Missing girl: Washington area

Hey guys, I've lived in Hackettstown my whole life but I have a son that attends Warren Hills Regional High School. He told me about a missing girl. This was on facebook:

VERY IMPORTANT; This is very serious, Miranda Lauton has been missing since yesterday morning and we are very worried about her. She could be in a potentially dangerous situation, so please anyone with any information on her whereabouts, please call the Police or her parents at 908-914-7465. We're very worried about her. Please copy & paste this to your status.

She attends Warren County Technical School.

whrs1754 whrs1754
Mar '11

I saw this also and there is a facebook page also so its goinng around on that also.

Christine Christine
Mar '11

Just posted on my facebook

Nosila Nosila
Mar '11

I just checked with the Washington township police. They have no information of anyone missing

hackettstown wife
Mar '11

Damn- I was even thinking this was a scam

Nosila Nosila
Mar '11

It's a sick joke if it is. Could it be a different Washington? But it's not on the web or on amber alert

hackettstown wife
Mar '11

Hey guys, I have no connection to this, just felt I should share this with yall. Further down on the facebook page there's a discussion on it's authenticity. There's no amber alert because the police are currently treating this as a runaway.

whrs1754 whrs1754
Mar '11

Just spoke with Washington police They do have a missing runaway by that name. It is true. Guess it wasn't shared with surrounding police departments got it right from the dispatch

hackettstown wife
Mar '11

How is it that this information was not shared to all the local police departments?

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Mar '11

Does seem rather odd, you would think all police departments in this area would be notified. Can you post a question on Hackettstown Police Facebook page? I don't know if they respond to genera procedure typel questions

Bessie Bessie
Mar '11

Was out walking early today and was approached by two woman in a white sienna van asking if a red headed 23 year old male was seen. They also instructed me to call the police immediately if he were seen....wt????? I wonder if the two stories are related??

NJ Mom NJ Mom
Mar '11

This is getting scary...

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Mar '11

To all who are doubting this or future doubters It's actually real. I've had to comfort some of the friends hurting over this today, so obviously their tears aren't fake. Just wanted to clarify, and not meaning to come across rude.

Mar '11

update: she wrote on her facebook, but is not disclosing where she is apparently.

Mar '11

I found this post kind of odd on the Find Miranda Lauton facebook page:

Wayne Lauton
Miranda, you may not know who this is, but Peter Frampton just tweeted about you. Even the stars want you to come home to us. Please call and have mom and dad get you. They will meet you anywhere.

Just seems really weird.

Hackettstown Wife - This is not a joke, her Dad knocked on my door yesterday.

Just Asking Just Asking
Mar '11

Just Asking: Yes. I know . the first call I made was to Washington Police(obviously Twp) because they said they knew nothing about a missing teen. Then I saw the flyer and called that number and they confirmed.

Also: got PM from her aunt

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Mar '11

my understanding now is that she recently left warren tech and began back to warren hills in the past week or so ...

I attend Warren community college, there was a guy arrested for bothering my friend a
And watching us there. Could be a connection. I'll call the police and let them know

Mar '11

it doesn't matter why it wasn't spread. what matters is that she's gone and everyone wants her home safe.

She has been writing on Facebook....I wonder if there is a way to get the IP address and then the location

Nosila Nosila
Mar '11


That was her own grandfather posting that message. Why was that weird to you?

Mar '11

Because the post stating that the name belongs to her grandfather wasn't there yet and I don't know too many 20 year olds that know who Frampton is. I thought it was a strange reference. Nothing more to it than that.

There are 8 Washingtons in NJ.....this is NOT a scam. Please continue to post this and pray for her safe return!!

She has gotten in contact with her family, so at least she is safe. Alot my friends are a mess over this, so hopefully she will make it home. Kids do extreme things sometimes..without thinking

Mar '11

I'm a little confused about the Peter Frampton thing as well.

I hope this all works out for the family.

Calico696 Calico696
Mar '11

he is saying her outreach is so large that even Peter Frampton tweeted (passing along the message about Miranda on his twitter). That's really all it is, I still don't understand why that's weird.

Mar '11

They could get an IP address if she where indeed a missing child she is a runaway, shouldn't the resources of the police be saved for actual missing children not teenagers who throw a pissy fit and runaway for a week? I hope for her family and friends sake she realizes what she is doing to them and comes home soon.

shoebie shoebie
Mar '11

Shoebie - I do not agree with that at all. She is CHILD and they should be looking for her. Maybe she did runaway but we don't know the reasons. There are girls that get (disclaimer I am not saying HER, this is example) that are brianwashed by boyfriends. She is a 15 year old girl!!!

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Mar '11

So Shoebie, when your daughter is a teenager and possibly decides to throw a "pissy fit and runaway for a week", you wouldn't want the police to use all their resources to find her and make sure she comes home safe? I know if it was my child I certainly would even if he/she makes contact.

jrsemom jrsemom
Mar '11

Frampton wrote the song: "I want youth to show me the way"...
That applies to 20 year olds. They are young ! Also, maybe
Her parents played alot of Frampton music in the house when she was little.
That's how she might know of Frampton.

Mar '11

wow...just wow...I sometimes bite my tongue, but shoebie, your post just screamed IGNORANT...

I like to think that my son will never do anything like this either, but we never know 100%. Let's just hope that you never need the time and effort of the police for either scenario

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Mar '11

Seriously Shoebie - See what happens when your daughter does the same thing and how the hell are you going to react??????????????????????
It doesnt matter if she is a runaway or not - She is STILL MISSING.
Who knows truley if that was her on her FB page, someone else could have posted that.
So why don't you get your head out of your behind and apologize for such an ignorant message

Meeeee Meeeee
Mar '11

Ignorant to what? Shoebie is a mom and that's her opinion. Whether you all agree or disagree, she is entitled to it. Calling her ignorant and saying she has her butt up her behind is just plain rude. She shouldn't have to apologize for having a different opinion.

At least Mommyof3 and jrsemom gave their opinions of shoebie's statement without calling her names.

That being said, if this young lady has run away on her own accord I sure hope the parents get help for either she or the whole family to prevent it from happening again.

Calico696 Calico696
Mar '11

Shoobie, the police are much more effective in getting honest answers from the kids who know something in a situation like this. It usually only takes a few phone calls to close friends of the missing teen before she is located. She is a minor.

On the other hand, I do think facebook pages and announcements should be reserved for more immediate threats. I understand the parents desperation but I think they created an even more embarrassing situation for their daughter. This was not an amber alert situation.

LV Resident
Mar '11

I always thought it was "oh, won't you, show me the way", but I'm not exactly a Frampton superfan or anything...

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Mar '11

Calico is right. How does one put their butt up their behind though? hahaha I know you meant head. I hope the girl is found or returns home.

youngnfresh youngnfresh
Mar '11

I stated: "head out of your behind" so in other words get your head out of your a$$!

Everyone has their own opinion and so do I. What I stated is how I feel, plain and simple!

Meeeee Meeeee
Mar '11

She is updating her facebook and contacting friends etc she is by no means a missing child. I would hope that my daughter and I will never be in a place she would feel she would need to runaway everyone is sitting here freaking out maybe shes brainwashed by her boyfriend etc how do you know her situation at home is/was not worse then where she is now no one knows all the facts she is alive and well updating her facebook if she has brought it to this extent of not going home yet shes most likely looking for further attention or truly feels she is safer where she is rather than home. The fact that she is indeed not missing but not going home by her own free will should mean this should be handled privately through the family and the courts if necessary to have an Ip address tracked and/or an order to produce the child to the family she is staying with.

shoebie shoebie
Mar '11

I stated: "head out of your behind" so in other words get your head out of your a$$!

Everyone has their own opinion and so do I. What I stated is how I feel, plain and simple! - Meeeee

Yes, you are entitled to your opinions. No problem there. Just no reason to be blatantly rude in saying so is all.

I disagree with people on here many times, but I try my very best not to call them names or insult their intelligence because of it.

Calico696 Calico696
Mar '11

I love how she is a 'missing runaway' but updates her facebook.
I agree with Shoebie.

Shannon P. Shannon P.
Mar '11

Just a thought, but it may not actually be Miranda updating her facebook page...

Mar '11

3wbdwnj her parents updated on the search page that she contacted them via facebook and her friends have re assured on the same page that it is Miranda.

shoebie shoebie
Mar '11

Miranda has had many problems and disagreements with her parents, and that is why she ran away. I have known her for 5 years, and she has been telling me that for years that she has many disagreements with them. I'm not saying it is the only cause, but it is the most recent news I have heard from her, last year.

clo13 clo13
Mar '11

I don't know this girl or her family, so what I'm about to say here is completely surmised from what clo13 wrote above.

The biggest problem I notice, as an outsider, is that many parents have lost control of their children. Children need to remember that Mom and Dad are the boss, and therefore in charge. When kids start making the rules, all hell breaks loose. I disagreed with my parents while growing up sometimes, but still did as I was told. Running away wouldn't have solved anything. When I became an adult, I moved out. Problem solved.

If parents are not capable of handling their parental responsibilities (abuse, neglect, etc.), then somebody should call DYFS.

Calico696 Calico696
Mar '11

I just enjoy how most of you aren't even involved in this situation, or anything, but seem to have your opinions on what happened when in reality none of it is the actual truth/story. You all are just facebook stalking her page to figure out stories.

Mar '11

I just had an email from a member of Miranda's Family. The Facebook page was taken down due to all the hurtful and offensive remarks that was being made.

This family is going through a nightmare and people should have common courtesy to understand that.

If you can't send out good thoughts...keep them to yourself!

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Mar '11

I hope Miranda makes a healthy and safe return to her family.

Snoopy Snoopy
Mar '11

Ditto Snoopy... well said... lets hope for a happy ending....

Mar '11

The idea behind this thread was to get this little girl's picture out there and to locate her. Not to sit in Judgement of her or her friends and family. I will refer you all to another thread. http://www.hackettstownlife.com/forum/274064#recent

I hope she is Safe, Healthy, and returned soon.

Just Asking Just Asking
Mar '11

Shoebie - Just because she is updating facebook and contacting her friends doesn't mean she is safe! I have a friend who runaway but got involved with the wrong guy. He ended up abusing her to the point she was scared to leave, even when she had the chance to! Again disclaimer, I am not saying this is the case with Miranda! I do hope that she is back home soon!

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Mar '11

Well said JA!

All that is needed is this child safe......please give it up people.

Christine Christine
Mar '11

i don't meen to bring up the obvious things that a handful of you are not thinking about, but there are a few questions that have not really been brought up. This girl is 15, has a facebook.. does she have a cell phone? how many of you have facebook on your smart phones and have ever had somebody get ahold of it and write stuff as a harmless prank? Praying thats not the case. A 15 yo girl somewhere on her own is a dangerous situation even if she did runaway. it is not like she is an 18 year old girl that is of age to be on her own. So everybody saying that her parents are making a "big deal" out of this are compleatly out of your minds. In all honesty, I would rather see parents and family and friends that care for this girl writing all over facebook. At that a runaway or not..15 years old she the center for missing and expolited children should be involved until she is home! would you rather see this family get her home or read about freaking Charlie Sheen and his drug issues? cuz in all honesty, hollywood is alredy corrupt. lets make sure that dosent happen to her. prayers to the Lauton family.

medic176340 medic176340
Mar '11

Just received another email...Miranda is home!

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Mar '11

That's fantastic news!

Calico696 Calico696
Mar '11

Great news! Whew~~

happy2bhere happy2bhere
Mar '11

Thank God for her safe return. I hope that whatever made this girl feel she had to leave is resolved and all can have a safe and happy life.

Alison Alison
Mar '11

Glad she is home!

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Mar '11


NJ Mom NJ Mom
Mar '11

Great news.

I _ just asking I _ just asking
Mar '11

I actually DID receive an Amber Alert about this today.....so there is clearly more to the story than is being speculated. If she is indeed home safe, I am glad to hear it. I think a missing child, for whatever reason, has got to be every parent's worse nightmare. It certainly is mine.

LVMomOfBoys LVMomOfBoys
Mar '11

LVMomofBoys: I was told by her Aunt that she did return safe and sound last night. Got the email this morning.

Funny thing...I had emailed the office of the Attorney General asking why an Amber Alert is not sent out for a child even if thought to be a runaway. Haven't got an answer but maybe my email got to the right ears...

Our daughter is 20 and I can't even imagine her being missing.

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Mar '11

Glad she decided to go home. I am surprised someone got an amber alert today when Miranda returned home last night especially since there have been no active Amber alerts in the last 24 hours in the state of New Jersey

Hackettstownwife this site might help you with the info you are looking for


shoebie shoebie
Mar '11

for the earlier posts about this not being listed as an amber alert..... if you know anything about law enforcement or amber alerts they are only used if a child or person is abducted in a vehicle and they either have a description of a car and or a license plate number..... If she truly is missing they can treat this case as a missing persons report or a run away case It all depends on the evidence in the case

Bspags Bspags
Mar '11

BSpags: Originally I had been under the impression that Amber Alert was if a child was missing.

I don't know why if a child disappears , even if they are a runaway, why an Amber Alert would not be put out.

Missing persons have to be gone for 24 hours I believe , before they even will put one out,a child could be anywhere in that time frame .

With the world the way it is today....the faster that information gets out the better..

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Mar '11

There was not an amber alert but a poster stated she got one which was false gotta love the forum !

shoebie shoebie
Mar '11

If there was an Amber alert for every runaway, nobody would pay attention to them anymore. When you hear a car alarm at the mall, do you go to look to see if everything is OK?

Bruin Bruin
Mar '11

Aren't Amber Alerts used for abductions?

Lala1313 Lala1313
Mar '11

Just wanted to thank everyone for their concern. Miranda is home safe as of 3/15/2011...she was in Port Murray and Mansfield. Amber alerts are only used for abductions not runaways. The center for Missing and Exploited Children were notified and she was in the NCIC database. We are in the process of healing our family and getting her the help she needs. Yes, Peter Frampton did tweet and contact my father, her grandfather. When I posted her missing on FB I thought it was the smartest way to be able to get her home safe. You can't hide from the internet. The Police have their hands tied when it comes to runaways. They don't actually go out and search except on routine rounds they make. They keep an eye out but that is about all. Abductions are different than runaways when they are classified in the system. Seems the laws the way they are written do not help the Police in doing their jobs but rather tie their hands. They are also frustrated by it. They need proof to search and it can't be just hearsay.

To Just Asking.....if this is who I think it is, thank you for being so understanding. And yes....she was were I thought she was for 2 days but everyone denied it. We didn't drive her away for those wondering.....she broke rules and got punished over and over....instead of making better decisions, she thought it would be easy to run her own life. If she only listened when we told her WE WROTE THE BOOK YOUR READING...we actually were teenagers once to you know.

Teenagers never believe that do they?
Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts.

Loving Parent Loving Parent
Mar '11

Loving Parent - we could in fact be you, Thank God she is home. God Bless. I am so glad I never had to go through this.

Firefly Firefly
Mar '11

Loving Parent ~ Thank you for letting us know the grand and miraculous outcome of this ordeal. Our thoughts and prayers were with you and your family and, yes, JA is a very understanding and wonderful Mother, as, obviously, you are too.

Blessings to you and your family in this time of healing and growth.

happy2bhere happy2bhere
Mar '11

Teenagers never believe we were there age once!

So glad things are working out and Miranda is home safe and sound!

hackettstown wife hackettstown wife
Mar '11

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