Piles of Dead Fish in Tanks at Wal-Mart

Today we were walking past the fish tanks at Wal-Mart when we discovered piles of dead fish surrounding the filters, floating on top and on the bottoms of the tanks. It was clear that these fish had been there for some time as they were in piles, which leads me to believe that the tanks are being somewhat neglected and the dead are not being scooped twice a day. I told the manager, he did not seem to really care much so I contacted customer service and opened a ticket. I also told them I have photos. Does anyone know who I should contact to make sure this issue is followed up on? There must be a state inspector or someone who regulates live animal sales, I just don't trust that store to do anything more than scoop out the deads. I am no expert on filtration, but it appears that the system may be too strong? I just want to make sure the problem is investigated and corrected, but when I read through the local government agencies, none stick out as the correct one. Does anyone know? Thanks!

Weebiekins Weebiekins
Feb '15

I was at the Walmart in Mansfield today and saw the same thing. I don't think that they feed them but just let them eat the dead others . It's good that you said something.

janster janster
Feb '15


gadfly gadfly
Feb '15

There was a thread on this a few years ago. I'm sad to hear that the problem hasn't been addressed.


Calico696 Calico696
Feb '15

Wow... I can't believe that! 4 years and it's still happening. Horrendous. Thank you, I will VZW contacting the SPCA and any other agency who may be appropriate. Some agency has to do something. If this is going on in our Wal-Mart it must be happening at hundreds of others.

Weebiekins Weebiekins
Feb '15

I would think the Board Of Health should be notified.

Walker Walker
Feb '15

Walmart should not be selling pets, they never properly take care of them, and I do not believe they are properly trained to take care of live animals, every time i see the fish at any Walmart they have some sort of sickness

Darrin Darrin
Feb '15

Apparently goes on quite a bit.. Doesn't look like it has been updated in a while though


JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Feb '15

People, it's Wal-Mart. What do you expect? It's one of the crappiest companies in the USA. They don't care about anything but profit, even at the expense of animal welfare, employees, customers, the environment, local economies....shop elsewhere and they will go away. It has worked elsewhere. Shop local, shop small, and support quality or else Wal-Mart is what you get. Eventually, it's ALL you get.

Eperot Eperot
Feb '15

Just because it's walmart doesn't mean we should be apathetic. Ignoring this abuse allows it to continue. Bringing it to awareness and fighting it hopefully gets resolution.

hapiest girl
Feb '15

Post it on Walmart's Facebook page. You will probably get a response.

Feb '15

Re: Piles of Dead Fish in Tanks at Wal-Mart

I saw a bunch of dead fish at Walmart too but I was in the seafood aisle

The reality is no one should shop at Walmart. This is a disgrace on top of 80% of their product they sell comes from China they can't even keep goldfish alive. Wake up folks. Yes its cheap but f them.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Feb '15

won't go to wallyworld - ever - for anything - lousy treatment of employees - that's all I need to know -

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '15

I've seen that 10 years ago. Nothing has changed. You tell a worker and they say "ok" but nothing is ever down. That dept should be eliminated. Bring back the paint dept. LOL!

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Feb '15

Thank you for the suggestions. I have reported them to the SPCA, and have posted to the pages suggested above. I will also see if this is a matter for the BOH and the local ACO. The worst they can say is no they do not handle those matters, right? Thanks again!

Weebiekins Weebiekins
Feb '15

The employees probably have no time to care. I worked at Walmart in Newton years ago...I was part of the class action lawsuit against them too. I was told I'd be hired at an agreed upon rate. My first check showed $1.20 less than that, when I complained they said "there's nothing we can do". Unfortunately I really needed that job. I was forced to work thru breaks and work after clocking out, if not I'd be fired. It's a horrible company. When people are repeatedly treated like crap, they tend not to care about their job. It's such a shame that they exist

NoUseForAname NoUseForAname
Feb '15

This should be a matter for the local Board of Health if these fish tanks are in proximity to aisles with food products. This must be an unhealthy situation for all.

fusselfrei fusselfrei
Feb '15

I say take pics and post them everywhere! Get the newspapers , social media, news all involved!

WALMART SUCKS and so does their products!

Christine Christine
Feb '15

In the paper the other day it said that all Walmarts across the country are giving their employees raises!

I'am hesitant of their meats and produce, but other stuff is fine.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Feb '15

Several years ago I stopped shopping for anything at Walmart; any Walmart, not just the Mansfield Walmart for all the reasons that other posters have mentioned. I feel sad for those who have to make their living working at Walmart.

Mrs. Pipes Mrs. Pipes
Feb '15

There is an excellent website walmartpeople.com. Funny!

A good day
Feb '15

An employee said she started at $9.50 an hr. part time. years ago. Hmmm............ not too shabby!

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Feb '15

Largest private employer in the USA, time they stepped up and offered better total compensation...


botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Feb '15

"I feel sad for those who have to make their living working at Walmart."

As has been said time and time again, by myself and others, Walmart (other retail) and fast food places are not meant to be careers. These are places that pay minimum wage or slightly above that. These jobs are for teens, college students, senior citizens and people seeking a second job or a little extra income.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '15

I think they put the fishes in the bag so they die and feed them to other fishes.They should dp something about the fish that r in a little plastic container they wind up dying in there.

patricia patricia
Feb '15

Starting in April, Walmart will be paying a minimum of $9.00 an hour to all part-time and full-time employees, and beginning February 1st of next year will raise that minimum to $10 an hour. The average pay for hourly full-time workers is $13 an hour.


While I totally agree that what they do with the fish is horrible (they need to get out of the live fish business), it isn't a bad place to work, mainly for the reasons Calico stated above.

Good pay for part time.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Feb '15

$10/hr? Where 90% are part timers. say 25 hrs. $250 a week. Minuses taxes, Fica etc....Lets say $175/week. Now I see a lot of single mothers there, senior citizens, and men who have been laid off from other jobs with their unemployment ran off. Never have seen teenagers there.(personally know 4 people who worked their or who have worked there) All had spouses/and/or/children at home to support. All were on some kind of government aid. Food stamps, rental assistance etc. They all had complaints about how management cut their hours and worked with limited workers on staff even during Holiday times. They even have the gull to ask for Christmas gifts for their employees during the holidays? That was a classy move to me.

The government needs to do something about this company and their practices.

Christine Christine
Feb '15

No way $75.00 in taxes per week taken out. Most of the workers have spouses who work too. Alot of them work 30 hrs, so $300 per week , minus taxes, leaves them approx $275×4=$1100 taken home per month. Not bad for part time.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Feb '15

Yes maybe we need a govt subcommittee to get paid millions of dollars to investigate Walmart. The best thing we can do as a society is stop supporting Walmart certainly not waiting for the govt to fix. Good grief. The govt really?

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Feb '15


There is nothing that Walmart does that isn't done by every major discount retailer including Target. Yet somehow people have this fanatical Walmart-hatred based upon misconceptions fostered by unions unable to organize Walmart employees.

Walmart promotes from within, and employees who do a good job, follow company policies, and have good attendance records can move up through the ranks. Walmart rarely hires managers from outside the company. I personally know of one 21 year old who was hired part-time by Walmart in October, demonstrated a good work ethic, performed his job as required, and was just promoted to a full time job as a department manager.

With the advent of the Affordable Care Act, I challenge you to find any retailer (including the major grocery chains) that isn't hiring mostly part-time workers. That's just a fact of life now thanks to the ACA and the 29 hour/week benefit cutoff.

People complain here that Walmart sells predominantly foreign-made goods -- very few retailers sell only American-made products. I can buy a flannel shirt from a US manufacturer like LL Bean and pay $40 -- or I can buy three or four from Walmart for that same $40 that wear and wash just as well as the US made shirt and last just as long. Why should I pay more than I have to for a comparable product?

Retailers like Walmart fill the need for lower income shoppers to be able to feed and clothe their families for a reasonable price. Not everyone is blessed with an annual income of $100k and be in the enviable position of not having to worry about what items cost.

JerryG JerryG
Feb '15

Re: Piles of Dead Fish in Tanks at Wal-Mart

I'm glad Walmart is there to fill a need lower income shoppers. A large percentage of who are no doubt Walmart employee's. We all get to chip on the $6 billion of public assistance Walmart workers rely on. Then of course you have all the families who lost jobs in the manufacturing sector, as it was impossible to compete with the cost demands of Walmart, and sub human wage many Chinese workers earn. Now they can buy cheap made in China crap at a "always low price" too. I'd rather starve then set foot in this Cancer of a store.

Denis Denis
Feb '15

BBY and JerryG You need to read!




AND yes Target and Home Depot do the same thing but Walmart is number 1!

Christine Christine
Feb '15

"All had spouses/and/or/children at home to support. All were on some kind of government aid. Food stamps, rental assistance etc."

Is Walmart, or any other company big, small, private or public, supposed to pay a cashier $40K a year just because that person needs a little extra income?

In no way do I feel that Walmart is the greatest employer of choice for people but let's be honest here. You need to ask yourself why you can't make more than $9/hr without the government forcing an employer to pay you that. My daughter is still in HS, got a job at minimum wage and now makes more than $9 by earning it. Why is someone in their 30's not able to do so?

Also, let's not forget that manufacturing jobs were not the greatest paying jobs with the best conditions when they were plentiful here. Before the jobs were moved offshore or lost to automation, exploitation of employees was extremely common.

The key to greater American prosperity is not to elevate menial jobs to a superior pay scale but to elevate the average American's aspirations to be something more than menial.

emaxxman emaxxman
Feb '15

emaxxman the point is they are making plenty of money! They cut the hours so they do not have to pay benefits. Many people have circumstances that make them have to work in menial jobs. You think that Walmart is right in what they do? You do know we (the taxpayers) pay for the public assistance?

Christine Christine
Feb '15

This thread began as an observation of some dead fish at Walmart...

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Feb '15

So because they make plenty of money they should hand it out. Entitlement philosophy at its finest. I am not of the share the wealth mindset that so many folks have become brainwashed to believe.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Feb '15

I shop at walmart for some things...canned goods, drugs, milk, eggs,, lots of stuff. They get their produce from the same truck as shop rite. Very happy for everyone who has the luxury to pay more for the same brands, but we watch prices on everything we buy. Really, is shop rite, lowes, dunkin donuts, etc any better?

Geez, get a net and toss the fish out if if bugs you so much.

dsl1029 dsl1029
Feb '15

"You think that Walmart is right in what they do?"

I don't think Walmart is right or wrong. They manage a business. I've worked for small and big businesses. I've juggled 3 part time jobs because I couldn't get a full-time job. How many businesses in town "share the wealth" with their employees?

"You do know we (the taxpayers) pay for the public assistance?"

Are you saying it's Walmart's fault that these folks can't support themselves? You were a business owner. Did you pay your employees a living wage that they could support an entire family on?

It's easy to say that Walmart should pay their employees more when it's not your dime. Let's say Walmart decides to pay its employees $15/hr like many advocates are pushing for. What kind of service would you, as the employer, expect for $15/hr? If you had to pay that wage, would you hire the same level of people? I know I would have different expectations between an $8/hr vs $15/hr employee. What happens to the people who can't deliver $15/hr of productivity?

There will always be menial jobs with minimum wages. Aspire to be more than menial and you won't have a problem.

emaxxman emaxxman
Feb '15

Entitlement mindset??? 6 billion a year in entitlements Walmart workers receive every year, and your paying for it! Over 30 billion a year imported from China by Walmart. Countless manufacturing jobs lost all across the country because no US manufacturer and compete with Chinese labor cost. Bravo for the Waltons and the free market, while we sell our country out to the Chinese. Personally I'm willing to spend a little more given a choice between made in the USA, and China, or small business versus corporate giant..

Denis Denis
Feb '15

I will not waste my hard earned money on a similar or inferior product just because it's "Made in America."

When (and if) American manufacturers can produce the same goods and sell them for the same prices I'll buy them. Until that happens, US Labor has no one to thank but their unions with sweetheart contracts that, over the years, have driven up the cost of manufacturing to the point where it's impossible for US manufacturers to compete.

I agree with dsl1059, scoop out the dead fish and move on.

JerryG JerryG
Feb '15

seems like its the same people that want high wages for low level work but then have a problem because imported goods are less expensive while good ole made in the USA has inferior quality.

kinda hard to compete when the dude taking your garbage out at the end of the night is making 40k. the American Dream somehow turned into the American Guarantee. this will prove out to be disastrous

Feb '15

Can't we all just share our hard earned money and save the fish. And while I am at it I will give each Walmart employee an extra 5 bucks. Share the wealth everyone. 10% would say Thank you the other 90% would say god damn about time someone gave me another hand out.

CraftBeerBob CraftBeerBob
Feb '15

+100 dsl1029, about the products come off the same truck as Srite, etc. Prices aren't any better elsewhere. People obviously have $ to waste. Walmart is usually less. One thing against them is they don't do double coupons, like Srite and Weis. Just watch produce and meats. Seen some scary things.

botheredbyuu2 botheredbyuu2
Feb '15

Didn't Flanders Walmart gave the same thing awhile back when a woman and a young child saw that?

@Jerryg "When (and if) American manufacturers can produce the same goods and sell them for the same prices I'll buy them."
How do you produce the same goods for the same price when the average hourly wage for a Chinese factory worker is $1.36?? Figure that one out please. I hope your descendants learn how to speak Chinese, it will come in handy.

Denis Denis
Feb '15

one of the Walton family said she wanted to give back to the community so instead of paying employees more money or giving employees better healthcare she had built a $425 million Museum of fine art smack in the middle of redneck city, Arkansas come on the money could have been spent a wee bit more wisely

Feb '15

I don't know if anyone else has read "Made In America", by Sam Walton. He had his head so much "in the game" insofar as building the retail business, that it remained up to his wife to "be his conscience", so to speak, as it was at her insistence that he realized that the employees needed more than just a salary and that they should be provided with medical insurance, etc. He was very down to earth and his wife even more so. I think she'd be spinning in her grave at what her offspring has done in the name of profit, the dead fish being just a symptom of a larger problem.

Phil D. Phil D.
Feb '15

I don't think giving employees more money has a tax advantage. The only wise thing in their world is more money. With a tax advantage it's your money.

Old Gent Old Gent
Feb '15


skippy skippy
Feb '15

High wages for low level work?

I thought it was normal wages for low level work because of the cost of living increase since Walmart opened.

May be they can stop buying fish and pass that saving on to the employees.

I'll bet some of you would even have an issue with that.

Astrat Astrat
Feb '15

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