Help!! worm/larvae identification?

Help!! worm/larvae identification?

Found what would be, my best a guess some type of larvae a couple days ago and just came home after being away for two days to discover over 14 of these things all over my walls and ceiling. There are more I'm sure. What are they and why are they here? They are in my bedroom only. I do have a hamster but I checked his cage upon finding the first one a few days ago and again today. He is clean and his cage also. No larvae in his cage. I just want to know why they are here?

nena, you could try posting the pic on
They've always given a prompt and helpful response when I needed to identify something.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Nov '12

They will turn into little moth like creatures that will fly around your house like they are drunk. Go to Tickners and buy a few tent like traps they sell, sorry I can not remember the name of them as it has been several years since we had them. The traps worked great. Take care of them soon as they multiply rapidly. Also check cereal, grain, flour etc...

Nov '12

it is a moth larvae...probally from bird seed we get them all the time.

check the hamster food for webs

It looks like it could be an Indian Meal Moth larvae. They like to get into dry goods (flour, rice, pet food, etc.) and are quite a pain to get rid of once they generate an infestation. I would recommend that you purchase traps immediately (Tickners, Home Depot, Lowes should all have them) and place them not only in your bedroom, but also in the kitchen and other storage areas. I would inspect your hampsters food, because that is a likely source of the origination.

Happy Homemaker Happy Homemaker
Nov '12

Kinda looks like a maggot. Can you give a scale reference so we know how big the thing is?

Some Guy (Art) Some Guy (Art)
Nov '12

Keep all hamster food/indooor bird food in freezer. It will kill the larvae.

susique susique
Nov '12

Pantry moths. Flour, pasta, dog food, bird seed, oatmeal, cereals, check all open containers of anything in your cabinets.

Njchia Njchia
Nov '12

Wow, thank you so much. You guys were all right on. I have an open bag of bird seed in my room as well an open container of hamster food. I'm surprised they are coming out just now because I've had this food in my room for months. The food is now outside on the porch.
@pjc..I just changed his dish and did notice little webs in the dish and when I removed the food container there were webs around there too...yuck!!

That is exactly what it is. I had them when I had a bird and was told it came from the food.

Definitely looks like a maggot.

Nov '12

help i have theese things in my room but all i have in there is 2 pomeranian puppies hampster food for my hampster Almond dog food and thier very very wet dog food and a couple of the seeds with the nut inside and these things only appear on my celling and walls in this one cornner by my window and one hanging on a thread on my lava lamp weve only seen 4 so far and theres dry food crumbs evrywere please help im even afraid to sleep in my room so i allways have to sleep on the couch?

Jan '13

Check all of your dry goods...they will crawl into everything. It only starts with the bird food.

Definetely a pantry moth larvae. I put all my flour, sugar and bird food in the freezer to kill anything that might be in there. They are definetely a pain to get rid of. I have found them reproducing behind wallpaper in the past. I bought special containers that they cant get into. I was on a mission to get rid of them once and for all!

thanks 3wbdwnj, I always seem to come across strange bugs and spiders.

rierie rierie
Jan '13

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