"The Old Elm Tree"
I found this postcard titled "Hackettstown, NJ The Old Em Tree." Claiming that it is the oldest tree in New Jersey. I could not find any information. It may be long gone by now (Dutch Elm disease?). Hopefully someone knows something about it. The card has a divided back which would indicate that it was printed sometime after 1907.
Hi Mike V
While I'm unaware of anything in the Historical Society's collection regarding that tree, there may be a mention in one of the main books about Hackettstown. I'll give it a look. If Ray Lemasters sees your post, he'd likely know, if anyone.
I also don't recall seeing it listed on a map either. While I know Pennsylvania published a book about their largest trees, and I have a copy of it, I'm trying to remember whether NJ had a printed list or book at one time of NJ's largest trees. They DO have a website, dedicated to "Champion Trees", but they seem to list only current champions. One is on Willow Grove St., and the other is on East Ave. in the Hackettstown Union Cemetery. Neither of them are Elms.
Here's a link to NJ's interactive map:
Where Josh? I love an old tree..... at this point, they look young to me!!! I can remember when they were just saplings.....
Down by Pt. Murray, two houses up from the stop sign at the end of Rockport, there's the biggest Cherry I have ever seen. Just finished flowering and it was a very good year. Over the years, it has spread and now the flowering is a little stringy. Hoping time will fill in some of the space, but pretty close to 100 foot spread branch tip to tip. Have been enjoying for over 30 years and each year, there's only about a week of great views.
Of course the Shoe Tree, white oak, in Belvidere https://www.warrencountynjhistorical.org/Shoe-Tree.html
It's over 350 years old.
What about that massive Sycamore on 519N between Hope and White.
I don’t see it on the big tree list.
White oak 7th street between High and E. Prospect streets. Might be the largest and oldest tree in Hackettstown.
Cool map, Phil. I clicked it knowing the tree in Allamuchy State Park North (N of rt 80 off 517) would be there. Every time i park there for a hike the size of that tree astounds me. Thank again for the cool resource!
Apr '24
Josh & USRT46
Since you know of large trees, you should submit them to them at the website. The "About" section one the right side of the map gives you an opportunity to nominate a potential candidate to unseat one of these champion trees. They give addresses, phone and fax #s and this email address: bigandheritagetrees@dep.nj.gov
I'm glad people are enjoying the list! Hopefully people will be able to add some even larger ones!
Sadly, I still haven't found any info on the Elm in the postcard. At least not yet.
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