Pappy van Winkle bourbon

Anyone know of somewhere in the area that carries this brand of bourbon? To call it top-shelf is likely a gross understatement. I haven't found it at my local stores and would like to pick up a bottle. Thanks...

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11

ianimal - Their website says Bourbon St. in P'burg (actually Greenwich) has it. I assume that you have checked there already though.

Here's the NJ list from their website:

Not many places near Warren County. There is a place in Madison listed. If you call there and they have it, I would be happy to pick it up for you. It's not far from where I work.

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '11

Thx, Calico. Yeah, I looked and they didn't have any in the "lock and key" shelf. I can probably get them to order me a bottle though. Thanks again.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11

That would make a great name for a Chihuahua.

Rebecka Rebecka
Apr '11

There's an ad for Pappy Van Winkle bourbon right at the top of the forum. 82% off!

Ian - That's exactly what I'd suggest. Bottle King is listed as a distributor, and if the local one doesn't have it they should be able to place an order. They already have Buffalo Trace which is the manufacturer. (by the way, one of my clients makes those bottles)

I'm on the "waiting list" at Bourbon Street. PVW is made in extremely small batches and sells out faster than Bruce Springsteen, from what I've been told. They only bottle something like 70,000 cases per year, which is a lot less than it may sound like.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11

"Sells out faster than Bruce Springsteen" - Heaven help us all. I mean that. Really. ;-)

70,000 cases and gone before you can blink an eye?? Believe me, I have a Scots heritage and know a mash bill from what holds a "bead". Why can't I get that business?? I could pay someone a mill to produce 7 mill of product, no problem. Everywhere I turn, some other company is making a mint whether it's Bourbon, bomb fuses, or perfume. Want some homemade houch?? Totally untaxed and illegal, but a few Donaldson's cobs and I could be there. ;-)

Believe me, GC... once I get the home-brewed beer down pat, I'm investing in a Portuguese copper still and white oak barrels (-;

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11

'White oak barrels' - actually they have to be charred to be "bourbon". ;-)

Charred white oak barrels, yes. Then when we're done with them, the Scots take our "sloppy seconds" and produce their second-rate whiskey (-;

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11

A stainless steel reflux still will serve you well. Also plan on spending at least $100.00 for a good 10 gal. oak barrel.

Apr '11

ian - Scots can actually keep their hands off the contents to let it age. I'm sure they'll be happy to buy more Spanish casks just to make you happy. By the way, I guess you have no disappointment now that you've blown your chance at some of that 30 year old Highland Park swill.

Just curious, what does a bottle of this cost? I buy Gentleman Jack for my friend who's a bourbon drinker. This is better?

Lady Jayne Lady Jayne
Apr '11

GC, PvW *is* aged... it comes in 15-, 20- and 23-year old varieties. A 750mL bottle of the 15-year old retails for $70 or so, but due to its scarcity many retailers will put a $150 price tag on it and have no trouble clearing his inventory. You can pick up a bottle of 15 on ebay right now for $125. (I might actually do it, lol). The 23-year old will set you back close to $200 for 750 mL, retail.
I never said scotch was swill; I said it was second-rate. It's certainly much better (IMO) than any other whiskey aside from bourbon. The best bourbons have a range of buttery like vanilla, in the top and finish notes and light fruit notes.  They are all going to have a faint trace of the charcoal but it should come across as a roasted flavor and not "burnt". One of the reasons I prefer it over Scotch is that to me the main notes in Scotch are the charcoal and the corresponding smoky, burnt flavors. I suppose it is a matter of preference but Bourbon just offers more in my opinion. Your bottle of 30-year old Highland Park would likely be wasted on me anyway (-;
Lady Jayne, according to the Jack Daniel distillery, your friend isn't drinking bourbon; he's drinking "Tennessee Whiskey"... although it meets the regulatory requirements for straight bourbon. Gentleman Jack is very good, although I prefer the Single Barrel Jack. But, no, there isn't a JD label that can hold a candle to PvW or any of the other small-batch aged bourbons out there... again, IMO.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11

A little trivia....did you know that the Jack Daniel's factory is actually located in a "dry" county? Talk about an oxymoron.

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '11

ian - First you know I'm totally yanking your chain. All I can say if you haven't found the right Scotch is that you're drinking the wrong whisky. (and yes, I'm spelling that correctly) There is such a variety that you could find what you like. The buttery vanilla comes from the aging of the oak so a longer aged Scotch that doesn't have all the peat in it and not too much aged in sherry casks could work for you. The best thing about Scotch is that the range of taste is so much wider than whiskey with Island types, sherry heavy ones, peaty as well as the vanilla. Your only problem is that the style you want in a Scotch is not popular at the moment.

The one thing we can agree on is 30 yo HP is wasted on you. ;-)

You can smell the honey bees, taste the heather, and hear the barley - all without having to travel to Orkney...

"The one thing we can agree on is 30 yo HP is wasted on you. ;-)"

Nice one, lol

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11

Hey I-phone, there is a waiting list for Pappy at Bottle King, as I am on it. In the meantime, I'm making do with Baker's and Maker's 46. Not too shabby in their own rite!

not to bring up a super old thread, but ever have any luck getting any? If so, where? They should be shipping some soon and would like to know the chances of getting some in the area!


muffin muffin
Feb '12

When I was shopping for a gift for a client, I believe I saw some in the locked display case at Shoprite Liquor on Stiger St. That was between Christmas and New Years so it may be gone. But it might be worth a try.

I have a bottle of 12 year. How much would you offer?

Jan '13

"I have a bottle of 12 year. How much would you offer?"

As little as I had to? I'd be real comfortable at $100.

ianimal ianimal
Jan '13

I had to buy a client of mine another bottle of 20 year old scotch at Shoprite Liquor. That bottle of Winkie is still there as far as I know. And it'll be well under the $100.

These are my second cousins. Product isn't here in Jersey yet, but when it gets here please try it.

JrzyGirl88 JrzyGirl88
Jan '13

Nope. No PvW at Stiger St Shoprite. No spot on the shelf for it either. I know that it retails for less than $100.

JrzyGirl, I'd love to. Let me know when it gets here and I'll look for it.

ianimal ianimal
Jan '13

I'm not sure what you mean by "no spot on the shelf". It was in the locked display case where just about all of the single malt is. There aren't always tags in front let alone a spot for it in there. They're all one bottle at a time which is why I was there looking for my client's present.

It was at the very, very top as well which makes it darn hard for guys our height. But then again that was between Christmas and New Year's so you never know if it was bought.

Guys our height? I'm a whisker under 6 feet. I usually don't have problems with shelves (-;

Yeah, believe me, I scrutinized every bottle in there. Everything they had in there had its own barcode tag on the shelf in front of it, so I figured if they recently had a bottle there, it would have had a tag. Maybe not, though.

ianimal ianimal
Jan '13

ian - "a whisker under 6 feet". We've never met in person but not at all what I was told by other list members. I have problems with shelves every day. ;-)

I feel your pain GC, I have problems w/shelves every day too. :)

Calico696 Calico696
Jan '13

The Duke wants to be added to the membership list of "Society of Shelf Problem People"

joyful joyful
Jan '13

So... which slanderous droog is out there besmirching my verticality? Is this going to require litigation?

ianimal ianimal
Jan '13

"besmirching my verticality" - Consider yourself lucky and in good company if you were one of us.

joyful - I think he's been a member since birth, I know I have been. It's sort of how you gain membership. ;-)

I'm afraid you, Sam, Pippin and Frodo will have to embark on your quest without me (-;

ianimal ianimal
Jan '13

Re: Pappy van Winkle bourbon

Almost 2 years later... the Grail is finally mine.

Found it at Little Brothers in Flemington. Cost a buck and a half, so I don't think I'll be chugging it after work or anything, lol...

ianimal ianimal
Feb '13

Nice ianimal. Friend brought a bottle of Ole Smokey Moonshine to my SB party last night. My head still hurts. It wasn't half bad, actually. A little sweet. My friends and I all watch 'Moonshiners' and are thinking about making a batch.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Feb '13

I like the Ole Smokey moonshine-soaked cherries. I bet they'd be good in Manhattans, but I don't like sweet vermouth, so I guess I'll never know (-;

As far as moonshine goes, my wife and I just happened to go to Mount Vernon less than a week after this year's batch of George Washington's unaged Rye went on sale, so I was able to score a 375 mL bottle for $95. It's legal, but it's clear like 'shine. It also made me feel like I was getting a bargain when I bought the 15 y.o Pappy's, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '13

I was literally reading about it two minutes ago before reading your last post ianimal. How funny is that? They fired it up in 2007. Nice.

I knew my chemical engineering degree was going to come in handy one day.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Feb '13

MeisterNJ - Just before you get a lot of ideas, and legalities aside, making a batch is not as easy as it sounds. With home brewing becoming more popular the mash bill is quite a bit easier to produce because of extracts. But you've got a whole second world to go through after the beer is made to get to the finish line. Even if you manage to get anything, figure a bunch of the first runs will be crap. And if you don't have a least one fire you're just not doing it right. ;-)

I have a decent idea of what's involved GC. Had a whole class just on distillation. That was for petroleum products, but the principles are the same. Also have a chemistry degree and I work in engineering in a pharmaceutical plant, so I know machinery, temperature, boilers, and such. That said, I'll bet I do have one fire. Ha. If the backwoods rednecks can figure it out, I think I can.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Feb '13

MeisterNJ - I was nearly a ChemE before switching, make Chemical software for plants, and did "distillation" in a lab. I'm just saying not to get over confident. All it takes is a stop valve that's stopping a bit too much when the condenser doesn't have enough cool water. And it's too hot to quick take the top off - you either get burnt hands from trying or a bit of a bang. More can go wrong than right, and it happens pretty quick. They have their share of incidents on that show, and they've all been doing it for years. Certainly you can eventually get to producing good product with your background and some experimentation on taste. But be careful along the way, no one needs an accident.

Thanks for the concern GC. I wouldn't take take something like this lightly. There are always dangers when working with high temps, flammable liquids/vaors, and steam.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Feb '13

err. Vapors.

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Feb '13

Maker's Mark is going to stop watering down it's whiskey -

I wonder if any of the 42% ABV Maker's Mark will hit the local shelves... I have to think it will be relatively valuable in the future as a rare novelty item.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '13

It's misleading and incorrect in addition to probably being off topic. All whiskey is watered down, all of it, even products bottled at "cask strength". Anything not watered down has to be called "alcohol" instead. It's just a matter of by how much it's watered down. They and everyone else aren't stopping.

I can't imagine anyone buying it just to have it sit on the shelf forever, particularly anything so mass produced. Even if it does ever go out the door.

"I can't imagine anyone buying it just to have it sit on the shelf forever, particularly anything so mass produced."

What, like Star Wars action figures? I wish I would have kept them sitting on the shelf forever, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Feb '13

Ian - Do you need another bottle?

Not yet...

ianimal ianimal
Oct '13

last January snagged a bottle-- for a very decent price---in shop rite liquors in h'town.

Gen3Townie Gen3Townie
Oct '13

however, those in the know, know Woodford is the best.

Gen3Townie Gen3Townie
Oct '13

They're getting closer -

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