What on Earth is this tree?

What on Earth is this tree?

I've got a picture this time!
I think it is a cedar... tiny blue berries that looked like juniper berries, but were a vivid blue color. ALSO check out the strange brown "nut" thing growing on it. I saw more than one on the tree. When we broke open another one it resembled a nutmeat inside. Any idea what this is???


Nov '16

Some sort of parasitic fungus, possibly cedar apple rust, on probably a juniper tree. I would not eat that "nut." (It's not a nut.)

Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '16


Gadfly Gadfly
Nov '16

Cedar, possibly arborvitae which is in the same family. (so are cyprus) Juniper is just another name used mostly in the western US for cedar. Juniper berries are the flavoring in gin. Cedars have cones, which that looks like a young cedar cone just developing. It's not fungus. The cedar fungus looks like spots, it doesn't grow into a ball.

You guys are AWESOME!!!! Thank you so much for your expertise.... GC do you work at a garden center? If so, which one? ;-)

Nov '16

Examples of cedar apple rust:


Rebecka Rebecka
Nov '16

LVRes - No, not a garden center, although I do garden a bit. I help organize the plant exchange each year. But after Rebecka's pics, I will say what I've seen before is some of the lower pictures in her link. The upper ones definitely could be the fugus mentioned. So you may need to compare the small cedar cones with the fungus "galls". Either way as someone else says, I wouldn't be eating that stuff for sure.

I was curious so I looked up the apple rust. Found this that site with picture that looks similar to yours. http://extension.illinois.edu/focus/index.cfm?problem=cedar-apple-rust

Hopeful Hopeful
Nov '16

Northern red cedar which is actually a juniper

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