Total Snow Accumulation Winter 2010/2011

How much do you think we will have gotten once all of this snow finally stops this season?

(Bryan if you could suggest what site to use for the official winning amount)

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

Too DAMN much - I win!!! lol

Just Asking Just Asking
Jan '11

If you want i can ask Weather Works in Hackettstown at the end of the season. I know i've had 39.5 in Jefferson. I would estimate H-town has had about 35 so far. I will say 68 total.

Bryan Bryan
Jan '11

Isnt John K part of Weather Works??

Just Asking Just Asking
Jan '11

90 inches

darlughh darlughh
Jan '11

54 Inches

shoebie shoebie
Jan '11

57 inches

BrownEyesGuy BrownEyesGuy
Jan '11

JA...I do some work for them, I will find out the total after the season is over (which at this point looks like July or August).

John K John K
Jan '11

Weather Works is a big weather expert for litigation purposes. I am always so proud of little Hackettstburg when I see it on our reports. :o)

Tracy Tracy
Jan '11

60 inches

Snoopy Snoopy
Jan '11

Re: Total Snow Accumulation Winter 2010/2011

Ok here is my guess as to how much. WAY TOO MUCH! In this picture the snow pile is higher than the cab of my truck. Now two things before thinking eh, that's not that big. My truck is a very large single axle dump truck. But besides that, if you look to the very right of the picture, that square object is a basketball net. One of those free standing nets you see all over the roadsides during the summer. Yeah, too much snow. Enough already. LOL

SeeintheReality SeeintheReality
Jan '11

Wait till the little boy goes out and see's what the mean snow plow man did to his basket ball net.
Look's like you already buried mommy & daddy's mailbox.

Jan '11

yeah - but the kid is overjoyed at his newfound ability to dunk the basketball....

Jan '11

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