Poll: Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

I hate them, all squishy and gross. Yuck!

If you like them, do you have a color preference or a chick or bunny preference?

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '11

Not a fan....even if they now are dipped in chocolate. They are super cute though:)

blackcat blackcat
Apr '11

Are you kidding??? "Flaming Peep" has scarred me for life!! Don't let them burn the house down!! My house is a 100% Peep-free Zone. I got good reason to hate them...

Is it National Peeps' Day?

I make my own. I get a dozen chicks from the local farm, fill them with puffed air, dip them in a simple syrup, and coat with crystalized sugar. No chemicals and fresher tasting. :-)

emaxxman emaxxman
Apr '11

If it was National Peeps Day, you would know it here first. ;-)

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '11

emaxxman - I'd bet all that puffed air must make them pretty darned big. Didn't I see one of your peeps dating some guy named Bubba recently??

Horrible tasting disgusting marshmallow crappy things- they were giving them away at Shop Rite in Washington last Easter, a whole shopping cart and people werent taking them!

They are much like candy canes on Christmas trees, edible decorations that should never be eaten. (much like that horrible fruitcake you would foist upon a relative of dubious merit!)

The Rhyme Animal The Rhyme Animal
Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

I do enjoy a good Peep show.

Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

Yuck! ----------------->

Calico696 Calico696
Apr '11

Now that's just wrong.

Apr '11

Aquarius - I was going to ask you which thing you meant, the burning your house down because the cousin tried to toast one on the oven, puffing up chicks to date Bubba, shopping carts of expired Peeps, the "Peep Show", or the Fried Egg Peep. And then I realized, no, you got it right. Just wrong, every single one of them. ;-)

LOL Calico!

I'm not a fan of peeps... Although I usually eat the head off one of them every easter. Don't ask me why.

Heather Heather
Apr '11

GC - actually, the puffing up the chicks to date Bubba makes a crazy kind of sense. Everyone deserves a chance to find love. :-)

Apr '11

I like to eat them when they get crusty. I don't like them real fresh. I wish I had been at Shop Rite the day they were giving them away.

10 Ways to Kill Marshmallow Peeps


Peep Microwave Disaster


Calico696 Calico696
Apr '11

I enjoy a stale peep as well, but just one. Even one is a bit much!

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Apr '11

Love stale peeps!

LV Resident LV Resident
Apr '11

Stale peeps are great - I purposely open the pack and hide it away until the peeps get crunchy and stale! Yummy - I try not to buy them too often as I eat an entire pack at a time.
I tried the chocolate covered bite sized Peepsters - not my favorite as they taste too much like chemicals.
I did like the chocolate covered Peep - they are very sweet - almost too sweet.
I can't wait until after Easter when all the leftover candy goes on sale!

Apr '11

Love Love Love marshmellows!!!
Hate Hate Hate Peeps!!!
Don't get me started on the Cadbury Egg yolk colored thing. Gross!

Snoopy Snoopy
Apr '11

Use to love peeps and could only eat the yellow ones

Meeeee Meeeee
Apr '11

Not nuts about them, but last year I got some as a gift from the Chocolate Shop in Washington and they were dipped in chocolate. Yum :-)

Janice Janice
Apr '11

Not for me..too sweet, but DH looks for a package of peeps every Easter. He loves those things!

joyful joyful
Apr '11

Love a frozen Peep!!

lifeistooshort lifeistooshort
Apr '11

I dislike them but send them every holiday to my SIL in Texas who adores them!!! I've heard they're great in hot chocolate and there are recipes on the PEEPS website!


Apr '11

This is your brain on peeps.

(refer to calico's pic above)

It is a gateway to harder stuff, like mallomars, fluffernutters, and the like.

All bad , all the time .

Just say no.

Greyhawk Greyhawk
Apr '11

Love all colors! and daughter loves them stale!

True story.. My DS loved Peeps so much growing up that we gave him that nickname..so often we would say..Hi Peeps! when we saw him. Now he is grown man..6 foot 3 and sure does not appreciate his DM or DS calling him "Peeps" anymore.

joyful joyful
Apr '11

Love them purple are my favorite and love them dipped in chocolate and frozen!

Christine Christine
Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

Calico, you're baiting me... 8) I love peeps -- my mom still sends me a package every Easter. I like the chicks best -- I like to bite the heads off, too. And they are best stale. A little hard and crunchy.

Imagine my delight when I saw this ad come through the junk mail -- Chillin' with my Peeps, lol!

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

Needless to say, I had to purchase one for myself. The bottom dipped in chocolate was a nice touch...

Happy Easter, everyone!

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

Love them peeps! Nothing better than sugar coated in sugar!

bluelinr bluelinr
Apr '11

I just want to know who let's these peeps breed every twelve months. It can't be healthy for them.

Love them, prefer the traditional yellow chicks and I like them fresh, not air-treated, LOL. The dark chocolate covered are pretty good too!

Bessie Bessie
Apr '11

squishy, gross and yuck!! sounds like your discribing your sex life.. fluffy, soft, sweet and cute..IMO would describe a PEEPS!! LOVE THEM!!!!

casper casper
Apr '11

I could take them or leave them...if they are around I will eat them but I don't go crazy buying them like I do other special Easter candies (like the Hershey's chocolate candy-coated eggs--YUM!) If I had my preference, I would definitely go for the bunnies over the chicks, color doesn't matter, and definitely fresh over stale.

Jersey Girl Jersey Girl
Apr '11

Like them stale and will have to try them frozen. It doesn't matter what the color is.

Magpie Magpie
Apr '11

Don't like Peeps at all.... but if I am thinking of the same eggs jersey Girl (The purple bag?) I am loving those!!! I gave up chocolate for Lent, and I cannot wait until Sunday Lol!! I will be buying a bag of those and will enjoy every last one ha!ha!

One Package for me is a sugar high for about 4 hours or so.

Patrick O. Patrick O.
Apr '11

I have consumed way more of those chocolate eggs than i care to admit...i'll have to give them up post-lent just to lose the weight I'm sure I gained from them. Not sure what color the bag is, but they are like really big egg shaped m&ms, bigger than the peanut m&ms, but all chocolate. They are so good...thank goodness they only sell them at Easter time!

Jersey Girl Jersey Girl
Apr '11

Peeps are gross!

Mommyof3 Mommyof3
Apr '11

I always thought Peeps were just for decoration. I never thought they were edible. As bad as circus peanuts, in my opinion.

(That last was for CP.)

i like to eat at least one yellow peep never thought to freeze one tho, i will try it this year im not fond of them stale, i like them to be soft and squishy.

Ginger Ginger
Apr '11

Love'em when there old

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Apr '11

I have to try them dipped in chocolate now. Sounds gooooooodddddddd!!

I think that they are gross! Nothing but sugar. I'm into eating healthy (I know, hate me), but even so, I wouldn't touch them.

joygail joygail
Apr '11

They should just sell them stale. They are so much better that way.

krisandkelly krisandkelly
Apr '11

Hate them.

Firefly Firefly
Apr '11

Yeah, Jersey Girl those are the ones! I am also glad they are only sold at Easter otherwise I would probably go into some kind of shock from consuming so many lol!

bright green mint Peeps for saint patricks day would be cool or red ones for valintines day or orange ones on halloween

We need a national Peep day

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

CA, there are definitely Valentine's Day and Halloween Peeps. And Christmas peeps. There are green peeps, but I don't know if they make any at VD.

Here are some good peep pics.

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

This looks like a fun Peeps craft.

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

And then there's the Halloween peeps -- scary! 8)

(These were found at www.justborn.com and www.marshmallowpeeps.com )

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

CA, I meant, above, that I don't know if they make any at St. Patrick's Day. VD is covered, obviously.

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those PEEPS! No color preference!

Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

One chocolate bunny speaks to another . . . .

Greyhawk Greyhawk
Apr '11

I love peeps. i prefer the yellow chicks. yumm! a little stale is my favorite :)

darlughh darlughh
Apr '11

Greyhawk;; Just read your post and am laughing so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..Never thought how the chocolate bunnies might feel as we munched away..

joyful joyful
Apr '11

Greyhawk, LMAO! Thanks for sharing! 8)

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

Do not care for "Peeps, and my children never did either.

Fruitcakes do not belong in the same category. They have a bad reputation due to some badly made fruitcakes.
Colin Street Bakery, Corsicana, Texas makes one of the best. It may change your mind about fruitcake.
It is moist, fruity, has no green unknown items.

susan susan
Apr '11

I have known some real fruitcakes in my life. . . . .

GreyHawk GreyHawk
Apr '11

Be afraid, GC... be VERY afraid....


Not sure exactly what it is, but it can't be good, lol.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11


All this talk of VD peeps....Exactly WHAT color, and more importantly FLAVOR, would those be???


Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Apr '11

Lori, lol, the VD Peeps are red and pink, and they taste like "cherry," which, to me, is code for artificial red! I think most of the colorful Peeps just taste like regular Peeps -- like squishy sugar. I think most Peeps taste like that, but there are the chocolate and the mint Peeps, too, I guess. However, I'm a purist -- I prefer the regular Peeps flavor. Yum! 8)

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

I was being silly, VD brings to mine Venereal Disease. I was thinking gooey green peeps, bleh!

Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Apr '11

Mmmm... tastes like chlamydia, lol

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Apr '11



Lori...since '73 Lori...since '73
Apr '11

Oh, jeez, Lori, gross, lol! Duh! LMAO now! At myself.

Nice one, ianimal.

Now you peeps stop making fun of my beloved Peeps! 8)

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

Came across this peep picture. Its for CBGB!

Christine Christine
Apr '11

HEHEHE I made some chocolate covered peeps with chocolate I had left over from Christmas (yes it was still good) Peeps I got at shoprite with a coupon that ended up being free and the kids loved them in thier basket........

Christine Christine
Apr '11

Yum! Perfect, Christine! Enjoy! 8)

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

Did you see the news with the friends that lined there buddies yard up with peeps? Histarical!! Can't wait for it to rain on him like it is on me right now.

Snoopy Snoopy
Apr '11

Ooh, Snoopy, thanks for the tip!

Here's the video:


That's like a dream come true! 8)

Hopeful in H-town Hopeful in H-town
Apr '11

The Easter Bunny gave me 3 little packages of Dark Chocolate Dipped Peeps. These are the ones that come 3 in a package and only have the bottom part dipped (not to be confused with the one big one in the package that was completely dipped), and they are wonderful. They were hard to find though. My sister was asking the cashier that works in A&P in Hoboken if they carried them and she said no, but they had them at her other job. Turned out that she also worked in Kings and she was kind enough to pick 3 packages up for my sister...good for me :)

Bessie Bessie
Apr '11

With Easter approaching I thought I would bump up the Peeps thread for the new people to give their opinions.

Calico696 Calico696
Mar '12

I bought some with a coupon I had and paid 20 cents for them then I got some godiva chocolate that I had a coupon for and only paid a dollar and going to dip them for the Easter baskets. LOL! Cannot wait!

Christine Christine
Mar '12

There's actually an entire store devoted to Peeps at the new outlets in the Sands casino in Bethlehem. Cute little colorful store with lots of Peeps merchandise. They were sampling their new Peepsters. Little chocolate covered marshmallow creams in dark or milk chocolate.

Tracy Tracy
Mar '12

Tracy - The Peeps factory is close to the casino so that makes sense. My opinion of the critters hasn't changed, they're potentially injurious to my house. (at least in the hands of my youngest cousin)

tracy: thanks for the information on the store.. i LOVE peeps.. !! My Preference: Yellow chick, STALE! :))))) yummy!

darlughh darlughh
Mar '12

Try them frozen OMG!!

Christine Christine
Mar '12

Love them..fresh though, not hard. I do like the ones dipped in chocolate!

Bessie Bessie
Mar '12

hate 'em Lol, but I will eat a stale one once in a great while

JessM. JessM.
Mar '12

hate them this year........hated them last year.........and the year before last........and all the years before that.............YUK!

Slade Slade
Mar '12

Love stale yellow peeps!

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Mar '12

Re: Poll:  Peeps - Love 'em or Hate 'em?

Love the sugary little confections! I make a cake that looks like a sunflower. Your choice of cake mix, chocolate icing with mini chips in the middle (looks like sunflower seeds) and peeps for the petals! Oh....AND I love making smores with peeps :)

Wild Angel Wild Angel
Mar '12

that is Brilliant Wild angel!!

darlughh darlughh
Mar '12

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