NJ Firework Law

To make it easy if it goes in the air and/or makes a noise louder than a cap gun or party snapper it is still illegal to use or possess in New Jersey. Please be considerate to your neighbors and their pets as you celebrate.


Walking Girl Walking Girl
Jun '19

Sorry to say, it is like talking to the wind. I've had dogs that literally needed to be sedated on a predictably firework night. On a night when a blast goes off unexpectedly, we had to deal with a shaking dog for hours. I also have burn dots on my white vinyl fence from fireworks. I am a proud American, and understand a celebration, but not at the neighborhood's expense.

USAfirst USAfirst
Jun '19

Some humans cannot handle it either. Especially military personnel with PTSD. Please be considerate.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jun '19

Agreed, 3wbdwnj! And I feel fireworks scare the heck out of wildlife.

Jesse132 Jesse132
Jun '19

happy 4th of july !! light em' if you got em'

have a blast

GreyHawk GreyHawk
Jun '19

light up the sky

not this kid not this kid
Jun '19

My neighborhood gets a display rivaling some of our local towns' celebrations. My question is if we can see it and we can hear it, and it is all illegal, why aren't the local police doing anything? I don't like being a grump, but I am not well and I go to bed fairly early (9:30 ish) to try to sleep, but this racket goes on sometimes until midnight. I can close my windows (doesn't help much) and deal with my hot, stuffy, non-air-conditioned house, but my thought is it is illegal, so why can't those who want to see fireworks just go to one of the public displays? It would be better for their budget too, as I would imagine those things aren't cheap.
Sorry folks. Just needed to vent.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Jun '19

lighting off fireworks on the 4th is the patriot thing to do.

not this kid not this kid
Jun '19

Lonesome Dove-if it shoots in the air or is louder than a firecracker it is illegal. I wish the police would do something about it.

Walking Girl Walking Girl
Jun '19

What a bunch of spoil sports. Independence Day is once a year. Fireworks are a long time tradition. I agree with Grey Hawk, light 'em if you got 'em. Celebrate your American freedom.

Calico696 Calico696
Jun '19

Re: NJ Firework Law

This popped up on my facebook page just now

Mrs. Resident Mrs. Resident
Jun '19

Calico - if it were just the 4th of July I could deal with it and even enjoy it but it’s a continuous thing throughout the year with the majority taking place during the summer.

I really don’t want to be a spoiled sport but some folks take it to the extreme.

Walking Girl Walking Girl
Jun '19

It's a wonderful thing to be able to celebrate our American Freedom on the 4th of July at venues that are licensed to set off fireworks; but please enjoy your fireworks Legally and with Consideration. Some of the posts above give very good reasons to Not set off illegal fireworks in your neighborhood: pets being traumatized, elderly people with health issues, wildlife are probably negatively affected, Military personnel with PTSD, possible damage to nearby properties, possible injury to people (as you all know it can and does happen.) We enjoy Fireworks on the 4th, and we go where they are being set off legally.

Dr. Pipes```` Dr. Pipes````
Jun '19

Happy 4th of July!! Light em up boys!!

Jun '19

cry babies on this board, relax and enjoy them

not this kid not this kid
Jun '19

Fireworks have been known to set people’s roofs in fire so.... happened to my in-laws. I’d be pretty mad if someone’s fireworks set my roof on fire, or my yard.

Jesse132 Jesse132
Jun '19

This thread makes John Adams sad.

light it and get away

Jul '19

First go to PA a free state and get the "real" stuff. Then come back to the nanny state and have fun! Another example of a law that makes no sense. Yeah it's illegal so it isn't out there. I guess all those loud concussions I hear are a figment of my imagination.

At least the predatory police don't even waste their time.

I believe the exact instruction labled on the item is;
“place on ground; light fuse and get away”.
Not that I’d know from personal experience......

Stymie Stymie
Jul '19

First of all, it's INDEPENDENCE DAY. It is celebrated on July 4th.

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Jul '19

Don....PA doesn't allow their OWN residents to buy 3/4 of the fireworks they sell, far from a free state IMO!

Maybe simply notify your neighbors if you plan on setting anything off. If you have a dog that is scared make arrangements to have him/her elsewhere for the night

Darrin Darrin
Jul '19

Actually yes they do Darrin. When those outlet stores just over the border opened, they weren't allowed to sell to PA residents, at least not the good stuff. I would go and my brother, a PA resident, wasn't allowed to be in the same aisles as me. I'd do the buying and we'd split it up in the parking lot. No one cared it was just a way to circumvent the law.

Now PA residents have full access, but do have to pay a 15-20% surcharge to buy the "good" stuff. So see, it's always about the money never about morals or safety.

And yes, PA is a much more "free" state than NJ. It took NJ like 6 decades to legalize sparklers and smoke bombs. Yet it sounds like Yuma proving grounds each 4th of July. So much for laws huh?

Its fully legal in PA now. If you live there you can buy them and fire off right in the parking lot. Sometimes I cant sleep either because the neighbors dog dont stop barking. That should be made illegal as well. Should be a noise ordinance for it.

Forcefed4door Forcefed4door
Jul '19

Actually I think they are trying to disallow purchase of certain fireworks in PA off lots and tents, and keep them to stores only.

If NJ cops could figure out how to "sniff" out fireworks for soft collars like they do pot they'd be all over it. The nanny state loves it's cheap revenue coffers.

It always amuses me when good people like those on HL are okay with disobeying a law that they disapprove or that they think is ridiculous or that, altho a law, it does not apply to them for whatever reason they pull out of their hats. By the way Forcedfed4door "Sometimes I cant sleep either because the neighbors dog dont stop barking. That should be made illegal as well. Should be a noise ordinance for it." Well, There are ordinances on the books in most if not all towns that allow a certain "time" amount of non-stop barking. I guess each town's ordinance could be different. I understand that just about everywhere no barking is allowed from 11:00 p.m. to about 7:00 a.m. I don't know what the exact ordinances reads, but that's close. Enjoy the Glorious Fourth and respect your Neighbors as You would like to be respected.

Dr. Pipes```` Dr. Pipes````
Jul '19

Laws only matter if someone decides to arrest/prosecute. The idea that breaking the law is in any way "bad" went out with the LP and rotary dialing.
...and respect for the neighbors? What about ME????

Thankfully we've had enough rain recently that it *shouldn't* be a fire hazard. As far as the rest is concerned, if I want fireworks I'll find the closest town display and watch theirs. Then that night I'll wear ear-plugs so I can get some sleep because I have to go to work in the morning.

We should have fireworks every night so dogs can get used to it.

And the rocket's red glare,
The bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night,
That our flag was still there.

BrownEyesGuy BrownEyesGuy
Jul '19


You do know that was written during the War of 1812, not the American Revolution, right?

Phil D. Phil D.
Jul '19

it's no different than exceeding the speed limit, 1 to 5 over no issue, 15 to 20 your gonna have a problem. moderation folks!

not this kid not this kid
Jul '19

“The idea that breaking the law is in any way "bad" went out with the LP and rotary dialing.”

Now that right there sums up our current society in a nut shell...

justintime justintime
Jul '19

“The idea that breaking the law is in any way "bad" went out with the LP and rotary dialing.”

I think the idea went out when laws stopped being about tangible crimes against other people/property to being about behaviors some people just don’t personally care for...

Mark Mc. Mark Mc.
Jul '19

.....or when inconsequential laws have been passed for no more reason than a fresh revenue stream.

Stymie Stymie
Jul '19

It's not the Fourth yet. Why are neighbors in Independence setting off fireworks tonight?

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Jul '19


not this kid not this kid
Jul '19

Why are they setting them off in the day light? That’s the real question

Jim L Jim L
Jul '19

Thanks to the NTAC in the Highlands blasting mortars at 7pm July 2. Karma bus coming to a town near you soon.

Who says you only have to set them off at night to be Patriotic?

The New Republican The New Republican
Jul '19

Some are designed to function at night otherwise you wouldn't see it during the day.

Anyway it's actually been very quiet this year so far. Maybe most of the PA runners stopped when Target started to carry remedial fireworks. Do the same folks here complain to all the locations that host fireworks? They sure do make a lot of noise for those nearby.

These are the same people who take Christ out of Christmas.

Hardly, Don.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jul '19

Sorry, but I have to laugh at the dog photo. People’s dogs bark all day every day and if anyone complains they say deal with it. So now the dogs can deal with it and their owners can deal with the aftermath.

Pcisnt4me Pcisnt4me
Jul '19

“Thanks to the NTAC in the Highlands blasting mortars at 7pm July 2.”

What’s NTAC? I think your neighbors might be interested to know ;-)

justintime justintime
Jul '19

"People’s dogs bark all day every day and if anyone complains they say deal with it."

That statement is not even worthy of a response. That is one of the most inaccurate, generalized, uninformed statements I have read regarding this thread- and there are some beauties!

The fact is if a dog happens to bark often or even the very rare if not flatly untrue and impossible instance of "all day every day", that action does not cause physical harm to the person annoyed by the noise of the barking. The noise of fireworks actually causes a tremendous primal fear, triggers their nervous system and the flight or fight response in some pets, dogs in particular Sometimes the noise can and does cause physical harm to the animal as in an attempt to get away from the noise the animal will engage in extreme behavior that can cause harm. In addition the stress and anxiety experienced by the animal during the episode can be severe. Imagine the stress the animal is going through and the effect it has on it. Humans can usually identify a stressor and while still unpleasant and harmful to ones health, people understand it. Dogs do not hence the uncontrollable anxiety, stress, and terror.

Some dogs and pets are not bothered at all. Some pets and people are greatly impacted. Simply if people want to enjoy fireworks either go to an event or at least understand that exercising your "patriotic right" or whatever one thinks it is in a neighborhood setting with homes typically very close to each other you are impacting many people and pets. It's all about respect for others and oh yeah the law.

Bull. You try living in a complex where people let their dogs bark all day.

Don’t tell me what the reality of my own situation is.

As for fear, do you care when you walk your dog down the street and there are people who are frightened to death of dogs? Of course you don’t. And I’m sure if they asked you not to walk the dog past their house you would probably tell them to deal with it.

Pcisnt4me Pcisnt4me
Jul '19

I stand by my reply.regarding " People’s dogs bark all day every day". Perhaps the dog(s) bark during the day at various times but I do not not believe all day every day is accurate. That is an exaggeration. Furthermore if in a complex others would most certainty be aware of it and action would be taken. With that said it would be annoying I'm sure when a dog or dogs bark repeatedly during the day. If this complex has more than one dog doing this then yes it would be a symphony of annoyance. Again that is an annoyance and if severe enough infringe on one's quality of life. People can be annoyed - dogs in this instance have instant anxiety and extreme stress that clearly has a tangible impact on their physical well being.

Fear? Again people can understand and identify fear. They may not be able to control it of even explain why the fear exists but they recognize the source of that fear. Dogs do not understand that. They do not have cognitive thinking skills to understand what is going on. That is the fundamental difference.

As far as a person having a fear of dogs, I absolutely would and do respect a persons fear of dogs. In fact I ALWAYS take great care when handling my dogs everywhere I go as that is the polite, respectful and prudent thing to do. I alter my routine almost daily as to not interfere or impose on anyone, particularly if they are fearful, allergic or simply don't like dogs. It's just a respectful, neighborly way to conduct oneself. That is how I choose to exist with others.

Ah the entitled dog owners. You know the type. Not worth a comment yet they post 4 paragraphs. Also the same people that bring their dogs to supermarkets, malls, restaurants, bars, airplanes etc. They don't even realize the liability should someone get bitten in one of those places. Yet...on the 4th of July these animals are so sensitive to loud noises. All loud noises, except barking.

This is so much fun!

Completely agree with Don. Why people feel privileged that they need to bring their dog with them everywhere is beyond comprehensible. How is it acceptable that someone who is allergic to dogs must have one sitting next to them on an airplane?

People need to stop being so over sensitive. Life isn’t fair, get used to it. Some people win and some people lose. It’s all part of life.

Yjdje Yjdje
Jul '19

I think the pro-illegal firework folks are actually the over-sensitive ones in my opinion.

As for dogs barking continuously, there are actually laws about this and legal action can be taken against the owner.

As a dog owner, I can not stand dogs barking and do everything in my power to limit the barking by my own dogs. I walk my dogs and promptly pick up after them. I do NOT bring them everywhere at all ever. I think people who do this are ridiculous and inconsiderate of others.

To suggest that the folks who would prefer that the fireworks are done by the professionals are entitled dog owners is absurd.

Consider the special needs person that may be sensitive to noises, the veteran suffering from ptsd, the newborn trying to sleep and yes all the domestic and wild animals who will be traumatized by the neighborhood amateurs exhibiting their "God Given Patriotic Rights".

Walking Girl Walking Girl
Jul '19

Don- Clearly there is a comprehension issue here. I am not some entitled dog owner. That my friend could not be further from the truth. Yes, I reacted to a sensationalized exaggerated comment about a dog barking all day every day. The point of my reply was not so much the content of the comment as the actual quantifiable nature of all day every day aspect. Just as your comment generalizing all dog owners who "bring their dogs to supermarkets, malls, restaurants, bars, airplanes etc. They don't even realize the liability should someone get bitten in one of those places". That in itself is an inaccurate statement. That is your opinion but not close to being factual. It's the type of statement employed to get a rise out of people. I personally interpret statements of that nature as a barometer.

As far as dogs being afraid of loud noises- well your statement is once again based in a lack of knowledge.While I would agree it does not make sense why certain noises create the anxiety in dogs and other noise does not. One of my dogs will sit next to me while using any sort of loud machinery or tool including a chainsaw or, a loud motorcycle etc. Not a blink. But a firework or gun shot type of sound and it is terrified. There is no black and white response for a dog when experiencing loud noises.

Some people posting on this thread are considerate and understand the impact their actions have on others and pets.Some simply may not realize it. Other people post simply to be contradictory. Others still are all out internet trolls. That's what you get on a public forum. I usually ignore much of it as a wise man once told me- it is a pretend universe on these forums- in the end, in reality this place is just entertainment at best.

As you stated, this can be so much fun.

As far as "People need to stop being so over sensitive. Life isn’t fair, get used to it. Some people win and some people lose. It’s all part of life."

To me life is not about who wins and loses- particularly at other peoples expense. Sure sounds like a very narrow minded I, Me ,Mine type of existence.

Its about self respect and respect for others.

The pet owners that allow their pets to pi$$ and crap all over the place- I live with it.

The drivers that use the world as their ash tray-I live with it.

Neighbors that don’t recycle and generate more trash in 3 days than I do in a month- I live with it.

My fireworks one or two days a year- live with it.

Light ‘em if you got ‘em.
And I’ve got ‘em.

Stymie Stymie
Jul '19

I like dogs and i like fireworks, so now what?

Stymie, light em' up man, light em' up, have a blast

GreyHawk GreyHawk
Jul '19

I can't believe I'm going to say this but- I agree with Stymie. Spoken like a true redneck, Stymie!!! Are you going to listen to Toby Keith and drink beer out of a red solo cup while you light them off? LOL

I'd have to add things like dealing with:

People disrespecting the flag, hating America, changing entire product campaigns because they have a Betsy Ross flag on it, removing statues of Confederate Civil War generals, you know stuff like that.

But yeah- we all have to "deal with it."

JeffersonRepub JeffersonRepub
Jul '19

I think my views on fireworks are nuanced depending on the neighborhood/neighbors. In our neighborhood between willow grove and high the homes are a little too close to enjoy the fireworks.

Stymie makes a great point here and I’m happy someone brought it up.

“Neighbors that don’t recycle and generate more trash in 3 days than I do in a month- I live with it.”

Either some of these homes around here have 23 people living in them or they need to seriously reconsider how they operate. I’ve seen construction sites that generate less garbage and mess.

Matilda Fuentes Matilda Fuentes
Jul '19

Again a basic lack of comprehension

From above:

"The pet owners that allow their pets to pi$$ and crap all over the place- I live with it.

The drivers that use the world as their ash tray-I live with it.

Neighbors that don’t recycle and generate more trash in 3 days than I do in a month- I live with it."

Not one of these annoyances mentioned that I have to " live with" causes physical and or psychological harm to people or a pet. Blasting fireworks in close proximity to others
and pets does. Understand now? Some things are simply annoying while one causes tangible harm.

I guess the smell of sulfur diminishes ones ability for basic reasoning skills. But hey let's face it, not all folks have the same IQ level and ability for critical thinking. I guess I'll have to "live with it". LOL

Blast away today!

light them up!

not this kid not this kid
Jul '19

Why, bless your little heart, Gregory.
I do thank you for your permissions.
(and I take it you don’t recycle).

Stymie Stymie
Jul '19

Re: NJ Firework Law

I did not give or deny any permissions. I'm just clarifying my point. Anyone can do anything they like at any time they like. Some actions have consequence others do not. That is why we celebrate today because we all enjoy the same freedoms.

What the hell does recycling have to do with anything? Ease up on the sulfur man! LOL

Of course I recycle, freecycle and re-purpose any and everything I can. That's simply being responsible.

It’s almost like some people don’t *want* to understand.

3wbdwnj 3wbdwnj
Jul '19

The precautions that everyone bothered by loud noises takes when there is an oncoming thunderstorm should be the same precautions they should take on the 4th of July.. They obviously have a strategy for dealing with Mother Nature, so this doesn't seem to be much different.

Well, the Independence fireworks display is going off at 9:15 p.m. Police must be out driving the Chief around again.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Jul '19

vacationing in Western Pennsylvania and as we drove home from the beach the fireworks were going off all over. people lighting them up on every block. VERY COOL!!!!


Would that be the beach at Moraine State Park, Pymatuming or Lake Erie?

Phil D. Phil D.
Jul '19

you forgot Conneaut Lake

but Lake Erie it is. Last night we were bay side at Presque Isle and Erie skyline was litup with big fireworks. and the locals were setting them off all over. and by midnight I didnt hear anymore


I didn't mention Sandy Lake either, even though part of my family is from there, lol. Lots to see there in the rust belt. They've converted and added a number of things to attract tourists to try to keep the area productive. Never visited Presque Isle even though I had friends in college (SRSC, now SRU) from the area. When staying in the Warren OH area last year we hit up the Packard Museum and the local Historical Society. The Avenue of 444 Flags in Sharon, PA is something to see too. Lots to do in that whole corner of PA and just over the border in OH!

Glad you had a great time

Phil D. Phil D.
Jul '19

On another site, a dog ran out of her yard on July 4th, is terrified of fireworks, and has been gone for over 24 hours. Unfortunately this is an example of the precious right to disrupt the neighborhood with fireworks. The College View area blasted their goods until 11 PM on the 3rd, 4th and 5th, and I'm sure they will continue into the weekend. It boggles my mind that for years the same people blow the neighborhood up year after year, and the police can't or won't, figure out who the culprits are. And to the neighbors of the culprits, are you aware that you can call the police and do not have to give your name or address, or talk to an officer. The link at the top of this thread says you need a permit for fireworks. I am sure individual households do not have permits.
I am so sorry for the owners of the lost dog.

USAfirst USAfirst
Jul '19

Americans celebrated with fireworks since before there was even an America. If you haven't learned to accept that (and to adapt to it, such as keeping scared pets indoors/secured, when people are using fireworks), then I blame the American education system. Because, I learned, at a very young age, that the world revolves around the Sun--NOT around me.

JerseyWolf JerseyWolf
Jul '19

Hope you hit Nunzi’s while up in Erie. Tasty.

StrangerDanger StrangerDanger
Jul '19

Greg- just so you will know that I’m a reasonable person.
On the 4th of July, my neighbors dog started barking ( as usual) at 6:00 AM.
I thought that gave me license to do fireworks until midnight.
But I’m understanding......
Knocked off at 11:30 PM.

Had a Blast!!!
And my neighbors participated!

Stymie Stymie
Jul '19

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