Generator Repair.
Most any qualified electrician can service a whole house generator. If it is a Generac for example you can go to their website and source the local certified repair person as well.
Get Wired 2 in town happens to be the local Generac authorized repair. I am certain they can service other models as well.
149 U.S - 46
Plug a reversible drill into the generator and hold trigger down in forward setting while hand turning the drill in reverse. This will recharge the generator and bring power back. This trick works for generators that run but do not produce electricity.. Mayberry in Port Murray will work on the unit
The forum has a thread for stupid questions, maybe we should start one for strange answers, I think Robert should be first with this one.
What drill has plugs? Wifi maybe?
+1 eapos!
Get a reference or platinum generac guy. Mine is way out in pa if you can’t find closer.
Robert is 100% right. That is called "flashing a generator" that runs but doesn't produce electric. If that's the issue Mr. Robert's remedy almost always works!
No need to dump on him.
Aug '24
NO The drill only works on older generators with fixed magnets on the stator. Newer brushless generators have startup capacitors that go bad. Easy and cheap fix.
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