Identify Huge Yellow Moth??

Identify Huge Yellow Moth??

OK, first time I've ever seen one of these. It's a huge yellow moth about 5" long.


SandraDee SandraDee
Jul '12

Re: Identify Huge Yellow Moth??

Thought he was an imperial yellow moth, but the curled wings have me stumped!

SandraDee SandraDee
Jul '12

Probably wings haven't expanded yet. It's a newbie.

Martha Martha
Jul '12

That looks like an Imperial Moth that has recently emerged.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jul '12

The Mothman Cometh!!!!!

He really is pretty cool! A newbie parked on my trash can :)

SandraDee SandraDee
Jul '12

imperial moth. weird creatures.

alpha1beta alpha1beta
Jul '12

Re: Identify Huge Yellow Moth??

HOLY COW!!! That almost doesn't look real! I get a Luna Mouth on my garage door once a year....same spot....but can't be the same one, right? Don't moths only live a year?

LVMomOfBoys LVMomOfBoys
Jul '12

We had one of those also! As a matter of fact we have been seeing quite an array of cool looking moths lately!

Christine Christine
Jul '12

And today there are TWO!!!

SandraDee SandraDee
Jul '12

Re: Identify Huge Yellow Moth??

Oops, forgot photo. :)

SandraDee SandraDee
Jul '12

Uh-oh. Is that 50 Shades of Yellow?

Andrew's Mom Andrew's Mom
Jul '12

Might be a hummingbird moth, they are really large and easily mistaken for a hummingbird, even the noise they make. I saw one a couple of years ago, it was amamzing!(and a bit scary lol!)


I'm not sure what that thing is, SandraDee, but I am pretty sure that last pic is two of them doin' the nasty. I feel the need to go shower. Eww.

Jul '12

I've seen hummingbird moths several times, and they're much darker in color than that. I think the original guess of imperial moth is probably correct.

could it be an io moth? does it have one big dot on each wing?

hktownie hktownie
Jul '12

Now that you mention it, I believe it was a darkish brown. Big though!


Those are indeed Imperial Moths.

Walker Walker
Jul '12

Re: Identify Huge Yellow Moth??

This is not a moth, but a cicada - Linne's Cicada, specifically - found a few days ago on porch. Thought you guys might be interested in seeing him... but didn't want to start a new topic just for an insect. :-)

Rebecka Rebecka
Aug '12

I found two cicada today at my house.

JD 4020 JD 4020
Aug '12

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