Gym nakedness?

So I recently joined a gym. After I work out sometimes I just shower there before I go home. It feels a little weird as there are other women in and out of that locker room by the showers. However, you can take a shower and change in by the shower or go over to a changing area behind the curtain. I usually wear my towel over to the curtain and change there.
On several occasions there is this women there that decides to just take her shower and walk out into the locker room TOTALLY naked. She hangs out naked as if she were having a cup of tea and muffins. She has tried to make conversation with me while sitting there. I can't really change my work out scheduled to avoid her so it is what it is.
My question is. . .Is this weird to anyone else? Is it normal to just hangout naked in front of other people and chat it up?

Livinglifelovinglife Livinglifelovinglife
Feb '14

I guess consider yourself lucky. When's guys do it, you don't want to be sitting :>)

mistergoogle mistergoogle
Feb '14

How does she look?

M & K M & K
Feb '14

I was swimming laps at the pool in LA Fitness and an older man walked out of the men's locker room and into the pool NAKED! I couldn't believe my eyes at first, but reality hit me as I got closer to him and saw his twig and berries. Luckily, the other guy who was there called him out before he got into the pool. Apparently, he had a brain fart and thought he was going to the showers.

Anyway, I usually wear a towel around my waist in the locker room. And if I talk to anyone, I make sure to cover the privates lol!

abaniall abaniall
Feb '14

I say to avoid that happening again (yes, weird), go home and shower. Community showers, yuck!

Feb '14

agree- go home to shower ---and if you can't, "sorry - I don't have time to chat" - and poof

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

In the guys locker room it seems almost normal for older guys to do that. Yes I always thought it was weird, not to mention disgusting lol.

Bryan Bryan
Feb '14

Why not just ask her to cover up? When I have been in situations like that that's what I do. If they don't I just excuse myself.

Richard Richard
Feb '14

Get over it. This is probably the only country in the world where being naked is an issue. Just avert your eyes and be pleasant if she speaks to you. Dont let your own insecurities about nakedness effect your schedule or how you treat her.

Natalie Natalie
Feb '14

lol in the guys locker room they just saunter around, come up to you buck naked and put their leg up on the bench and start a convo. It's accepted behavior.

Long John
Feb '14

Maybe she is just really proud of what she has accomplished at he gym and wants everyone to see lol!

M & K - She's not horrible looking, I guess? Somewhere in her 40's and a little flabby. Not that I'm here to judge though. She could be a model for all I care it's just the nakedness that creeps me out.
On one hand I say props to her for feeling so comfortable with her body. But on the other hand I think a little sensitivity to those around you, knowing that everyone may not be as comfortable with seeing naked things as she is.
abaniall - That is hilarious. Must have been more horrifying then my story :-)

Livinglifelovinglife Livinglifelovinglife
Feb '14

we really need pictures in order to fully evaluate this situation.

Feb '14

I agree with sack, photos please...

boobalaa boobalaa
Feb '14

Oh she's in her 40's....disregard Sacks comment...we don't need pics.

M & K M & K
Feb '14

I don't have any interest in seeing other women naked either. If that makes me weird, whatever.

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

I've belonged to gyms over many years and there are women who don't feel concerned with covering up. they can saunter around as if they were supermarket shopping, to and fro from the showers to the locker room, while others cover up until they get to their locker then drop the towel. It just depends on the person. My last gym had a toddler swim group, and mothers would bring in their children to change. I don't want to scar a child for life, so I changed in the stalls. Who wants to see a naked grandma!

Denise Denise
Feb '14

a naked grandpa?

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

I think that people in this country are too hung up on "nakedness" as if it is wrong... that's why so many are "uncomfortable" with nudity... really, if there are not rules about the horror of nudity at your gym, then the only choice is to go to one where people are protected from such difficult discomfort... why would seeing a nude person at any age "scar a person for life" (I know it was a joke), I just think that furthers the idea that we should "hide" such "awful" things... and if you don't have any "interest in seeing other naked women" then that is truly your prerogative, but really, just look away... deal with your own discomfort rather than judge others who are not discomfited... or, join with an ultraconservative group and make it illegal.... I am sure that there are many who think that being exposed to a human body is traumatic

pmnsk pmnsk
Feb '14

Get out your phone next time and aim it at her and see how quickly she covers up. ;-)

Rebecka Rebecka
Feb '14

This country is so funny. It is ridiculous that this conversation is even taking place. I can understand not wanting to strip down yourself - to each their own. But to think about changing your schedule so you don't have to see a naked body?? Geez.

maybe she is gay and trying to find someone interested by just hanging out naked ? lol it would make me feel akward thats for sure i would let her know it maes u uncomfortable they have dressing areas and curtains and what not for a reason i dont really think it is fair of her to be putting any one in an uncomfortable situation like that . women already fin it hard enough to feel comfortable enough to go to the gym . .

Is she hot? If some woman who was hot and naked starting making conversation with me I would shower there ALL the time! LOL....

a man of course
Feb '14

in jr high we all took showers together after gym class, coach made sure we got clean for class as there were complaints re: stinky boys after gym

there was one boy who wouldn't take a shower and got called out to do it or face detention, then one day coach yelled/lectured us (for about 5 mins) on being more mature about kidding aorund with this kid as he had not hit puberty yet and had no hair,

we all took showers together in those days, 50 boys, and monitored by an adult male

there is no question that everyone these days is wrapped too tightly re: nudity.

when did all that change?

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

I for one vote for more nakedness in society. Not a new idea to combat terrorism is make everyone fly naked! That would be awesome.

Long John
Feb '14

My wife told me that at Hackettstown High School, there was a female gym teacher that they had to stand naked in front of to be checked after showering. This was mid-late 1970s.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Feb '14

Some on here are making it seem as if nakedness is totally normal and should be accepted by all. Pooping is totally normal too, but if I did it in front of you,I bet you'd be uncomfortable :-)

Livinglifelovinglife Livinglifelovinglife
Feb '14

People are missing the point. For me it was just a matter of it being a disgusting sight lol. I would say that about any guy, let alone someone who was older looking.

Bryan Bryan
Feb '14

I think the OP has more of an issue of this chick striking up all kinds of conversations with her while naked. So it's not really an matter of just looking away as it would be rude to do that while someone is speaking to you IMO. It's one thing to walk by naked to and from a shower in a locker room, but to be "hanging out" in the buff for long periods of time is another thing. That's what nude beaches and nudist colonies are for. ;-)

I'm glad people have to wear clothes clothes in public. Why would anybody want to see the general public's rolls, cellulite, hairy butts, etc.? I sure don't want to. LOL

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

+1 Calico!

Jules Jules
Feb '14

tell her you smell fish, sniff a couple times and then leave!

mommajoe mommajoe
Feb '14

LOL...this topic is hysterical with all the responses:-)!! haha

I would feel a little uncomfortable and definitely would shower at home! Since it is presumed we should cover up, I find it a bit odd that she stood there with her $hit hanging

Only hot guys can do that! ...........JUST kidding!!

I remember one time I went for a massage and when I went back into the changing area to get my clothes on a guy walked in stripped down naked put him robe on and went to have his massage...I think he thought he was in the man's changing area..I never looked up.. THEN..another time I had some wine while out to dinner and accidently went into the men's room at Bensi's..when I was washing my hands I saw a man at the urinal in the mirror....I said "HI:-)!" ..he smiled and I left!

Too Funny!!

Summer Summer
Feb '14

ps - that's GROSS MommaJoe...

Summer Summer
Feb '14

Stripping down is fine, if that's what you want to do, but don't come over to someone else and start a conversation. You don't know how they feel about it.

Feb '14

Re: Gym nakedness?

@reggie- Mrs.Obrien. Not her, but this is as close as I could get.

auntiel auntiel
Feb '14

If you are uncomfortable, then say so... geesh... don't have to be rude, don't have to solicit other's opinions, don't have to be uncomfortable, just politely say so...

pmnsk pmnsk
Feb '14

Looks like someone is getting defensive... ;)
Me thinks @pmnsk is a a public nuder. (I lol'd even saying that word out loud)

JiveDig JiveDig
Feb '14

pmnsk- I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you might be the one walking around naked. You're very defensive for a light hearted, funny conversation. Nude away! Just don't talk to me :-)

Livinglifelovinglife Livinglifelovinglife
Feb '14

heard Htown is going to have a Bare Nekkid Day - with parade and band - don't know where the sign up sheet is though

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

Don't you look someone in the face when you're talking to them? Why would this even be an issue?

. . . . um . . . . . that's not my face . . . . .

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Love being naked! I designate my friday nights to "naked Friday" love me some Fridays! Ha ha

Maybe you should give her a little slap on her bottom and say "looking good"
But yea, I don't care if you are comfortable walking around naked in front of me, I or others may not be comfortable w that. Just throw a towel around urself.

Feb '14

Everyone has different feelings and was brought up differently. Some people won't even step inside a locker room, others wouldn't put a stitch of clothing on even outside the locker room if they were allowed. While some people are offended by not wearing anything, others feel they would offend someone if they did cover up. It's just a difference of opinion.

I would agree about either just saying something, or excusing yourself. It doesn't have to be rude. You can just say you'll give her the chance to get dressed first, or even say you'll meet her outside when she's done.

For sure American's don't want to be in Europe. If you go to a spa and you have anything at all on the whole time, don't be surprised. The cleaning ladies seem to be always in the mens room without warning. And you can't partake of the Icelandic national pastime of swimming without showering while the monitor in the room passing judgement if you showered well enough to be allowed in.

I agree that it's a bit weird that she's standing there talking to you while she's butt naked. Have some common sensitivity to others and keep your towel on lady! I say still shower at the gym if you want to because you PAY to do that, but maybe find another "cove" to get ready in. At least she's not in the sauna with you! ;)

Just Saying... Just Saying...
Feb '14

auntiel - is that Buhler Ballbreaker from Porky's?

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Feb '14

hmm.. public nuder... I wonder... sounds like a nice career change!!

pmnsk pmnsk
Feb '14

SMH as I read through this ----

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

Now grass Hoppers breath in and exhall , relax you have to put that nakedness out of your mind ,

Caged Animal Caged Animal
Feb '14

auntiel - my wife just said yes, it was a Mrs. O'Brien, and she was very upset at having to do that.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Feb '14

this thread is TOO funny! I am laughing out loud!

mom of one mom of one
Feb '14

Yes Reggie, but add 30 yrs., lots of grey hair and a skirt and she was HHS girls gym teacher 1970's. I remember when the movie came out I thought omg that's Mrs. O'brien just younger.

auntiel auntiel
Feb '14

"Oh she's in her 40's....disregard Sacks comment...we don't need pics."

Just because she is in her 40's doesn't mean that pictures aren't necessary. Plenty of women in the their 40's still have it. Have you seen the Feb 10th issue of people? Christie at 60. That's one hot lady.

Feb '14

airport clerk; "Is that your bag sir?"

Leslie Nielson; "No, she's not with me . . . . ."

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Re: Gym nakedness?

Is this really any better than nudity? I think not...

(That shot was taken by my wife somewhere in Cinque Terre)

ianimal ianimal
Feb '14

@ianimal - Gross

Feb '14

ianimal- now that is just wrong! There should definitely be a law passed on guys and speedos.

Livinglifelovinglife Livinglifelovinglife
Feb '14

ianimal - I have been advocating for a one-piece male bathing suit for years. ;-)

Calico696 Calico696
Feb '14

I have had the ill fortune to inspect certain recreational bathing facilities as part of my job.

I still have PTSD from the years I had to inspect a spa in a certain community center locker room. The old, wrinkled guys there absolutely LIVED for the moment when a younger, fully-clothed guy would walk in. They would walk up, butt-naked, and start a friendly conversation....which would go on as long as you let it.

I still remember the time I sent a younger inspector in there. He called me, with fear and disgust in his voice, to tell me they had a leather couch in there where they would sit (again, butt-naked) and try to engage locker room passers-by in conversation.

Sending a female inspector in there didn't work,,either. One or two of the guys would refuse to cover up and walk over while she was inspecting the spa.

And then there's the story about the omelet club these guys had, where they would bring in a hot plate and cook breakfast while hanging out in their most favorite place in the world....or the one where the locker room manager had to keep throwing out the sticks the guys would sneak in to beat each other while they were in the hot tub together.

So, that's why spa's at the *** don't get inspected very often....

jjmonth4 jjmonth4
Feb '14

cool!!!!!!! does she ever make out with other girls??

are the new hl events - 'Naked Fridays' - listed on the calendar yet?

BrotherDog BrotherDog
Feb '14

Yes, they are held by the Public Nuder's Club, lol.

Lynnada Lynnada
Feb '14

livinglifelovinglife - I think we might go to the same gym. The lady blow drys her hair while naked too. I have never had her start a conversation with me but I usually don't hang out long enough to give her a chance.

Sunshine Sunshine
Feb '14

Is this for real? People are annoyed that people are naked in the room specified to shower and get dressed. Sounds like the issues are with the people complaining and not the naked person. If yo said she was working out then fine but locker rooms are where people get naked and shower.

Sunshine- No way! That has to be her. Unless I've missed any other naked people running around.

Jdem- people can shower in the locker room behind a curtain. Then they can get dressed behind the designated curtain areas. There are plenty of them!

Another thing to add is that in all the times I've been there she is the only one who has hung out naked. You'd think she'd catch on that no one else is doing it? Maybe if everyone gives her the attention she so despetatly needs she'll finally put a towel on :-)

Livinglifelovinglife Livinglifelovinglife
Feb '14

hand her a towel??

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

this thread has gone off to silliness, which is fun,... but just to bring it back for a second, though I am not the one in your gym, livinglife... I still think that the hang ups about nudity that people have in this country are really what's funny and she has every right to be so.... if YOU are uncomfortable, then just politely say so, don't jump to assume that there is something wrong with her.... nothing wrong with either of you, just different levels of comfort... in a locker/shower room, nudity is expected in most parts of the world...

pmnsk pmnsk
Feb '14

Years ago, after I first graduated college, my first gym membership, outside of a school facility, was the YMCA. I was quite shocked at the locker room nakedness. It wasn't so much the simple act of getting dressed part but how much the older (50+ years of age) guys would just linger around naked. The weirdest one was a guy would just sit there every day, naked, and reading a newspaper.

With that said, it's a locker room. I've showered and dressed there so it doesn't really bother me. I don't see the nudity as any big deal.

emaxxman emaxxman
Feb '14

Emax I worked out at the west Morris YMCA in high school and had friends that worked as life guards. They would catch the older gentlemen enjoying a little personal time in the hot tub.

That's the one I was a member of. Yeah, there's no way I'm going into in a hot tub at the Y.

emaxxman emaxxman
Feb '14

So now you think this woman is looking for attention? Unbelievable.

Good for her for being so confident!

Is it just me or does there always seem to be some old dude using the public hair dryer on his junk?

MeisterNJ MeisterNJ
Feb '14

Some old guys apparently want people to look at their junk.

As one of them told the traumatized inspector I sent (while emphatically pointing with his finger) : "the only thing that matta's is right....down...hea' !

jjmonth4 jjmonth4
Feb '14

omg - this thread has become quite a hoot - and why should old guys be any different from young guys - don't they all want people to look? lolol

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

...unless they're using the urinal, from what I've heard from guys.

Lynnada Lynnada
Feb '14

jjmonth4 -- you've got my vote for saying of the year, hahahahahaha!!! this is tooo funny! :)

"the only thing that matta's is right....down...hea' !

happy2bhere happy2bhere
Feb '14

+1 happy2bhere

Actually this thread has done something totally unseen from when I first posted. It has made me really LOVE being a women. Thank you MEN for helping me see this!

Livinglifelovinglife Livinglifelovinglife
Feb '14

perfect, Lovinglifelovinglife

5catmom 5catmom
Feb '14

This thread has really made me belly laugh until I cried and that last line was the winner ~ it's great! :D

happy2bhere happy2bhere
Feb '14

It seems that public locker rooms are the only place where exhibitionists can practice their paraphilia without winding up on Megan's List...

ianimal ianimal
Feb '14

Nudity in the locker room? For shame! What's this country coming to?

It’s a locker room for Pete's sake! That's what they're built for; to shower - yes NAKED - dry off and get dressed by your locker where your clothes are, not in the shower room where it’s all wet.

Personally I think it’s weird when a guy gets dressed in the shower - it just screams deep inadequacy issues…

Loosen up people

Barnacle Bill
Feb '14

Can we still go after the perverted woman gym teacher?

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Feb '14

That's all very logical and I don't think anyone would disagree with that, BB. But tell me where reading the newspaper naked or spending twice as much time naked in the locker room as you did actually working out fits into that.

What you're describing is what everyone does. What people are bringing up on here goes above and beyond. Would it be normal to read a newspaper in the library naked? Then it's not normal to read one naked in public anywhere else either.

iPhone-imal iPhone-imal
Feb '14

BB - if that's the way people do it (getting dressed) that's fine, but get dressed first before walking up to someone (you don't know) and starting a conversation.

Feb '14

iPhone-imal- petfectly said! If you feel comfortable to walk out of the shower naked and go to your locker than fine. But don't sit there reading your iPhone, blow drying your hair and making conversation with others around naked. Put some clothes on. Believe me when I say NO one wants to see it!!! :-) Wish I could take a picture cause I know EVERYONE would agree with me.

Livinglifelovinglife Livinglifelovinglife
Feb '14


I find it's always the one's you don't want to see walking around naked. When we went to Jamaica the place we stayed at had a nude beach (don't ask...) and there were all these fat hairy guys and old saggy ladies walking around, swimming, sitting at the beach bar totally naked. My husband was pissed because all the hot babes had bikinis on. All the good looking guys had bathing suits too. What's with that.

I find the same thing at the gym as does my husband at the Y. He told me there is a guy that walks around naked for 1/2 hour and for someone who goes to the Y he's not in that great a shape that you really want to see his ass (among other things).

At least in Brazil all the naked beaches are full of hot, tight bods.

Heidi Heidi
Jun '14

Your husband was pissed because all the hot guys had bathing suits on? Hmmm....

Jun '14

Very funny sack...

Heidi Heidi
Jun '14

I think I know which gym/what woman you are talking about as she is the only one that does this. It's weird, but luckily I only run into her every now and then. She probably has no idea she's doing something taboo enough to have a forum about her haha. Sorry- but it's just not a norm for our culture.

Tina4546 Tina4546
Jun '14

I go to a 24hr Fitness and with my work schedule it just works out that I go in late at night. Often during cleaning time the cleaning crew is working in the men's locker room. Sometimes its a man, sometimes a woman and man sometimes two women, I think their schedules just vary and whoever is available works. Often times I am changing or walking between the shower and locker area with just a towl if anything. This gym provides towel service but the bath towels are kind of on the small side so usually guys just carry them if at all. The women cleaners routinely pop in and out, mop, hose down the whole cleaning routine. Guys are in various states of undress. No one seems to care, and neither do I. No one is doing anything lewd or making comments or staring everyone just goes about their business. There are a few guys who seem to try to wait out what ever task the women is doing before undressing if she is right by them, but this can at times take a long time. I think most who are used to coming in at this time are used to it. No big deal.

When I visit family in Germany and go to the gyms and spas there EVERYONE walks around stark naked. Nobody even seems to notice/care. It takes me a while to get used to it but then after a while I don't even notice anymore. Then I come home for half a year and go back and start all over with the adjustment.

In Germany, it's not just the women, the men walk around naked in front of the women and vice versa - teenagers, kids, grandma's, whatever, the spas and gyms are no limits, I guess.

Heidi Heidi
Nov '16

In all of Europe, any park is an open invitation for guys to wet the bush. I was on a park bench in Spain one time looking at my cell phone when I heard the sound of flowing water. Some guy looked over me as he was peeing and said "hey, how ya doing?".

Any fountain or pond is an open invitation for anyone under school age to shed everything they own. If they have the need, a sewer grate is considered a very effective bathroom break for a kid. Beaches are open season, not just for women "topless". At a spa it's not only allowed, it's *expected*. When you take "the cure" it would be ineffective to wear clothes.

And Asia considers Europe "up tight". ;-)

Wow - that's a sex crime in some places

skippy skippy
Nov '16

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