Traffic lights

Why are all the traffic lights in Hackettstown being replaced?????

Indie Indie
May '24

So you can get to the other side.

rob the roofer rob the roofer
May '24

But I got to the other side with the old traffic lights

Indie Indie
May '24

Waiting for the solar panels to be installed and hooked up. LOL!

mike l mike l
May '24

Ah...but what does a yellow light mean?

May '24

They are being upgraded that’s why

They seem to be badly placed by the 4 corners intersection under sagging overhead electrical wires.

The Lorax
May '24

Once they remove the old signals the wires won’t be hanging like they are

The sagging wires were done at the start of the construction. I’m sure they’ll be gone at the end. What was reason the existing lights needed to be replaced?

Indie Indie
May '24

It’s called maintenance or upgrading

May '24

Typically the lights are changed out for LED. However most have been done quite some time ago. I actually bought a few of Easton's reserve stock of incandescent traffic lights that were never installed.

In this case obviously the new traffic lights are simply part of the overall project upgrades conducted by DOT at those intersections here in town over the past several months.

@indie it’s part of the reconfiguration of a few intersections in town , 57/rt 182 mtn ave , east ave and 46 , 5 corners intersection and then grand and high all got upgraded with new lights , eventually those spots will get milled and paved

Is that a left on green arrow light going from 46 to 517?

May '24

Ah...but what does a yellow light mean?


NJSkyWatcher NJSkyWatcher
May '24

Actually NJSkyWatcher, according to Starman, yellow light means "go very fast"

M & K M & K
May '24

I was referencing this scene:

NJSkyWatcher NJSkyWatcher
May '24


Apparently to some people, it means that if the person in front of you comes to a stop because the light's turning red, you're supposed to suddenly accelerate, cross the double lines to go around them, and enter the intersection ON THE RED, so that you can hold up opposing traffic that now has the green.

The yellow lights are for people to clear the intersection in preparation for others to go. If you're approaching and see people that are already legally in the intersection trying to turn, you shouldn't speed up just to get through the intersection and leave them hanging there on the red. It just fouls up the way things are "supposed" to work. If you're able to, you're supposed to come to a stop, so the intersection can clear for the opposing traffic to be able to go as their light turns green.

Not that that seems to matter a lot, since too many don't seem to give a rat's a$$ about it, unless they're the one that has to complete their turn on the red, when opposing traffic already is getting the green.

Phil D. Phil D.
May '24

NJ Sky, I got it. Thumbs up.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
May '24

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