Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all. Enjoy the day, looks like beautiful weather.

Scottso Scottso
Apr '17

A Germanic goddess, EOSTRE was very popular with the Anglo-Saxon pagan brigade who worshipped her under the name — and kicked off the whole Easter business without a JESUS in sight. If you ever wondered what eggs and bunnies have to do with crucifixion and resurrection, the answer is: absolutely nothing.

Crazy Catholics stealing those pagan holidays.

FredFinger FredFinger
Apr '17

FredFinger - Go to church. Enjoy the music of Haydn, Handel, Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, all inspired by the Easter message.

DannyC DannyC
Apr '17

Happy Easter !

Re: Happy Easter!

He is not here; He has risen, just as He said! Come, see the place where He lay.

Matthew 28:6

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '17

Repeat of what JeffersonRepublic said.

Dansker Dansker
Apr '17

Oh goodie JeffersonRepub has a great verse from the Bible. My favorite is:

Genesis 19:8
“See now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men, since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof.”

FredFinger FredFinger
Apr '17

Happy Easter!

maja2 maja2
Apr '17

Scripture shows the inhumanity of people all throughout the Bible. It is never hidden.
This is just one case of many where God exposes in His Word the spiral affect of sin on the population of that community, even in family who was shortly going to be given the opportunity to escapse the carnage which would soon follow.

If you enjoy that Scripture, I suspect you will really like Revelation.
Try reading it out loud.

Spring fever Spring fever
Apr '17

"Did you know that Easter was originally a pagan festival dedicated to Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, whose consort was a hare, the forerunner of our Easter bunny? Of course you did. Every year the fecund muck of the internet bursts forth afresh with cheery did-you-know explanations like this, setting modern practices in a context of ancient and tragically interrupted pagan belief.

The trouble is that they are wrong. The colourful myths of Eostre and her hare companion, who in some versions is a bird transformed into an egg-laying rabbit, aren’t historically pagan. They are modern fabrications, cludged together in an unresearched assumption of pagan precedence.Only one piece of documentary evidence for Eostre exists: a passing mention in Bede’s The Reckoning of Time. Bede explains that the lunar month of Eosturmonath “was once called after a goddess… named Eostre, in whose honour feasts were celebrated.”. . ."There are no images of Eostre, no carvings, no legends, and no association with hares, rabbits or eggs. Yet a swift Google search turns up heaps of repeated Eostre lore. Even the usually formidable Snopes.com allocates Eostre her customary sacred hare, without any historical justification. So where do the tales come from?

The answer is found in the recent history of modern self-identified paganism. Back in the days when Catweazle was on telly, the movement was inchoate, disparate and in urgent need of roots. It was in the difficult position of claiming moral heirship from ancient pre-Christian religion, but having very few credentials to back that up.

Usefully, though, there was already a tendency (stemming from Victorian anthropology) to imagine repressed pagan roots dangling from anything sufficiently working class and folksy; and though academia had moved away from this, pagan revivalism had not. By asserting Christian appropriation of pagan customs as fact, modern paganism could claim both precedence and wrongful treatment, citing Pope Gregory’s letter as if that settled it.

Pagan origins were thus claimed for everything from Father Christmas to Morris dancing and the Easter bunny was retroactively recast as Eostre’s sacred hare, grafting a faked pagan provenance on to a creature first mentioned as late as 1682. A Ukranian folk tale about the origins of pysanky, painted eggs, was rewritten to star Eostre and her bunny. Some still claim Eostre’s name is the root of the word oestrogen, ignoring that human eggs are microscopic and that the real etymology of oestrogen in fact relates to the gadfly…"


Re: Happy Easter!

Happy Easter from our bunnies to yours...

ianimal ianimal
Apr '17

Happy Easter Everyone!

Spring Fever Spring Fever
Apr '17

Rich - "The colourful myths of Eostre and her hare companion, who in some versions is a bird transformed into an egg-laying rabbit, aren’t historically pagan. They are modern fabrications, cludged together in an unresearched assumption of pagan precedence."

Wow. So people like FredFinger are picking up on a modern myth? I love the classical music of centuries ago, inspired by the original Easter message.


DannyC DannyC
Apr '17

All I know is when I awoke this morning I was feeling totally in the dark as if in a yuge cave behind a great stone. Screw this, I went back to sleep. I thought I heard angels. I rose again.......and it was good.

It seemed good even though I woke to the traditional dreary rainy April morning, the rain departing to be followed by the dark, foreboding, gloomy clouds of Spring. Suddenly, like most years, the clouds parted for beautiful blue. The sun blazed upon my Earth proving once again that which we have always known to be the gospel truth. Jesus was like totally from America, specifically the region north of Virginia but South of Canada.

I know this to be true. The weather has spoken. I can't speak for the rest of the country, not sure what happens there, but let's get real, you know it, we all want to say it: who cares? It's knowing that Jesus walked NJ that's important to me.

Happy Easter and Happy Ianimals. So so cute.

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Apr '17

And people wonder why society is so effed up...

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Apr '17

Doesn't really explain why, but it does indicate it is.

Yankeefan Yankeefan
Apr '17

ianimal, those are some gorgeous children. Do people ask you if they're twins all the time? You also have one blue eyed, one brown. Mine kids are the same.

Tracy Tracy
Apr '17

Aww, thanks, Tracy. Yes, people assume they're twins all the time. He got his mommy's brown eyes and she got her daddy's green eyes. But the personalities are completely reversed, lol.

ianimal ianimal
Apr '17

Beautiful children, ianimal. I love seeing all the kids. They are, after all, our future. I know my grandchildren were so excited to have the Easter Bunny come hopping by. You must be so proud....and deservedly so!! Hope you and your family enjoyed your Easter Holiday.

Parental Unit Parental Unit
Apr '17

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