. We need to support clubs that promote this behavior in young girls. Afterall, the former Soviet Union can only supply strippers to the US for so long before their supply runs out.

emaxxman emaxxman
Jan '11

You guys crack me up.....I am not defending anything or being defensive.

I trust mydaughter. Talked to the 3 girls who were there righth before the Holidays. They said it wasnt anything like anyone is saying here but we know kids right? I trust my daughter and we wil make a decision together.

Thanks for all the inout a do appreciate it.

Christine Christine
Jan '11

Christine, you asked for input and when that input was not what you where looking for you got defensive. Pictures do not lie, teen club managers however just might.

Jan '11

Christine, maybe this will help your decision. From Dec 10th...

Amommy Amommy
Jan '11

look they wear less at the beach

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jan '11

Caged - It is considered appropriate at the beach.

Firefly Firefly
Jan '11

Apparently, it's considered appropriate at these clubs as well. However, I doubt it's considered appropriate *anywhere* by the fathers of teenaged girls, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Jan '11

I would love to see someone dreassed as a "hoe"....duh!

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Jan '11

After seeing that video, I would never allow my teen daughter to go. She wouldnt want to anyway. This is the first I've heard of this place.

Christine - Keep your daughter home.

Dont these kids parents see what their kids are wearing when they go out? LMAO
Funny thing is i bet there were alot of parents dropping their kids off at the Pimps & ho's party.

Shannon P. Shannon P.
Jan '11

Shannon, how hard do you think it is for a girl to go out of the house wearing a perfectly fine shirt and skirt and then take off those two pieces of clothing and run around in their underwear? The clothes would probably fit in a normal sized purse...

ianimal ianimal
Jan '11

ian - Completely agree with you BUT most of these kids (guys and girls) are not paying for their own clothes or at the very least, washing their own clothes. It's very easy for a parent, if they disapproved, to at least see what kind of clothes their kids have.

While some kids do sneak out of the house and change afterwards, I think the reality is that most of these kids' parents are completely aware of the clothes they wear.

emaxxman emaxxman
Jan '11

interesting news report - I'd steer clear of this place - supports trashy behavior and at minimum gawking - not really a good environment for our teens.

emaxxman - agreed, my girls have received clothes as gifts that I deemed questionable, they were allowed to wear it around the house, then when it came through the wash, it disappeared, never to be seen from again. Never was missed.

Also, I have found that lots of parents set the tone - the girls I've seen dressed like that have parents that do too! I've been shocked by what I've seen at school pick-up in the spring!

trekster3 trekster3
Jan '11

Re: Confetti Club?

lmao this is a teen club with half naked girls on the bar in panties and bras. who thinks this is ok?

Shannon P. Shannon P.
Jan '11

Re: Confetti Club?


Shannon P. Shannon P.
Jan '11

Re: Confetti Club?

and one more

Shannon P. Shannon P.
Jan '11

Truly, anyone who, after seeing that report and those pictures, lets their child go there, has got to have a screw loose. I can't imagine the kids who show up there do so with their parents' permission.


Rebecka Rebecka
Jan '11

Rebecka I could not agree more! This "teen" club lets more go on at the "teen" nights then 21 and over clubs let fly. Parents are clueless though and there website does make it look like a respectful place to bad the classy pics on there site is from when its set up for private events not for "pimps and hoes"

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

Disgusting definitely, Rebecka, but also so very very sad what some young girls think they need to do to fit in.

Sorry even the name of the "club" sounds sleazy.....When it was the "Final Kazam" saw Foghat there.

maddog620 maddog620
Jan '11

Obessions got a lot of bad rap 10 years ago when I was a teen. Don't think I ever set foot in that place. I wouldn't have a kid go in there. They can find other ways of having a good time.

Christine - I don't think you mention how old your daughter is. Maybe it really doesn't matter in the end but I think any parent that allows their kid to go there basically is asking for trouble to come flying right back at them. Then again I don't think anyone under 18 should be allowed to go "clubbing". Christine -- maybe check into Colorado Cafe i think they have teen nights that are not country nights. Colorado Cafe has a strong security staff where they make it obvious they don't put up with any kind of BS. I've seen guys get thrown out of there faster than you can say Hello.

Again it's all hearsay, but from what I've heard of Obsessions, I'd stay miles from it. Find another way to have a good time. Throw a dance party in your basement.

ComputerSharp ComputerSharp
Jan '11

As a grandparent in today's society I feel it is a whole different ballgame raising kids especially teenagers. Parents feel somehow they have to be their childs's friend and not their parent and find it very difficult to say the magic word ...NO...

joyful joyful
Jan '11

Catholic School girls are raised with good morals and wear conservative uniforms, but the minute they are out of view of Mom and Sister Mary Margaret the skirt waistlines are rolled until they are mini skirt length, tops lose a few buttons, the pot is rolled and the bottle of jack is passed around ....the names have been changed to protect the innocent ;) That is actually real life but I think some of the posters above may have seen the x-rated movie version!

"Throw a dance party in your basement." -- CS

That's exactly what I would propose to my daughter. I would even offer to hire a real DJ.

I actually had a party like that in my basement as a teenager. Was probably 15 or 16. Had a nice New Year's dance party in our furnished basement. I'm sure it didn't cost my parents that much to have a local DJ and some catering... and my friends and I thought we were throwing the hippest party ever. :-) Doesn't take that much to have a good time when you're young.

Rebecka Rebecka
Jan '11

Watch it, Maja!! Catholic school girl from pre-K to university in the house! Don't believe all the stereotypes...

Rebecka Rebecka
Jan '11

LOL Rebecka! Nothing personal! I went to Catholic schools myself. Same mix of teens as you'll find in any school or teen gathering.

"Christine, you asked for input and when that input was not what you where looking for you got defensive. Pictures do not lie, teen club managers however just might." states really

I really dont think I am being defensive. I asked a question and then asked couple of other posters a question after their statements. I thanked eveyone and I apprf\eciate the response.

What else do you want from me. Right now I am in the process of talking with the other mom's of my DD friends to see if the know about all this. PERIOD!

BTW "really" is this your first post?

Christine Christine
Jan '11

I have to ask if any of you ever went to a teen night at a dance club ?? If so, don't you remember what it was like ? I honestly don't see it as any worse than when i went 20+ years ago. Back then we had the CYO dances in Liberty and they were no better (drinking, drugs & fighting) and chaperoned by parents etc ... it happens everywhere you go ... even at the football games, as we saw a post on that not too long ago. We also went to teen night at Obsessions and Changes ... same thing happens at them all.

I think that it depends on the kid ... if you feel that you have a daughter who's clothes come off to get a little attention then no you don't let her go if you don't want to but if you have a good kid who wants to go dancing with her friends and is trustworthy ... let her go have fun !!

Jeep Girl Jeep Girl
Jan '11

Raising children is more than just control - trust is a HUGE part IMHO.

Would I want my child to go? No, but I have a rule that all of my kids know and understand: They are allowed to make their own choices as long as they are not deceptive. No lying, ever, not even small fibs. Get caught in a lie and the trust is gone along with their privileges. They know I expect them to make mistakes - a lot of them - and that's ok as long as they fess up.

So my answer is "it depends". As of today I would allow any of my kids to go the first time because they've earned it. I'd want to know why they like to go of course, and would expect that after attending they aren't likely to want to go back. Should they want to go back then I'd consider a more aggressive approach, but initially I would allow them the benefit of my trust.


justintime justintime
Jan '11

It has nothing to do with trusting your own kid. Personally it would be more that I wouldn't want my kid in that "atmosphere". By the looks, reports, and reviews I wouldn't feel comfortable with allowing my trust worthy kid there.

If I called my Mom now, even at 26 and said hey I'm going to hang on the street corner of Irvington at 1 am she would freak at me about that. I have been raised with morals and I'm very trust worthy however, some places and situations should be avoided if they can be. Do you need to lock your kid up in a closet know but why throw a kid in a situation with no gain however could be harmful. Plus really 14 year olds out until 12:30 A.M. seems late to me but I could be crazy

Plus if she doesn't really want to go and it's not her thing why bother??

Just like Rebecka said have dance party at someones house. We did it. We did lip syncs and we had "judges" and all.

nosila nosila
Jan '11

Justintime, have to agree with you on this one. You are right on target with the not wanting to go back once they've been. I almost see it as rite of passage for most teens. I will admit the clothing shown in the pictures is shocking and wonder how old those girls are and if their parents know that's how they're out and about. I doubt that most kids are dressed like that, but they wouldn't be fun to show in the pictures.

Bessie Bessie
Jan '11

So Parents what would you do if you walked in the door found your 16yr daughter up on this stage like this
"(lmao this is a teen club with half naked girls on the bar in panties and bras. who thinks this is ok?)"
Do I think its ok? no
would i let her go ? No
If i caught her like this what would I Do ?
I would take her by the ear and home we would go, she would be striped of funds and freinds , grounded and would have to earn my trust ,

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jan '11

I'm just hoping that my girls have no interest in this place. I'd gladly hold a house party than send them there. Dismom and Scoop, I definitely see that happening some day in the not too distant future! At least it will be chaperoned. When they're 18 go clubbing all you want, but there are so many better things to do with 14-17 yo's.

trekster3 trekster3
Jan '11

Caged Animal- Don't worry no parents would catch their kids doing so they DO NOT let parents in

nosila nosila
Jan '11

if i knew my daughter who is 16 and in side any place with out my ok they will let me in to retrive her or face my fist / base ball bat / 45 / police they will let me in they can go scratch there ass

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jan '11

You are "the Mom" - investigate and follow your intuition. Do not rely on other opionions/experiences. Follow your gut reaction to your OWN personal investigation. Visit the club at opening and closing on different dates. Again, you are "the Mom" of a minor and u call the shots. Dtr will get over it if u deny her going there. Take a stand for what u feel is appropriate/inappropriate - u will not be your dtrs best friend till years after she realizes how much u loved her for making the decisions u did when she was a minor. Been there, done that, no harm done. It will make her a better parent. Parenting is not a popularity contest with our children.

Jan '11

Well said Grill girl!

trekster3 trekster3
Jan '11

I just saw a commercial for it on Mtv. They didn't change my mind on the subject.

Snoopy Snoopy
Jan '11

i am 16 and i go to confetti all the time being that i leave near by and several of my friends work there ... yes it USED to be scummy yes girls do dress slutty that is NORMAL back in the day it was called obsessions there were NEVER drugs there though kids came drunk to the club so now they must have 2 security guards on deck at all times who walk around most people just fist pump or whatever and everyone must get put through a thorough security check before entering .... if 17 or 18 year olds smoke it must be outside they only serve soda and what not being that alcohol is not permitted as i said its not for everyone its for people who love to dance and possibly meet new friends like i do all the time very few girls dress slutty though the ones you see above are just dancers and club promoters its basically theyre job so if you dont want your child going there then dont let them as i said its perfectly fine its just not the type of scene for some people and they have cracked down on almost everything that was seen as a problem

Jan '11

I remember i used to go to this place to see bands when it was called Obsessions. I wasn't 21 at the time. Typical teenage stuff. It wasn't really a big deal. But of course as a parent you want to know what's going on.

Bryan Bryan
Jan '11

Oh... Well since those young girls are promoting the club it's okay to dance and dress like whores!

Btownguy-phone Btownguy-phone
Jan '11

so they employ strippers at a teen club? Those girls look no older than 15.

Shannon P. Shannon P.
Jan '11

Shannon the girls are not nude and they wear less at the beach

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jan '11

My daughter went a few months ago. She is 14. She was asked to go with a group of friends and I didn't mind since it's the same place I used to go as a teen when it was Obsessions. Needless to say, she'll never go again! She came home and went on and on about about disgusting it was. She said the waitresses are dressed in bikini tops and guarder belts....the boys there are pretty much older and all over the girls on the dance floor just grabbing at you. She said that the kids sneak in alcohol and she couldn't even go into the bathroom because it was filled with guys and girls hooking up. I don't think anyone from her group has gone back.

Hope that helps.

Feb '11

Wow hooking in the bath room what adult did they learn that from oh that ad where the guy and girl come out of the stall . do you think the MTV show the Jersey Shore shows what it is like in all dance clubs to day I know its not the 40s but have we realy let things get out of control ?

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '11

"Out of control" as opposed to what, Caged.. like the Woodstock generation where they were practically screwing in public? At least now they're going to a bathroom... baby steps, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '11

adults hooking up in the bathroom is a hell of a lot different than 14 year olds. Are you kidding me?

Feb '11

You're being too uptight. Let loose. Let your child go. Or else, your tight chain will soon break off when she has the chance and she'll ignore you. Let her experiencelife.C'mon.. live a little girl.

u dunno me
Feb '11

Is that last statement meant to be...

"Live a little, girl"


"Live a little girl"


One sounds a bit more illegal.

btownguy btownguy
Feb '11

u dunno me, I don't think a shady jersey club is representative of 'life experience'. I'd rather let a kid go have some drinks at an older kid's party for life experience haha. How many people that you know actually go to "clubs" and fistpump/and would you want your kid to be like any of these people. Exactly.

jaegerst jaegerst
Feb '11

So we have 14 to 18 yr go go dancers , we have wait staff wearing sexy tops and bottoms with garter belts and are they 14 to 18 yr old , 14 to 18 yr olds hooking up in the bathroom. and 14 to 18 yr olds drinking ( byob ) sounds like a good time

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '11

Hello, I happen to be a promoter for Confetti Teen Club. Im currently 15 years old and will be 16 in July. All the people in the pictures above I happen to KNOW PERSONALLY. Their all nice kids and I'm sure they are going to LOVE when I show what you ignorant parents are saying about them! Keep in mind, this is not the only "teen" club in NJ. Theres Karma, Merge, and Joey Harrisons Surf Club all in Seaside. Ketch in LBI. Casey O'Tooles in Wayne. Rise in Lodi. Hush Lounge in Patterson. & Halo Lounge in East Rutherford. About the age....14-18 is not a big age gap whatsoever! The place is directed towards HIGH SCHOOL KIDS. Freshman are 14 usually and Seniors are no older than 18. If you ask to have a tour while teen night is in session THEY WILL GIVE YOU THE TOUR. You parents barely know what you're talking about. If your caught in clothing that is against the dress code, then you are taken aside by a security guard and told to cover up. That apply's for the guys as well. Also the club happens to get VERY hot & the air conditioning is put on very cold but because it's a bunch of people dancing and alot of them, it tends to get hot obviously. Keep in mind, when your child is 18 there going to be exposed to this when they can legally go to a nightclub without your consent. Your basically over sheltering your kids for something that they are going to experience in only a few years. (18 years old). No girls are allowed to go in the boys bathroom and no boys are allowed to go in the girls bathroom. Theres a security guard that stands by the two doors that leads to the bathrooms. Those girls are not dancers keep in mind. We don't have "dancers". Why would we have dancers at a "teen" club. Those girls are wearing clothes except for that one girl in the zebra bra but I was there when she got a dress code violation. For the parents that think it's a bad place because some of the kids are "under the influence", your child has to know of at least one classmate from there school that has gotten drunk or smoked or done illegal drugs. Thats high school kids right there for you. I have never once tried or done anything like that because I happen to know right from wrong and have no desire to do such stupid things. <y father trust me. If you don't trust your kids, thats a shame. Terrible parenting on your part! As for the price....20$ is not expensive at all. You must be very cheap i'm guessing. & if you get a flyer from the website or from a promoter like myself you get "reduced admission" and pay only 17. My friends love Confetti and I LOVE Confetti as well. The things your are saying are false and over exaggerated. If you still don't want your child there, then simply don't let your child go. No need to "trash talk" it. Ignorant parents....

LiveLoveLaugh LiveLoveLaugh
Feb '11

Re: Confetti Club?

LiveLoveLaugh- As a promoter you should discuss with the club their Facebook these pictures were pulled directly from their page. So I don't think I would call the parents and others on here ignorant I would say more educated.

This business alone portrays themselves poorly.

Were you also here for this dress code violation?

nosila nosila
Feb '11

Re: Confetti Club?

or this one

nosila nosila
Feb '11

L.L.L.,We are soo ignorant. I forgot when I was 15 I new everything too. Hopefully your views are a bit less harsh as you age.

Snoopy Snoopy
Feb '11


I am wondering how you are compensated for being a promoter for Confetti Teen Club.

Firefly Firefly
Feb '11

LLL - Your folks must be proud!

The HL forum is a forum which many of us use to provide insight and opinions on many subjects such as your home away from home "confetti"...

with that said - your ignorant statement just gives us more reason as to why not to have our children patronize Confetti.

htown newbie htown newbie
Feb '11

EWWW, emaxx!

I went to Obessions - ONCE - someone grabbed my ass and when I turned around there was a sea of people and I had no idea who the culprit was.

IMHO - I would NOT allow my teens to go to this place. Any place that does not allow a parent in is suspect to me.

Kids will be kids, but why make it easy for them to get into "trouble" and indulge in things they're probably not ready for?

happy2bhere happy2bhere
Feb '11

Isn't a promoters job to "promote" and maybe change opinions, rather than bash?

Htown Resident Htown Resident
Feb '11

LLL-ignorant parents? These parents are trying to keep their kids away from people who are bad influences. I have had first hand testimonials from friends young siblings about how sketchy Confetti is. Do not judge a parent or call them ignorant because they don't want their kids going to your "club" if I may even call a completely grind fest of pre-pubescent boys and girls are club. Obviously you lack manners or respect for adults, and are a general idea of the kind of people who do go there.

Feb '11

He isn't promoting the club to lame-o adults; he's promoting it to teenagers. The less parents want kids to go there, the more that kids will want to go... and irrespective of your best efforts, they'll find a way to get there (-;

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Feb '11

Re: Confetti Club?

On the link to the Facebook page, I couldn't see any of those pictures, although I didn't try too hard. I could see the site's profile pics, with many flyers for the club's various theme nights. They seemed intentionally innocuous, until I got to this one.

I would not let my teenaged daughter or son go to this place.

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Feb '11


If the dress code is enforced, care to explain all of the shirtless guys in the pics in this thread? Or is that something that only "apply's" to the women?

Also, is it policy of Confetti to tell parents how to do their job? You're accusing us of "oversheltering our children". How so? Because we don't feel that life should be like the derelicts of Jersey Shore? Because we might have morals or just some self-respect? If keeping my children away from situations that I'd see on Skinemax or bad MTV shows is "oversheltering" then guilty as charged.

Additionally, I am very happy to know that Superman is employed as a "Bathroom guard". Since these individuals are outside of the bathroom, they're obviously using their X-ray vision to see what is happening inside. We all know they wouldn't need that to look at the girls in the club...

You don't have "Dancers" but you have no problem with giving people raised performance areas as shown in this thread. Just because you're not hiring dancers doesn't mean you're not promoting it.

If you're supposed to promote this club, you're doing a terrible job. I would think being able to form a paragraph or two would be a minimum job requirement as well as proper spelling and grammar. Instead you come on here and fire immature responses to legitimate concerns and provide no answers, so trash talk it we will. Personally, if given the choice of Confetti or a dirty needle, I'm giving my kid the needle. It's probably cleaner.

Oh, and rest assured that Confetti has been contacted and provided with a copy of your response.

btownguy btownguy
Feb '11

Pimp and Hoe Night very nice 14 to 18 yr old Pimps and Hoes man If i lived in that town this place would be closed asap your promoting nothing

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '11

Clearly the dress code is not enforced, seems like every photo has a girl in bikini or shirtless boy.

I also disagree about the age thing, I am sorry there is a huge difference between a 14 year old girl and 18 MAN!

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Feb '11

Once you turn 18 the 14 to 17 ones are off limits or its off to jail

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '11

Caged Animal- That's not true in NJ the age to consent is not 18 in NJ

New Jersey
The age of consent in New Jersey is 16. However, minors aged 13, 14 and 15 may legally engage in sexual activities with persons up to 4 years older than them. For example, it is lawful for a 14-year-old male or female to engage in sex with a person up to 18 years of age. This also applies for 13-year-olds (up to 17), etc.[41]
2C:14-2. Sexual assault... c. An actor is guilty of sexual assault if he commits an act of sexual penetration with another person under any one of the following circumstances:... (4) The victim is at least 13 but less than 16 years old and the actor is at least four years older than the victim.

nosila nosila
Feb '11

LLL - you need a REALITY CHECK! I would be ashamed if you were my "child" (remember you are just a child). And your english and punctuation need help.

Dress code enforced?? OOOKKKK............ not by looking at those pics.

I did not have sex I mind when I made my last post . being that person at 18 is now a adult and there are other Issues like contributing to the deleanquces of a minor

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '11

LLL I wonder how the club feels about your attitude to the parents on behalf of their club :/ Just goes to show how a 15 year old should not be representing a club.

shoebie shoebie
Feb '11

i'm fourteen and i've been to confetti once (in november). it was a waste of $20. the website states that security is good but it isn't. in winter months there is a line of girls in bras and lace that lasts for at least an hour depending on when you arrive. when you walk in, you bring your money to a little stand where a man (appx. 35-40 y/o) takes your money and you walk through a black curtain. the dance floor is filled with dirty half-naked teens. they do not enforce the age restriction policy, they didn't ID my friends and i. there were boys there that had to have been 19. the dance floor was packed to the point of not being able to move around and it's hard to dance with your friends without being violently grabbed and grinded on by a sweaty older boy trying to kiss you. i say DO NOT let your daughter go under any circumstances. i won't go back again.

hackettstownian hackettstownian
Feb '11

basically girls dance in circle with their friends, boys attempt to dance with them, and the girl can either dance with him or say "no", there is no alcohol or drugs here, mybe some dumb kid does it before but would u like for confetti to give every kid a drug test? come on......and girls always remain decent and wear clothing less revealing then bikinis at the bare minimum, people hooking up are asked to stop by the security guards and is a thing u do with ur friends, all these parents dont have to be a bunch of sticklers about it, its just a way to be with friends and have fun with some new friends

been there
Mar '11

been there - you sound an awful lot like the "promoter" above. Hmmmm . .

happy2bhere happy2bhere
Mar '11

It looks like early training for whois. LOL I laugh histericlly when I see the commercial on tv. Too funny.

SeeintheReality SeeintheReality
Mar '11

lol all you parents are really anal. let your daughter go. there are sluts and there are normal girls. it all depends on how you raised your daughter. if she goes and hooks up with all these guys and dresses in nothing its your fault. but if you raised her right shell dress normal and wont hook up with any guys. its as simple as that. as for the guys being shirtless it was on foam night which is an exception to the rules

Mar '11

i raised my kids right and they have no need or desire to go to a place like that.

indiscriminate sex with strangers and half naked under age children is just the type of environment that my reasonably raised and well balanced children have made the adult decision to avoid.

thanks for reinforcing the poor atmosphere that exists there.

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Mar '11

I love it. its awsome to hang out with friends and make new friends there.

Christian Christian
Apr '11

For anyone, i have a question.. do u need to bring any sort of ID to this club.. also is this on EVERY friday night?

Becca Becca
Apr '11

check out their facebook page

Shannon P. Shannon P.
Apr '11

Didn't we already cover the subject of their FB page? Or is there something new on it?

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Apr '11

"Didn't we already cover the subject of their FB page? Or is there something new on it?"

read the post:

"For anyone, i have a question.. do u need to bring any sort of ID to this club.. also is this on EVERY friday night?"

Check out their facebook page....very informative...

Shannon P. Shannon P.
Apr '11

Oh, well since I didn't read over every single post, I didn't realized that the question had not been answered. Why did I ever think that you might be anything but snarky...Shame on me.

And since you had obviously visited their FB page to get the answer, couldn't you have answered the question with a simple yes/no? Not everyone is on FB.

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Apr '11

I am 14, yes ik im really young still and onje of the youngest there but i have a great time. im not intro drugs or drinking or sex so i dnt go looking for tht kinda stuff there or anywhere. but i think that she would have a lot of fun. make sure if she does go she goes with a couple friens or a big group so tht she isnt alone and bored by her self or mayb make u feel better at rest. i dont think that it is tht bad of a place. yes there are ppl in bras n short shorts but if u dnt go in looking like a slut n everything she will be fun. she will have a good time and who knos, even meet some new friends since so many poeple from near by go.

Biting my tongue. I'll let someone else have at it.

Snoopy Snoopy
Jun '11

I think your keyboard is missing a few letters, jes.

Tracy Tracy
Jun '11

HAHAHA! Oh, boy.

Heather Heather
Jun '11

I was there yesterday and its nothing like you guys are saying... its a lot of fun the only girls that have bras on are the ones that work there. they

alex schweiz
Jun '11

yes, actually my keyboard sucks. but thanks for noticing.

I know this teen club well for I work there and know many who are involved with the teen night club industry. Shoebie you put all the fault on Confetti Teen Club because of women dressed in bra's, kids doing "E," not allowing parents inside the club, men with no shirts on. May I remind you Confetti is a teen CLUB... Not your nieces day care center. Yes kids can sneak things in via bra and socks, but how is Confetti responsible for any of this? Confetti is simply a place to come and dance to different types of genres of music with their friends and meet many new people. Confetti isn't promoting drug use, it is their parents to blame. Simply should've educated your kids better on drug use, the fact that kids are taking it to this club isn't their fault, be responsible for your kid simple as that. If your child is mature enough to be left alone with many other kids their age and handle peer pressure and other very common social pressures then your child will be fine. As for not allowing parents into the club, I don't understand how you can call it "shady" it is a TEEN CLUB not a middle school social, the last thing young teens want to see is a parent walking around in the club. THAT is shady. As for the picture on their facebook page being private, it's for the exact reason they do not want other adults looking at the pictures, simply protecting the child's privacy. If you can't handle what Confetti does then you're going to have to deal with it. Basically if your son/daughter is mature enough to handle social pressures he/she will be ok :)

Ken L Ken L
Jun '11

Moms and Dads if you dont want your kids to go here say no . if they go punish them if you find another parent takes them there with out your personal ok sue them .

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jun '11

Just check out a YouTube vid. Now 28, I did go to a teen club @ 14. The main concern then and now at any teen clubs is DRUGS. Only kiddos using 'E' or hallucinagenics use Glowsticks.

Kevin willis
Aug '11

I'm going to be a senior this year, and I am PROUD to say I've never gone to Confetti. It is literally the sleaziest place around. Don't get me wrong - I am not one of those teenagers who holes up in their room...I've done and do my fair share of partying and dancing and whatnot, but the truth is, Confetti is just a bad place. My best friend's fellow cheerleader and she went to this club around January. The fellow cheerleader, who I'll refer to as Jane, downed 2 small water bottles of Everclear before going, unbeknownst to the girls she was going with. She was EASILY let into the club. After being there for about an hour, Jane began convulsing on the floor and foaming at the mouth. She had alcohol poisoning and there have been speculations that she consumed drugs once at the club. None of the staff of Confetti would drive her to the hospital and they had to wait for another girl's mom to come pick Jane up and bring her, as her mom was out of town. She had a .24 BAC.
The kids who go to Confetti are not supervised, AT ALL. No 'teen' hangout should allow the near nudity and public displays of much-more-than affection that Confetti allows. It's disgraceful.

Brookee A Brookee A
Aug '11

wow the words of a teen good job and post

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Aug '11

from the mouthes of....

Firefly Firefly
Aug '11

Ive seen situations like that before there too Brookee just a word of advice on here you might want to change your screen name to something that is not your real name to protect yourself in the future this is a public forum. Good for you for staying away from there.

shoebie shoebie
Aug '11

Glad to find this forum....
I love to dance, went to teen clubs myself, etc etc and was thinking about letting my two teens go back in January until I heard about the "pimps and hoes" party. I figured I'd let a few months go by, see if I heard any other bad things before I decided to let them go or not. They never asked to go, I just found it randomly and thought it might be fun for them to try out. When I mentioned it in the car the other day in front of another high school girl, SHE said "don't let them go there.. my friend went once and said it's a terrible place and she won't go back again!". Also, I tried to call them twice to inquire about hosting a private party (sweet 16) there because they advertise that they hold private parties, and they never called me back! I guess they don't need the business that badly from adults.

Mom of 3 teens Mom of 3 teens
Sep '11

@Brookee A
That is a lie. I've been to the club many ties and I am one of many people who worked there. Not once did anyone in any month start "convulsing" on the floor and foam out the mouth. It's a teen club not a prison. If you think none of the staff is going to help someone who's foaming out the mouth than you must really think very low of the employee's of the business. Nothing like this has happened there. Stop spreading lies. Its unnecessary. Thank you.

Ken L Ken L
Sep '11

I really wanted to for my birthday but know i'm not too sure, just doesn't sound like my crowd.

Hope scott Hope scott
Dec '11

Interesting to note the difference in language, grammar and punctuation from the teens who say they've gone, and those who say they haven't. That itself says a lot!

Rebecka Rebecka
Dec '11

On that note, I think a lot of our regular posters have gone to this club...

It's a JOKE people! LOL

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Dec '11

Wow, such horrible parents, sheltering their kids from the world. Poor kids won't have any experience with such overprotective mutts as parents. A party in their basement? I really feel bad for these kids, unable to have fun.

ExeCuTioN ExeCuTioN
May '12

What are you trying to Say ?

Caged Animal Caged Animal
May '12

i think he's trying to say he's immature and doesn't have kids of his own

opinionated opinionated
May '12

Why don't you go to a show at The Studio at valley music center?
cheap, fun and family friendly!

bflat4u bflat4u
May '12

Is this club still open? I just tried to call and the phone is disconnected and I tried to send an email and got a failure email back. Have they closed????

May '12

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