Hey Darren...

Hey Darren...

Close enough??


I went out on the quad two weeks ago, only made it about 5 miles before I said "screw this it's just too damn cold" (Wasn't really dressed for such a long ride, sort of was a on the whim ride) LOL!

As for the snowmobile, there has been years where I waited and waited for enough snow and ended up never riding, so I had to take a blast around my yard just to say i rode.

Darrin Darrin
Jan '18

"screw this it's just too damn cold" Heh, heh..... Don't get me wrong, I am a winter buff. Just have a healthy respect for it recognizing the damage it can cause. Like I said, there are good snows and there are bad snows.

Think the coldest I have ever been was up on Madonna Mtn with wind chill -45 at the top. Probably -30 100 feet from the summit, but that peak, ouch. Made two runs, wearing the lift-provided horse blanket. Frostbit both ear lobes just below the hat line; forgot to put in down that last half inch. Turned black, fell off, look and act real funky now. Thank God girls love scars..... No earrings for me.

But we were prepped (except for the ear mistake) with layers you wouldn't believe starting with pantyhose. Laugh you might but how do you think those ladies get by with a skirt in the winter. Great first layer for the uber cold. Then wicking material, long johns, and so on and so on. Also had charcoal heaters going in our pockets, gloves, whatever. We were smoking!

Haven't skied while snowing for decades. I just wait now and I gave up the pantyhose. Matter of fact, think I might hit one of these 40 degree plus days before it all goes South.

Snowballing: heh, I grew up in Buffalo. Snowballing is an art form and I am Picasso.

Snowmobiles, ATMs, or Vs.... nope, those suckers are dangerous. Side by sides, maybe. Still, for now, I'll stick to my YZ's. Safer :>)

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Jan '18

Re: Hey Darren...

Lots of snow on tug hill

Earnhardt Earnhardt
Feb '18

Went to lost trails atv Park today! 50 degrees and fresh powder . We all had fun!

Michael Michael
Feb '18

Tug hill is awesome.

Dodgeball Dodgeball
Feb '18

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