Old Rock Day 1/7!

Totally forgot to post this. Have no idea what it means.

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '12

Re: Old Rock Day 1/7!

this is the only old rock I can think of...not bad....and local the Pequest
Dino rock..

oldman oldman
Jan '12

Old Rocks = Fossils (from Latin fossus, literally "having been dug up") are the preserved
remains or traces of animals (also known as zoolites), Daire Gray wolves are part of the order Carnivora, which is grouped largely based on their predatory diet habits. Carnivora consists of over 260 species, including dogs, cats, bears, foxes, skunks, and raccoons. They all have long, pointed teeth and sharp claws used to attack their prey. They are also fairly intelligent animals with highly developed brains.
A Old Rock


Old Rock = Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jan '12

Hmm, the Highlands Gneiss is also "old rock", but isn't by any means a fossil or collection of same. Fossils could also be plant remains or replacement castings as well.

Phil D. Phil D.
Jan '12

are you saying that a rock that has the imprint of a fossil on it is thus not old i wounder ?

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Jan '12


No Caged, I'm saying that fossils are not just animal remains as you mentioned, but can also be found as plant remains, such as imprints of million year-old ferns, etc.

Al fossils are by definition "old rocks", but then old is a relative thing. The Highlands Gneiss is among the oldest of New Jersey rocks:


Read the Highlands Province section, the granite, gneiss and marble of the Highlands range from 750 million to 1.3 Billion years old!

Thanks also for the link CBGB! The reason I majored in Geology in College (before dropping out) was because I had a love for old rocks;-)

Phil D. Phil D.
Jan '12

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