Lost cat (FOUND)

My orange and white cat, Georgie, got out on May 31st - at/around East Prospect street area. She can be very friendly.

Matthew Matthew
Jun '24

Re: Lost cat  (FOUND)

Hi there- my cat George ran off on May 31st around the East prospect street area of Hackettstown. She’s friendly but may be nervous because she’s not an outdoor kitty.

Matthew Matthew
Jun '24

I hope you find her Put up flyers w/ her photo all around within 1 mile of your house. Good luck!!

Hackresident Hackresident
Jun '24

Check around at night, shining a flashlight under bushes & porches, decks, anything she could hide under. Her eyes will reflect back from the light. Also, put something with your scent on it (clothing, blanket) out on your porch or nearby. Good luck.

Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Jun '24

Hi all! She has come home! Thank you for your support❤️

Matthew Matthew
Jun '24


Lonesome Dove Lonesome Dove
Jun '24

So happy that she is home!

Nallie Nallie
Jun '24

Thank you for letting us know! So happy for you!

Mr 4Paws Mr 4Paws
Jun '24


Hackresident Hackresident
Jun '24

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