Lost gray and white cat

Lost gray and white cat

We haven't seen our cat "Porky" since last night (Saturday). If you have seen her please message me.

Porky's mom Porky's mom
Aug '18

Porky lives near Russel court by the American Legion.

Porky's mom Porky's mom
Aug '18

My cat came back! Thank you to those that were looking!

Porky's mom Porky's mom
Aug '18

she's a beautiful cat. Glad she came home!

Hackresident Hackresident
Aug '18

So glad she's back! Great to hear!

thats great news!

Waldo's mom Waldo's mom
Aug '18

Love the name. Glad she came home.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Aug '18

Thank you!

Porky's mom Porky's mom
Aug '18

Porky has gone missing again, she was new to our home and either she's exploring again or is lost. If you see her please message me. I didn't get the chance to get a tag on her.

Porky's mom Porky's mom
Aug '18

Our cat is still missing, I have called the 11th hour and they still haven't called us back, it is possible that she was last seen behind a house on WIllow Grove near Franklin street. We have looked and looked all around that area. I am going to post pictures around today.

Porky's mom Porky's mom
Sep '18

How does she keep going missing? Are you keeping her outside?

Nature Lover Nature Lover
Sep '18

Nature lover she didn't "keep going missing" She belonged to a friend who moved to Florida, so we took her in. She was an indoor/outdoor cat. We had her for awhile and thought she was used to our home, the first time we felt she was just exploring because she was back within a day. We were keeping her inside because it's been so hot but she slipped out when one of my kids friends came in, she loves it outside. She made her way back again. She's home safe and indoors.

Porky's dad Porky's dad
Sep '18

Maybe getting a harness with a leash might help her safely get her outside fix?

positive positive
Sep '18

Glad to hear she is back home. Nice of you to take her. I thought u had just adopted her since you mentioned 11th Hour. Why don’t you just make her an inside cat ..she might not like it at first, it better than getting hit by a car

Nature Lover Nature Lover
Sep '18

Nature lover, yes, not sure why I was told to call them either actually, I thought it was someone that could help in finding her. And yes, she will be our indoor cat now, I don't want her to get hurt.

Thank you!

Porky's mom Porky's mom
Sep '18

Has your cat been reunited?

Hackettstown Wife Hackettstown Wife
Nov '18

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