Unclaimed Baggage Store

Has anybody ever hear of this place in Alabama or been there? The store where lost luggage and it's contents goes to die until sold......


Here's a link to their website:


Calico696 Calico696
Feb '11

Never been there BUJT I did lose a bag on our honeymoon wonder if it made it there? I didnt read the whole site but where does the money go to the proceeds? It should go to pay for baggage fees us consumers have to pay. LOL!

Christine Christine
Feb '11

The store buys the bags from the airplanes. So they are there to make money, they dont donate the proceeds. Never been there

Just Asking Just Asking
Feb '11

I saw this on a show on TV. Pretty cool! I just couldn't believe how much jewelry there was. People really pack that in their suitcase and don't carry it with them???

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Feb '11

i went there. its a sweet place, some of the stuff seems over priced.like their trying to get retail prices. but if your in the area, its worth stopping by. alot of electronics, and clothes. some stuff cant be tested, which makes it a little tougher to buy some stuff. and depending on who you talk to, sometimes you can barter a little bit. but still a cool place.

scubasteve scubasteve
Feb '11

Read an article on it in a magazine, pretty interesting. I would love to go to that...as well as the longest garage sale, crosses 3 states or something like that. Now that's on my bucket list!

Bessie Bessie
Feb '11

Lori - It's crazy, why people would put jewelry, cameras, iPods and computers in their checked luggage is beyond me. That's what carry-on bags are for.

Bessie - Where is this crazy garage sale you speak of?

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '11

I saw that on HGTV. I think it starts in Ohio and goes to Tennessee. There is a website. I need to look into it.


Just Asking Just Asking
Feb '11

Thanks for the link JA. Holy crap....it says that it goes from Michigan all the way to Alabama. That's a lot of junk....LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '11

LOL I did part of that garage sale several years ago. Most of it was junk.......Funny hting is they leave it out all the time. At least the section I was in did. I was able to get a cool purse for $3 that I recently just sold for $8.

Christine Christine
Feb '11

There is a similar place like this right in PA in Bethlehem but its called unclaimed freight they have nice furniture for cheap as well as small stuff too

shoebie shoebie
Feb '11

Unclaimed freight is actually all new stuff nothing like the unclaimed baggage store.

Christine Christine
Feb '11

That garage sale looks awesome...I like watching when they cover it on HGTV

Bessie Bessie
Feb '11

Bessie we did about 30 miles of it and it was CRAZY!!! The amount of people that do it is also amazing! You would love it!

Christine Christine
Feb '11

I thought unclaimed frieght was more like overstock and unclaimed/lost stuff? I have never been myself but my husband has.

I asked my sister about this Unclaimed Baggage since she is down in AL and she said sometimes the stuff is nice.

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Feb '11

I want to do it!!! Rent and RV and go

nosila nosila
Feb '11

mommyof3 I would tend to believe that unclaimed frieght started out like overstocked items. BUT they have loads of the samei tems & can order in different colors and fabrics. We bought from their many a year ago and the product was sub par for sure. Havent been there since. My sister went there for furniture for her college kid and she barely got thru 3 yrs with it. Take a look at their flyers wehn the come in the Warren Reporter.

Christine Christine
Feb '11

Nosila, I'm on board, LOL. Would need a truck, just in case we find something big!

Bessie Bessie
Feb '11


I did the Route 127 Endless Yardsale last summer. We went from MI to TN, not making it to AL. Purchased a wheelchair for $25. I then went to Bach's Drug to order a $75 part for it and was told that it was worth anywhere from $900-$1200, depending where on the east coast it was sold! Haven't use the wheelchair yet though but it was a great find for when it might be needed.

If you are going to this sale you need to book sleeping accommodations way ahead of time. We only had two nights reserved in OH. After that we had problems finding lodging, without going out of the way to get one. The whole sale is an experience. Depending on what your looking for will depend on whether or not it will be worth it.
Should you go my advise would be to only stay on the route 127 road. Sales off this road can be miles away and then end up having only about a dozen items. This was one of those live and learn lessons for us.

Enjoy if you go!

Magpie Magpie
Feb '11

o sry my friend got a couch there and i guess explained it to me wrong thought it was the same ;x

shoebie shoebie
Feb '11

Christine - thanks we actually were talking about the place the other because my sister is starting to look for stuff when her and her future husband move in together. I said I wasn't sure how good the stuff actually was!

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Feb '11

Bessie- I so want to go....Renting an RV would be like $500 for 4 days thats cheaper than hotels and big enough for some larger items...LOL

nosila nosila
Feb '11

If you want something big they do sell many John Deere tractors at this yard sale!

Magpie Magpie
Feb '11

Or you could be like me nosila and sleep at my relatives......I believe I still have 2 on the route. LOL!

Christine Christine
Feb '11

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