Outdoor Dining Area Open Daily 12-8 pm
The Hackettstown BID, along with the Town of Hackettstown, is pleased to announce Outdoor Dining Space for our Community. It is located behind Davillas and Stella G's. This space will assist our restaurants by allowing additional space for their customers to dine. There will be a tent for protection (sun and rain) as well as seating not under the tent. The Outdoor Dining Area is open daily from 12-8:00 pm. This area will be open until restaurants have the capability to open indoor dining at full capacity OR when it is too cold to dine outdoors.
There will be binders with laminated menus from our BID restaurants so visitors can order and their food will be delivered to the tented area. We will be encouraging and enforcing all of the current guidelines for safety and continued health: wear a mask until you arrive to your table, social distancing will be required from other guests, asking for visitors to clean up their garbage and wipe down the tables after they have dined (garbage and recycling cans will be available as well as cleaning supplies.)
New restaurants will be added, but for now we offer the following Restaurants and Breweries: Davilla’s Pizza and Restaurant, Cluck-UChicken/C&L Subs N Grub, Enjoy Creperie, Franks Trattoria, The Grove Gourmet Deli, James on Main, Main Street Cafe, Mama’s Restaurant and Cafe Baci, Marley’s Gotham Grill, Pandan Room, River Str Diner, The Sizzle BBQ, Soups on Main, TOPO, Toscana, Man Skirt Brewing and Czig Meister Brewing Company.
For more information, please email socialmedia@hackettstownbid.com
What a great idea, congrats on your innovation! Might I suggest one way arrows for walking. Like in at the bottom, out across the top and back down to Main.
Finally we can get a table for James on Main!!
Thank you BID and Htown restaurants.
If it gets popular enough, close down a couple of blocks on Main on Sunday evening. With our behind-Main parking, it’s a natural resource!!! Just remember those one way walking arrows!! Go BID.
What a great idea! This is fantastic. I'm hungry already seeing who's going to be there!
Will the area be “monitored” or is it on the honor system to socially distance and clean your space?
LOVE this idea!
YeahRight... clean your space when you arrive and leave just incase.....
Everywhere is an honor system. If we have no honor, the reopening will be slowed or pulled back. Just be careful out
there and have respect for fellow citizens and these brave workers.
Although in looking at this, unless binders, table and chairs are cleaned each sitting —- plastic actually hold the virus longer than paper. Better to post on sign boards for no touch OR have disinfecting wipes available for patrons to clean as they go....Hope they either thought of this OR advertise big time that patrons at own risk for binder, table and chair cleaning. Good opportunity for “wipe concession!” I would be more than willing to clean as I sit. No biggee.
Happiest girl the point of this parking lot it that is easy for the staff of these restaurants to walk the food over to you. Miller st firehouse would defeat the whole point of what they are trying to accomplish.
Annie, absolutely! Clean before you lean. Always leave it better than you found it.
Jim L ----- some of those restaurants are not walking distance to the Stella G parking lot. They would be driving over. Those restaurants along Main Street further away from Stella G's parking lot could most likely get to Miller St. by car faster than walking from their restaurant to Stella G.
Don't know why you would dismiss a suggestion without studying the possibility first.
Point is that either disinfecting wipes/spray need to be available onsite, somebody needs to be cleaning on every table turn, OR you need to bring your own. The sanitizing protocol, especially the binders, needs to be nailed down. It should not be a surprise to patrons.
Perhaps the shared menu phobic could smart phone to a menu?
Hope all goes smoothly, sounds like fun.
I would bring my own Lysol wipes for the menus. Or if there's an online option even better. It is so hard to trust right now with people so defiant about even wearing a mask. It's shameful.
Is it worth this much hassle to eat out? I am all for restaurants opening up but if I have to do all the cleaning I don’t see the point.
Because happiless Girl the point of the tent is to bring people to Main Street not bring them 8 blocks away.
I have been supportive of local Resturants by ordering take out and I do sympathize with their situation.
I am not prepared to go out and eat in a group setting, how ever the tables are configured and whatever precautions are taken.
This virus-because of inadequate direction on a federal level and an inpatient, unwilling to face the facts citizenry is now spreading like a wildfire nationally.
I do sympathize with their situation, but I am not willing to sacrifice my and my family’s health for a meal in a group setting.
And that includes sporting events- movies- concerts-air travel and any other close proximity gathering until the numbers subside significantly or a vaccine ( next spring?) is developed.
My business is pretty much DESTROYED by this pandemic, but I will go all that I can go to protect myself and those around me.
I applaud the creativity of Hackettstown’s BID, but I feel it’s not for me.
3wb: I agree. The nest would be to know it has been done: tables, chairs, and binders.
However, if clearly communicated, or if cleaning materials are provided, I would gladly roll ly own, it takes a second.
But a lack of clarity, a lack of cleaning, will doom the innovative idea. IMO.
Use QR codes. Scan them and got to each restaurants menu. Post them on a few sign boards. No touch menu. Less to touch and be cleaned.
I’ll bring my own wipes.
I think the food tent is absolutely wonderful for the town and the businesses!
4of4, my thoughts exactly! QR codes are a safer idea and less hassle: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/suzannerowankelleher/2020/06/16/why-qr-codes-are-popping-up-everywhere-during-the-pandemic/amp/
Just bring some disinfecting wipes in a zip lock bag & wipe down what you plan to touch. I do this for all restaurants I've been to as I don't trust how well they are cleaning things - for example - chairs - you touch the chair to move it closer to the table, etc.
Isn't it enough that the town went to all the trouble to set up a tent, chairs, & menu's???
I agree the QR code is the way to go.
Jim L , happiless girl ? did your keyboard malfunction again ? Like the time it did when you reffered to the recently deceased councilman from Hackettstown Bob Heinrich as you typed (he was a man) instead of he was a GOOD man. Or is there a chip for anyone who doesn't agree with your thought?
Luca et al: really not nitpicking. It's just that upfront planning is so much better than disaster control. BID should take all into consideration, and all with a grain of salt.
I think this is great, believe I was early to say: outdoor dining is the way to go and Htown has many natural resources in this regard from Matar's huge field to Htown's off street parking for either tables or street dining access. Glad we are using our resources. Given the state's clampdown on indoor dining, given Southern States results, don't think we will see indoor dining come back in a meaningful way for awhile, perhaps until a vaccine. So, we have until late Fall to capitalize on this.
I have no issue with cleaning my own but wipes are a precious commodity and before I haul my kit of sprays and clothes, I would like to know it is needed. Plus, no way am I cleaning a binder, laminated or gold embossed. Ain't gonna happen. I have no issue with cleaning my own, still sounds like fun ---- just not as much fun as having it cleaned so it adjusts my frequency. Still will try it, just not as often. And I, for one, have no issue with paying to have my table/chairs disinfected from the last usage. None at all.
I also suggest --- one way walking paths with arrows spray painted on the ground. Come in from Main and exit at the top to Miller and then back down to Main. This will stop people from entering from Miller, but gives those entering from Miller and beyond clear message as to how to walk to pass closely the least amount of folks. A six foot walkway tween the tables would be nice too.
I know, I know, tmi and I think too much and I am a scare-dy cat. It's just that one mistake, one infection, can take out 10 or take out a family. The key to safety is proper protocol planning. After that, bringing some spray, clothes, wipes, is not much of an issue. A minor inconvenience to protect family, friends, and neighbors. Walking one way is healthy, not an issue either. Germs and close proximity are the issues.
I hope BID and the businesses are listening to this dialog from this group and will not only act accordingly, but will COMMUNICATE clearly what the disinfection plans are for this great resource. Communication, signage, protocols are most important and the hard part is figuring the protocols out: it's relatively easy to implement once you do this.
I can envision roping off the gazebo or the top of the lot, installing a band with a tip plate at the edge of the roping, and having a social distanced band play on.
If this is somewhat popular, I can envision taking out Main Street from Grand down two blocks on Sunday nights for special dinners, installing a band, and dining in the street --- what an event!!!
FYI in all this, BID and businesses might consider success. First, what happens when all tables full. Good problem to consider, right? Also, I know, from other events too, that let's face it, James on Main is our top-rated place and may get overwhelmed, sold out, at the cost of other businesses. Especially since one reason for not going to James is inability to get a reasonable reservation; they are booked heavy. If any table here has access, this could turn into a one horse horseshow. Might consider how these places be sure they share the patrons, or run out of food, without pissing the patrons off in the process. Fair is fair and another good problem to work.
Hope for your success, this is a fantastic idea. Also, Churrascaria Paladar has patio dining starting last week; Mama's has patio dining, any reviews about C19 safety precautions here?
Can Villa Mattar's be far behind? It's a big field you have back there, natural resource wise....
Where else in H-town and surrounds can you eat outside with C19 safety precautions deployed?
Yes, QR codes should be an option going forward for anyone that has a cell phone and knows how to use it, that doesn't want to touch a menu. Why ask restaurants to always print disposable menus or clean them (or not clean them)?
A laminated binder is definitely a recipe for potential virus/germ contamination, even in normal times.
The QR codes or paper menus that can be recycled is the way to go. All it takes is one infected binder, or an accidental lapse in wiping one to infect a community.
This is a great effort on behalf of the BID and I'd love to see it move forward with safer measures regarding the menus.
I also hope that all businesses are adhering to mask-wearing during food preparation and beyond.
Stranger danger, have you driven by Mattar's lately? In the span of a week, they installed a huge side patio and its been up and running! Honestly looks to seat almost as many tables as inside.
Have I driven anywhere lately? Did massive Tranquility Farms Ice Cream run, but didn't notice. Their website says nothing, but not sure I am on the right site. Matar's Bistro website says take-out only. But ever so glad for them and for us. Wonder if anyone has tried it.
Anywhere's else? I know Mama's has patio, but it's awfully tight.
oops, forgot --- Hot Dog Johnnies still open, think the pic-a-nic tables are there but, honestly, last time I drove by it was a-all to elbow crowded, lines out the ying-yang and so..….I will pass for now.
Anyone know if Johnnies doin anything special or just BAU?
Just passed by Mattars today- they constructed an extension of their outdoor patio and it looks beautiful!!
3wb - I can't agree more. We drove to PA a couple times so we could dine inside, since we don't care for outdoor dining. We probably won't bother anymore, it was not a very pleasant experience. Would rather just eat at home.
How about for menus printing a page of QR codes for each restaurant that sends you to their menu. Print one or two for every table, put in plastic sleeve and tape them securely to the table tops with packing tape or something similar. This way they could be wiped down with the table surface and people wouldn't be gathering around or sharing a separate binder. Not sure how well the tape would hold up, but just tossing out an idea.
The need that scan codes and hand wipes are even being discussed is silly.
If I have to say- on one hand I can have a meal, possibly can get sick, infect my family, and potential of lifelong organ damage.....but on the other hand I can stay home, fire up the grill, nuke something, whatever- and be safe.. it doesn't take much to see what the right answer is.
There are enough people being selfish and putting others at risk, I don't need to be one of them...or be around them.
Kinda funny all the people saying what they should have without actually going to see the setup first. Maybe some of the things you say they should be doing are already being done.go there first then give a review/ suggestion but nitpicking before even knowing what’s there is lame
While I agree with your point to an extent, it is reasonable for people to ask what precautions the bid is taking to make things safer and easier to clean. The "omg, they need to have this that and the other thing, but I'm not going there because I want to stay safe" people aren't really being helpful.
But they’re not asking the BID they are asking people who have no clue who haven’t been there. Email the OP any questions and get answers. She even said for more information to email her.
I'm happy that the Hackettstown BID and the town of Hackettstown has found a place for customers to dine out and also help keep them up and running their restaurants! Thank you for all involved. I can bring my own wipes.
Jim L - If the OP didn't want to start a discussion, they should have posted this in the classified section. It seems some of the posts here are irritating you, maybe you should scroll on by if you don't like the discussion.
Thanks Lynnada. So I suggest if people have questions about the layout they should email the BID to get answers and your reply is I should leave the thread. Got it.
Jim L, ignore the losers and haters. A great many of us value your information and common sense.
You know, folks, if you don't want to sit around the local colour here - I sure don't - you could always order takeout or fire up a grill at Stephen's State Park. Just remember, no alcohol, and clean up after yourselves!
FYI, most of the local restaurants are on Grubhub or others. Even if you don't want or need to use the service, you can use it for a menu. Many also have a menu on their websites. And guess what? These services take a hefty cut, so I know these businesses would prefer you call them directly!
There's Slice, Grubhub, DoorDash, UberEats, MenuPix, among I'm sure some more. If you have a menu or are there, you can also upload photos of it to google maps (which may have a menu too!)
So here's some menu links to downtown restaurants:
Davilla's: https://www.davilaspizzarestaurant.com/
Marleys: https://www.marleysgothamgrill.net/
James on Main: https://www.jamesonmain.net/curbside (Very limited hours)
MODS: can you edit this and let me put all URLS in one post?
A few more menu links:
Enjoy Creperie: http://places.singleplatform.com/enjoy-creperie/menu
C&L/Cluck U: https://www.cluckuchicken2go.com/ShowMenu.tpl?cart=15937033358164850
Stella G's: http://www.stellags.com/menu/
Topo: http://www.toporestaurant.net/menu-order-online
And the last few:
The Sizzle: http://thesizzlebbq.com/our-menu/
Main Street Cafe: http://mainstcafe.net/menu/
PandanRoom: http://www.pandanroom.com/ (they have a pop up menu, and a PDF)
Sub Shack: https://goo.gl/maps/B23Ha2j4msGufsYP6 (Look at the pictures on the google maps listing)
In further rereading the original post which is from the BID site, it looks like we are responsible for cleaning up after ourselves. This leads me to believe that menu cleaning is up to us as well which is fine by me.
It's simply the old adage- Your Mother doesn't work here- clean up after yourself! LOL
Is it in reality - you call restaurant or order on-line, pickup your food and go to sit and eat at the table in the tented area? Kinda take-out picnic.
Lena - The OP says the food will be delivered, so you don't pick it up. That really makes no difference IMO. Like 3wb said, "Not worth it." Might as well just get take out or delivery and eat in your own yard or at your own table.
Apparently, one man's constructive criticism is another's "losers and haters" to be ignored. And to email BID or worse yet, drive by to take a look is just ridiculous waste of time, theirs and ours. Sorry for my suggestions, fell free to disregard, I know I do the same for some of your ideas :>)
For reals: thanks, and then I reread and you are spot on except to add we are expected to "clean up their garbage and wipe down the tables after they have dined" and noting cleaning supplies will be available (hopefully disinfecting, not anti-bacterial). Clean up after we eat. I guess no one should expect the previous party to clean up, or do it well, that's pretty cool and straight-forward and if materials available cool, I can wipe a table/chairs before and after. A small pause for the cause. We all: lovers, critics, helpers, haters, losers, moderator, et al missed that one, could a saved a lot of bandwidth.....
My other comments stand, especially the binders. Don't forget the band, the one-way arrows and quit tracking mud on my clean kitchen floor (that's for A1B)
I think this could really work, glad that some time ago I came up with the idea for outdoor dining using town resources, and gladder yet that the BID/restaurants got innovative with their implementation.
Folks can still vote with their wallets, and those who favor take out and at-home, cool. Those who want a new view, maybe talk to some other folks (from afar), get some air, cooler. And there's BEER.
QUESTION: Can anyone explain the BEER delivery. Do we bring growlers or what? That's a hike for a flight.
Calico - probably the whole point of this setting is to meet with friends you don't want to invite to your house or just get away from the house. BTW, what about bathroom facilities?
Lena - Friends that you don't want to invite to your house? LOL, must not be that great of friends. I would assume that there will be a porta-potty(s). This really sounds a lot like the set up for the whatever that other event was called that they have in September where you taste things from different restaurants.
Honestly can anyone advise which one has the best parking available
Disability elderly in family and cannot walk too far
AJMS- You could always drop off your family member at the dining are then park the car close by if it is too far to walk I would think.
Went to a restaurant last night not involved in the tent. I was not comfortable with the laminated menus they’ve used all along and washed and sanitized my hands after.
Paper or online is the way to go.
I would gather the folks at the BID could answer that. Unless a patron went nearly every day, it would be difficult to assess the daily attendance at the dining area based on a visit or two. Since the BID and Laurie in particular put it together I guarantee she is monitoring the success closely both in person and through feedback from all of the participating restaurants. The few times I had gone by there were folks there.
careful Greg, telling people to reach out to the BID to get answers to their question will get people to tell you to leave the thread. :)
Gee, imagine that. People going directly to the source instead of to HL, the rumor mill!
This is a great idea. Thank you to the BID. Suggestion for the QR code menus is a great one.
Some outdoor dining options:
Mattar's has put up plastic sheathing along the outdoor dining area & Panther Pub put up a tent with sides.
Four enclosed walls with a tent would have the same rules as indoor dining. Thinking logically, for me and my family, i would not dine at any place, tent or walls, with no ventilation. I might order take out though depending on the place. I personally try to follow the science.
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