Do you believe that the Earth is flat?

So, apparently there’s another wacky (IMHO), movement that seems to be gaining momentum. Google “flat earth society”, or similar. HBO had a recent episode of “VICE”, covering the subject. Their story sounds plausible but science wins this one, as far as I’m concerned. Frankly, I was shocked how many people believe this phenomenon is true. What do you think?

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Dec '18

You're shocked? People are eating laundry detergent, they're still using Facebook despite being repeatedly told how it's manipulating them, and the sitting US President is the suspect in numerous criminal and civil investigations, and you're shocked that some people believe the Earth is flat?

JerseyWolf JerseyWolf
Dec '18

I read just yesterday that witchcraft is on the rise.

Elvis is alive.

Oh, and the moon landing was faked LOL. (please don't get started on that one)

People are crazy.

I mean, you've got people who think the current president and Vladimir Putin plotted and somehow rigged the election, even tho we have an admission from the Steele that it was HRC and the DNC who created this so-called "russian collusion and tampering" story.
(see, two can play that game :)

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Dec '18

This is only another example of what being "brain dead" is.

auntiel auntiel
Dec '18

If the Earth was flat cats would have knocked everything off of it by now. I think that is proof enough that we live on a sphere.

htownguy htownguy
Dec '18

Intelligence gone backward. Yes, this world may be an illusion but if it were flat it would be just yet another illusion...

yet not one flat earther will travel to the edge to prove it.

Don’t you know they can’t because the government has security around the edge so no one can prove the earth is flat. Oh brother. And I’ve read about these flat earthers years ago. I guess in these times of flat out (pun intended) stupidity it’s to be expected that the crazy ideas are getting more prominent.

Indeed ! An excellent point.

htownguy htownguy
Dec '18

Re: Do you believe that the Earth is flat?

Looks flat to me....................

very funny auntiel but what's even funnier is the next post proving your point.

Zetetic Astronomy
Earth Not a Globe
by Parallax (Samuel Birley Rowbotham)

skippy skippy
Dec '18

Why couldn’t it be flat?

Booster90 Booster90
Dec '18

Another example of the loss of common sense.

Old Gent Old Gent
Dec '18

Whew! After reading 44% of “people” believe the earth is flat, I needed to test the numbers. So far, 100% of this forum says”round”. The 44% must include a bunch of 3-4 year olds. Like all the other crazy things people believe, these days, I was scared that statistic was true. Thank you for your replies and confirming that society still has SOME clarity. I’d LOVE to hear from a believer, and the rest of you will behave, right? (LOL) My curiosity of the mental logistics within the flat earth believers continues. These replies were hysterical. The “cat” one, from htownguy, caused SOK (snot on keyboard), from laughing. Love ‘em!

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Dec '18

If you want a good laugh, youtube the user "Flat Out Hero" I believe it is.

Dante Dante
Dec '18

and the world is only 6000 years old,,,,the things people believe are ludicrous , BTW htownguy, your cat post made me laugh out loud thanks...

citychick citychick
Dec '18

LOL...forgot about that one. I heard 5000 years old. Check your facts, citychick. :-)

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Dec '18

After about eight seconds of research, I have discovered that the flat Earthers and other ridiculous theories have increased at about the same rate as the availability of better quality marijuana and the variety of edibles that are now on the market.

Do the math people LOL.

Are people stupid or what... Space exploration has conclusively proven the earth is a sphere.... You didn't need that either to prove it. Magellan sailed around the world hundreds of years ago.

Metsman Metsman
Dec '18

"Why couldn’t it be flat?"

Because pictures from space show it as a globe? Because people have flown around it? Because people have sailed around it? Because all planets end up as globes due to gravity and centrifugal forces?

Just stating the obvious answers, I'm sure there are much more technical answers.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Dec '18

Booster90: "Why couldn’t it be flat?"

JR: "Because pictures from space show it as a globe? Because people have flown around it? Because people have sailed around it? Because all planets end up as globes due to gravity and centrifugal forces?"

"Just stating the obvious answers, I'm sure there are much more technical answers."

JR and people like that have the ability to vote... Very sad...

Metsman Metsman
Dec '18

You guys are assuming we’ve actually *been* to space.

A dinner plate also looks round from the right angle.


Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Dec '18

There are way to prove the shape of the Earth that even folks BC used to figure it out.

On the Great Lakes, or the Oceans, if you can find a vantage point like a high ridge, the curvature of the Earth will be represented by the Horizon over the body of water as rising up, not falling off. What do flatliners think of that perspective? Certainly not flat.....

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Dec '18

Questioning is a good thing, but there is too much evidence to the contrary; unless you are claiming all of this is an illusion which would likely mean the "flat Earth" is an illusion too...

If it is flat, where is the edge? Has anyone ever fallen off the edge of the earth?

Andy Loigu Andy Loigu
Dec '18

"A dinner plate also looks round from the right angle. "

LOL don't give them any more crazy than they already have...

Altho, if I practiced "Spartacus's" level of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance, I too could believe the earth was flat.....

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Dec '18

I was going to offer up the mathematical proof using Coriolis that I developed, tested and implemented for the Abrams tank fleet - but the cat comment is better.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Dec '18

Can’t even ask a question.. geez

Booster90 Booster90
Dec '18

Re: Do you believe that the Earth is flat?

I just want to see Mark eat dinner off a beach ball.....

"Altho, if I practiced "Spartacus's" level of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance, I too could believe the earth was flat....." Of course, after I provide numerous logical ways that ancient man proved the Earth was spherical, JR still blathers on as if it's a think....

As if you can even define cognitive dissonance without the internet.....

Picture Posted: for your enjoyment --- a deep thinker that JR always agrees with: Donald J. Trunk. (here come JR's Hillary pics...…)

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Dec '18

"Go up in a helicopter 100 feet and hover there - for an hour - a day or a year...will you land in the same position on Earth?

If the Earth is rotating at 1000 miles an hour - would suspect you would not come down in the same spot?"

Why even bother using a helicopter for your example? You may as well just said, "why don't we move 1000 MPH every time we jump? :)

Flat earther's, explain these (found by simple internet searching):

1. If the Earth were perfectly flat, then the Sun’s rays would cast identical shadows at noon on the solstice everywhere on Earth, no matter where you were located. But if the Earth’s surface were curved, shadows at different locations would cast different shadows on the same day, depending on the angle that the Sun’s rays struck the object in question. If we go even further, a flat Earth would have the same angle, and therefore the same season, everywhere.

2. Different stars are visible from different latitudes. Look up at the night sky from a very high (northern) latitude location, and you'll see the Big and Little Dippers, the bright orange giant Arcturus, and the Pleiades, among other sights. Yet if you head to the south pole, none of these celestial sights are visible, but you can see Alpha Centauri, the Magellanic Clouds, and the Southern Cross, all of which are never visible to most northern hemisphere skywatchers

3. Sunsets and sunrises happen at different times depending on your longitude. If the Earth were flat, then someone in New York and someone in Los Angeles would see the sun rise and set at exactly the same time as one another. But in practice, the difference is approximately three hours. Not only that, but at every point in between, the Sun rises/sets at a different time, something that could not happen if the Earth were flat.

That's just a few.

If I drop a hammer I do not need to see it fall to know it did indeed fall.

Roywhite Roywhite
Dec '18

For those of you who don’t watch “VICE”....the journalist went to a flat earth society convention. The JR sarcasm was NOT sarcasm to them. They gave similar “proof”. In reference to the stars, sun and moon, the “evidence” was a rip-off of the “Truman Show”. Whilst the premise of the Truman Show movie was interesting, I think the founders of the flat earth society took LSD, prior to watching.

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Dec '18

I believe people are that stupid. They still believe in ionic foot baths and that organic food is somehow "healthier" for you.

I beliieve in Santa Claus because......and a one and a two....

“Santa Claus wears a red suit
He’s a communist
And long white hair and a beard
Must be a pacifist

(what’s in that pipe he’s smoking)

Santa Claus comes in your house late at night
He must be a dope fiend
Makes you uptight.....” Arlo - the pause of mr claus.

Strangerdanger Strangerdanger
Dec '18

Organic is better if it truly is sans pesticides and hormones; we see no positive results from human exposure to these...

But what's on the other side?

The upside down...

ianimal ianimal
Dec '18

No, you're totally wrong, it's the downside up....

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Dec '18

On the bottom of the dish, in blue lettering, it says Made in China.

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Dec '18

Re: Do you believe that the Earth is flat?

Even NASA now says the Earth is an ellipsoid - which is not round...its an egg shape. .

"While the Earth appears to be round when viewed from the vantage point of space, it is actually closer to an ellipsoid. However, even an ellipsoid does not adequately describe the Earth’s unique and ever-changing shape."

An ellipsoid is a surface that may be obtained from a sphere by deforming it by means of directional scalings, or more generally, of an affine transformation. An ellipsoid is a quadric surface; that is, a surface that may be defined as the zero set of a polynomial of degree two in three variables.

"The upside down..."

Yikes! I hope not!!! We don't have an 11 to save us!

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Dec '18

Well Santa's sleigh made it around the world...That is proof to me that we are ok....MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ONE AND ALL

citychick citychick
Dec '18

Santa made it ACROSS the world, the way the crow, err...I mean reindeer fly. Straight across. It would take too long, if the earth was round. I got a present this morning. Maybe the earth IS indeed flat since a gift, for me, is an anomaly.

Guilty-Remnant Guilty-Remnant
Dec '18

Don’t bring up China landing a probe on the “far” side of the moon, not the “dark” side.

“There is no dark side, actually they’re both dark”

Roywhite Roywhite
Dec '18

Nice Pink Floyd reference! We listened to that album in the dark many times back in the day!

Reggie Voter Reggie Voter
Dec '18

Humans are the last analog object in a digital universe.

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Dec '18

Depends on if the Universe is a hologram or not, surface area is a thing. It'll probably boil down to the shape of space.

Though the Flat Earth Society takes it's science from religion that's hundreds of years old, it's more than likely that science is bogus.

People used to think the earth was the center of the universe from lack of perspective and knowledge. Now imagine if the Universe is a (edit)flat(edit) hologram, according to some scientific theories. Don't you think that would make the Earth flat, too? This is why science is fun, but not the opinions of people dead for hundreds of years that knew next to nothing of the Universe.

nobody nobody
Dec '18

Before or after Global Thermonuclear War?

dodgebaal dodgebaal
Dec '18

Science is it's own religion. It has all the hallmarks of any great religion.

GreyHawk GreyHawk
Dec '18

Like godless non-believer's? :>)

strangerdanger strangerdanger
Dec '18

Tales handed down, interpreted, revised, and disputed vs proven facts. Very similar. *

*please read that sentence with the upmost sarcasm.

Roywhite Roywhite
Dec '18

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