106 East Ave.
Does anyone have or know where to find a photo of the house that existed at 106 East Ave. ? it has since been torn down. i lived there from 1970-82 and would love to have a photo of it. i once had one that i took myself but have misplaced it over the years. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Proud Tiger
We keep a file on most of the houses in town in a series of binders at the Hackettstown Historical Society Museum, at 106 Church St.. Ray Lemasters, who is also Town Historian will be the docent at the Museum tomorrow (Wednesdays), between 2-4pm. If it isn't in the binder, there may be a picture of it in one of the scrapbooks we have, or in the family file of one of the owners of the house.
If you can't make it tomorrow to see Ray, I will be there a bit later, and will check the Binder for the address to see what we have, and will PM you to let you know what I find. We will also be open this (Good) Friday from 2-4pm, and you're welcome to stop in then, if you're free. We will be closed on Easter Sunday, however.
Coincidentally, we just had a visitor about a week ago that used to live at 105 East Ave.!
According to the Sanborn insurance maps of NJ, it looks as though that house was built between 1914 and 1923, since the first map it appears on is 1923 and that whole side of the street shows as a vacant lot on the 1914 map.
We have no picture, nor even a listing for that house in our binders. If you wish to PM me the family name, I can try to see if a picture is in a family file of one of the families that lived there once it was built.
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